
  1. 剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。

    The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx 's economic theory .

  2. 次贷危机成因的马克思经济理论分析

    An Analysis of the Reason about the Sub-primary Crisis by Using Marxist Economic Theory

  3. 马克思经济理论价值取向之浅见

    The Orientation of Value of Marxist Economy Theory

  4. 创新马克思经济理论教学的研究

    Research of Innovating Marx 's Economic Theory Teaching

  5. 向古典的马克思经济理论回归

    Regressing to the classical Marx 's economics

  6. 在马克思经济理论的鼓舞下,布尔什维克寻求推翻资本主义。

    Inspired by the economic theories of Karl marx , the Bolsheviks sought to smash capitalism .

  7. 转变传统的教条主义的理念,充实和创新马克思经济理论的教学内容。

    We must Change the idea of traditional dogmatism , substantiate and innovate the content of courses of Marx 's economic theory .

  8. 转形问题是马克思经济理论面临的关键难题,乃马克思分配理论逻辑框架的核心。

    Transformation problem , being one of the pivotal puzzles of Marxian economics , is the kernel of the logical framework of Marxian distribution theory .

  9. 他引用李嘉图本人修正劳动价值学说的话,来反对马克思经济理论的基础,并诬蔑马克思误解了李嘉图,但他只字不谈李嘉图所以提出违反其本意的说法的原因,这值得我们研究。

    He opposes the base of Marxist economic theory by quoting Ricardo 's words of revising labor value theory and he says Marx had made misunderstanding on Ricardo .

  10. 国外关于《资本论》第二稿写作阶段的传统划分,与手稿的实际写作进程不符,掩盖了手稿所反映的马克思经济理论结构的复杂的制定过程。

    The traditional demarcation abroad of writing stages of Capital second script does not accord with the actual writing Processes , thus keep it unknown the complex processes of Marx 's thinking on economic theoretical structures .

  11. 马克思经济理论的本质和活的灵魂是其用于分析资本主义经济运行和人类社会发展的辩论唯物论,即辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义。

    Essence and living soul of Marx 's economic theory are that it is used for analyzing capitalist economical operation , analyzing the materialist dialectics of the human social development , namely dialectical materialism and historical materialism .

  12. 立足于现实经济条件讲授马克思经济理论,要突出其建设性对社会主义经济体制改革和现代化建设的指导性,推进社会主义生产力的发展。

    Basing on the economic condition of reality to teach Marx 's economic theory , we must stress its constructiveness , and the guidance of the socialist economic system reform and modernization to advance the development of socialism productivity .

  13. 根据马克思经济理论,分析了水资源价格问题,提出了水价不应由平均生产费用来决定而应由不利供水条件下的费用来决定的观点。

    Based on comprehensive analysis on the construction of water resource price , a opinion that water price should be determined on the water supply cost under disadvantageous conditions , instead of on average production cost , in this paper .

  14. 基于马克思经济危机理论的美国金融危机问题研究

    On the American Financial Crisis Based on Marxist Financial Crisis Theory

  15. 中美贸易失衡的经济理论分析&以马克思的经济理论为基础

    Analysis of Sino-US Trade Imbalance : Based on Marxist Economic Theories

  16. 完善马克思经济周期理论教学的两点建议

    Two Teaching Suggestions on Improving " Marxist Economic Cycle Theory "

  17. 马克思经济增长理论探析

    Research on Marx 's Economic Gowth Theory

  18. 马克思主义经济理论与博弈论的比较研究

    Classification of Studies on Education of Marxist Theories ; Comparison on Marxism and Game Theory

  19. 劳动创造价值的理论,是马克思主义经济理论的重要组成部分。

    The theory of labor creating value is the important part of Marxism economic theories .

  20. 对马克思经济危机理论在当代发展的研究,具有重要的理论意义。

    It is of importance to study the development of economic crisis theory in modern society .

  21. 引人注目的马克思主义经济理论创新&曹能国的专著《马克思主义理论重心转移》评介

    Spectacular Innovation in Marxist Economic Theory

  22. 马克思主义经济理论不是一成不变的教条,而是进一步研究的出发点。

    Marxist economic theories are not an unchangeable dogma , but the starting point for further studies .

  23. 最后是结合马克思主义经济理论中有关经济主体行为的基本设定,阐析了西方经济理论的基本假设在社会主义市场经济中的适应性问题。

    Lastly , it explains the adaptability of the basic assumptions in western economic theory to socialist market economy .

  24. “两张皮”不能使《政治经济学》成为一门真正的科学,也无法正确对待和发展马克思主义经济理论。

    This structure may not help to making it a true science and adopting a correct attitude towards marxist economic theories .

  25. 马克思主义经济理论在当代中国发展的主要内容有:社会主义初级阶段理论、社会主义生产资料所有制理论、社会主义市场经济理论、社会主义个人消费品分配理论。

    Its main contents include theories of primary socialist stage , productive resource ownership , socialist market economy and socialist distribution of personal consumer goods .

  26. 第二章是统筹城乡发展的理论基础,主要从马克思主义经济理论和西方经济理论两方面来尝试,试图找到统筹城乡发展的理论依据。

    Chapter Two is the theoretical basis of balance urban and rural development , derived from the Marxism economic theory and the western economic theory .

  27. 本章分为三个部分,包括马克思主义经济理论中关于产业地区转移的论述,西方经济理论中关于产业地区转移理论的论述,以及我国学者对产业地区转移理论的研究现状。

    There are three parts including Marxist political economics concerning with industrial relocation , economics on relocation of industries and domestic scholars ' studying results .

  28. 本文试图综合运用马克思主义经济理论和西方新制度经济理论,分析跨国公司产权制度的变迁。

    This essay tries to analyse the changes of equity system of transnational corporations by comprehensively using the Marxist economic theories and western new institutional economics theories .

  29. 主要从危机理论的实质、根源、表现形式以及危机爆发的现实性方面来阐述马克思经济危机理论的主要内容。

    It is mainly from the substance causes , forms and aspects of the reality of the crisis of Marxist economic crisis theory to describe its main content .

  30. 在马克思主义经济理论的指导下,本文对国外采用的一些森林生态效能经济评价方法进行了类比研究,对森林生态效能经济评价方法的理论基础做了探讨。

    Under the guidance of marxist economics , this paper makes a systematic study of the theory and method for the economic evaluation of ecological effect of forest .