
  1. 最看好的那匹马以不足一马头的优势获胜。

    The favourite won by a short head .

  2. 那匹马以整整领先两个马身的优势获胜。

    The horse won by two clear lengths .

  3. 我的马以一鼻之差赢了比赛。

    My horse won the race by a nose .

  4. 该马以一头之距赢得赛马的胜利。

    The horse won the race by a head .

  5. 唐三彩上釉马以其造型精美和形态生动而著名。

    Tang three-color glaze horses are famous for their perfect design and realism .

  6. 女王的马以一马头之距离获胜。

    Queen 's horse win by a head advantage .

  7. 除了狗和马以外别的都送人。

    Give everything away except the dogs and horses .

  8. 农夫饲养牛、马以供应市场。

    The farmer breeds cattle and horses for market .

  9. 马以极快的速度跑完它的路程。

    The horse devoured the course before him .

  10. 她的马以超前六匹马身长度跑完全程。

    Her horse finished six lengths ahead .

  11. 马以全速奔跑。

    The horse galloped at full speed .

  12. 他的马以一鼻之差取胜。

    His horse won by a nose .

  13. 当门完全打开的时候,松开门,牵着马以直线通过门。

    When the gate is fully open , let go of the gate and walk your horse straight through .