
  • 网络Qualitative state;doping state
  1. 论生产力系统内的链式质态组合

    On the Essential Combination in Productive Force System

  2. 大众文化对当代文化质态的改塑

    Remoulding modern culture by popular culture

  3. 经济结构的质态与转换是影响和制约经济增长的内生变量。

    The quality and transition of economic structure are the variables which influence and balance economic growth .

  4. 这些单一的人性质态在中国的人力资源管理中也一度发挥了非常重要的作用。

    These single human nature states once played a very important role in Chinese human resource management .

  5. 从文化质态上看,在西方社会长期发生作用的基督教传统,严格设定了一条区分神圣与邪恶的道德边界。

    The Christian traditions that have long predominated the West culturally specify a strict moral boundary between holiness and evil .

  6. 银行的风险可变性是指银行风险质态和程度具有不断变化的特征。

    First , the risk is changeable , which means banking financial risks condition and level are changing all the time .

  7. 在文化质态上,可以分为观念文化、制度文化、物质文化和行为文化四个层次;

    So far as its cultural characteristic pattern is concerned , it includes the four levels of conceptual , institutional , material and behavioral culture .

  8. 本文根据高职教育发展的质态和规律,对新时期高职教育的科学发展提出对策建议。

    According to its qualitative state and laws of development , this paper offers strategies for the scientific development of higher vocational education in the new times .

  9. 从不同视角考察,高校校园文化表现为多形态多层次的立体结构。在文化质态上,可以分为观念文化、制度文化、物质文化和行为文化四个层次;

    The college campus culture , if observed and studied from those internal relations of its essential elements , may find expressions in a multi-level and multi-pattern structure .

  10. 循此思路,可以更好地把握斯诺精神的内在生命质态,并预求能为转型期报告文学作家的创作提供有益的启示。

    Following this , we could have a better understanding of his spirit , and hope to get a beneficial enlightenment for the writers creation in the turning period .

  11. 有些是在一定历史条件下,利用一定的发展平台,由较低质态的生产力跨越了一种或几种质态,直接进入较高质态,从而实现了非连续的生产力跨越式发展。

    Some have been crossed over one or several kinds quality states and realized the non - continuous overstepping development of productivity by utilizing certain development platform under specific historical conditions .

  12. 网络生产力的质态构成与发展动力说明网络生产力将成为21世纪先进生产力的主体。

    It explain the network productive is going to become the main body of the advance productive in the 21 century by the network productive of essential form constitute and developing power .

  13. 在美国等西方国家里,不断创新、整合不同质态的真人秀影像节目,成为人们体验和探索新兴生活意趣与奇观的重要舞台。

    In Western countries like America , the continuous innovation , integration of different nature of the Reality Show , have become an important stage for people to experience and explore the emerging life interests and wonders .

  14. 随着社会生产力的发展,居民收入水平不断提高,消费水平、消费结构、消费方式是不断发展变化的,从低层次向高层次,高质态逐渐演变。

    With the development of the social production forces , the improvement of the resident income level , consumption level , consumption structure and consumption pattern vary continuously , and evolve from low administrative level to high level .

  15. 西方学者相继提出了经济人、社会人、自我实现人、复杂人等人性质态和相应的人力资源管理模式。

    Western scholars have put forward economic man , social man , self actualization man , complex man and other human nature states . At the same time , they also put forward the model of human resource management .

  16. 回顾西方审美主义由古希腊到中世纪基督教神学再到现代社会的发展过程,以及各个时期的审美质态,可以见出审美文化永恒地自我颠覆的特征。

    Gazing back at the development process of western aesthetics from the ancient Greece to the Middle Age 's theology and to modern society and an examination of the aesthetic state of the various periods reveal the eternal self-subversion of aesthetic culture .

  17. 中国的大众文化是改革开放的产物,并已成为当代最重要的社会文化,它影响着人们的文化价值观念,改变着人们的生活方式,强烈地冲击着中国以往的文化质态。

    Contemporary Chinese mass culture is a result of the reform happening in eighties . Now it has become the most important social culture , influencing people 's cultural values , changing people 's life style and assaulting the past cultural attitude strongly .

  18. 本文通过分析结构、功能、机制、环境四者间的关系,对系统开放度的质态特征及其量化途径作出了初步的概括,提出了研究适度开放的思路和意义。

    One of the important ways to develop " Theory Of Open System " in the opinion of this thesis , is to determine " open extent of system " through analyses of the relations among structure , function , mechanism and environment of system .

  19. 紧有机质结合态铜与pH呈正相关。

    SOB ( strong organic bound ) - Cu showed a significantly positive correlation with pH.

  20. 土壤Pb、Zn形态分析结果显示,与非根际土壤相比,多数作物根际可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、有机质结合态Pb比例降低,而铁锰氧化物结合态、残渣态Pb则显著增加;

    Comparing with control soil , exchangeable , bound to carbonate compounds and bound to organic matter Pb decreased slightly , but bound to Fe-Mn oxides and residual Pb increased significantly in rhizospheric soil .

  21. 目的:对多种转移潜能不同的人前列腺癌细胞上皮细胞间质转化态(EMT)特性进行鉴定,并从粘附因素和细胞骨架蛋白角度分析其骨转移潜能获得的分子机制。

    Objective : To determine the characteristics of epithelial-mesenchymal transition ( EMT ) in different human prostate cancer cell lines and explore the molecular mechanisms of bone metastatic potentials .

  22. 大豆根系通过将Cu2+转化为铁锰氧化物结合态和有机质结合态而减少吸收。

    Through transformed the Cu into iron / manganese oxide and organic matter bound in rhizosphere , soybean decreased the Cu absorption .

  23. 当重金属加入量较低时,重金属优先向氧化物结合态、有机质结合态转化;

    When heavy metals were added in low levels , the metals were preferentially transformed into oxides - and organic matter bound fractions .

  24. 污泥中铜主要以有机质结合态存在;镍主要是碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态。

    Cu in the sludge is mainly existing in organic matter bound , while Ni is mainly carbonates bound and Fe / Mn oxides bound .

  25. 由于土壤样品的不同解离功能团结合重金属的能力不同,采样区的重金属有机质结合态未表现出明显的分布规律。

    Due to different capacity of dissociation groups in the soils , there was no obvious distribution characteristic of organically-bound heavy metals in the sampling area .

  26. 非残渣态所占比例较小,且主要以硫化物-有机质结合态为主,只有在强氧化条件下才有可能释放造成危险。

    The non-residual state accounts for less percentage , and mainly are sulphide - organic matter bound , which can only pose a risk through release in the strong oxidized conditions . 5 .

  27. CeO2纳米晶修饰的细菌视紫红质薄膜M态寿命的研究

    Studies on the lifetime of m-state in bacteriorhodopsin film modified with ceo_2 nanocrystalline

  28. 以光谱反射率(反射率倒数,反射率对数,反射率一阶微分等)作为自变量,有机质和游离态氧化铁作为因变量,运用多元线性回归、BP神经网络方法建立数学模型。

    Mathematical models were built among spectral reflectance as independent variables and organic matter and ferric oxide as the dependent variable by multivariate linear regression and BP neural network .

  29. 细菌视紫红质能化态时表面电位的非线性光学机制

    Study on Nonlinear Optical Mechanism of Surface Potential in Energized Bacteriorhodopsin

  30. 抗溶剂沉淀沥青质过程相态及相平衡研究

    Phase behavior and equilibrium in asphaltene precipitation process with antisolvent