
Guō Mòruò
  • Guo Moruo; poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, translator, historian, paleographer
  1. T.三种文化背景下的郭沫若

    GUO Mo-ruo in Three Varieties Cultural Backgrounds

  2. 伟大的翻译家郭沫若:创作·思想与翻译

    The Great Translator Guo Moruo : Creation . Ideology & Translation

  3. 论郭沫若早期心灵诗学

    On the Study of Guo , Mo-ruo 's Early Mind Poetics

  4. 郭沫若墨学研究以唯物史观为指导,但时代政治的背景影响着其研究的学术价值。

    The academic value of his study was affected by political times .

  5. 郭沫若把情绪视为文学的原始细胞乃至文学的本质。

    Guo regarded emotion as the original cells and essences of literature .

  6. 可以说,这一年的郭沫若又一次焕发了青春。

    It can be said that this year , Guo again rejuvenated .

  7. 试论郭沫若历史剧中的女性形象

    On the Female Images in GUO Muo-ruo 's Historical Plays

  8. 郭沫若浪漫主义诗歌与新诗范式问题

    Guo Mo-ruo 's Romantic Poetry and New Poetry Paradigm Problems

  9. 论郭沫若的城市意识与城市诗(下)

    On Urban Awareness and Urban Poems of Guo Moruo (ⅱ)

  10. 郭沫若文学研究五十年

    Retrospect on Studies of Guo Mo-ruo ' Writings in the Past Fifty Years

  11. 本书为上海泰东图书局出版,郭沫若与该书局关系密切,说明此文应非假托与伪造。

    This book was published by Shanghai Taidong Press .

  12. 郭沫若早期的诗歌美学思想初探

    The Aesthetic Thoughts on Guo Moruo ′ s Poems in the Early Stage

  13. 对球形天才的再思考&世纪之交看郭沫若研究与评价

    On GUO Mo-ruo 's Appraise and Study at the Cross of Two Centuries

  14. 郭沫若的感情生活与泛神论思想杭院&我的人生情感加油站

    Hangzhou Institute of Financial Studies & The Refueling Station in My Emotional Life

  15. 我看你这个人的话,真是大牯牛的口水,太长!(&郭沫若:《屈原》)

    Your words are like the slobber of a buffalo & too long !

  16. 论郭沫若对弗洛伊德学说的借鉴

    On Guo Moruo ′ s Use of Freud ′ s Theories for Reference

  17. 论郭沫若史剧的悲剧艺术

    On GUO Mo-ruo 's Tragic Art of History Plays

  18. 论郭沫若自传文学创作的特征

    On the Characteristics of Guo Mo-ruo 's literary autobiography

  19. 在日本生活的二十余年,给郭沫若的史剧创作打下了坚实的基础。

    First is the solid foundation of creation .

  20. 青年郭沫若初次留日之思想发展研究

    The Ideological Development of the Young Guo Moro during his First Study in Japan

  21. 1978年6月12日,中国作家、学者郭沫若逝世,享年86岁。

    Chinese writer and scholar Guo Moruo died on june12th at the age of86 .

  22. 因而郭沫若剧中英雄人物的自觉意志永远是自由的。

    So , the conscious-will of the heroes in his plays is always free .

  23. 从歌德到莎士比亚&郭沫若的史剧理论与实践

    From Goethe to Shakespeare & Guo Mo-ruo 's Theory and Creation of Historical plays

  24. 郭沫若历来关注原始思维与诗歌创作的关系。

    Guo Moruo always paid great attention to the relation between primitive thinking and creation .

  25. 思考与回归:客家文化与郭沫若文学创作思想的深层构成

    Thinking and Regression : Hakka Culture and Deep Constitution of Guo Mo-ruo 's Literature Creation

  26. 历史精神与艺术构想&论郭沫若历史剧创作的心理特征

    The spirit of history and artistic Conception

  27. 在郭沫若的《王昭君》里,她是具有叛逆意识的娜拉;

    As an image like Nala with rebellion consciousness in the Wang zhaojun by Guo Moruo ;

  28. 重读郭沫若&谈中国儒家思想对郭沫若后期创作生活的影响

    Rereading GUO Mo-ruo : Discussion of the Confucianism Impact on the GUO 's Late Creating Life

  29. 郭沫若是中国20世纪文化艺术发展史上的杰出代表人物。

    Guo Moruo had made great achievements in China 's cultural and artistic phylogeny in20th century .

  30. 郭沫若的内在韵律论简评

    Theory of Intrinsic Rhythm in Poetry