
  1. 在调查前,我国应完善相关制度和制定应对策略,避免遭受双反调查。

    Before the investigation , we should perfect the relevant systems and develop coping strategies to avoid the subject of investigations .

  2. 这是美方首次针对中国清洁能源产品发起双反调查。

    This is the first time that the United States initiated " double reverse " investigations to Chinese clean energy products .

  3. 同时对木地板、反倾销、反补贴以及双反调查给予界定。

    Meanwhile , it defines some relevant concepts : wood flooring , anti-dumping , countervailing as well as " double reverse " investigations .

  4. 双反调查超出了其对国内产业受到的实质性损害补偿的限度,对我国的出口贸易造成了损害。

    Double reverse survey of exceeded its domestic industry is substantial damage compensation in our country , the extent of the damage caused by export trade .

  5. 截至2010年1月,美方共对中方产品发起了24起双反调查,以涉案行业来看钢铁行业是美方双反调查的重点行业。

    As of January 2010 , the United States initiated 24 cases to Chinese products from the " double reverse " and focus on the iron and steel industry .

  6. 在当前愈演愈烈的美国双反调查的大背景下,我国政府和企业应该如何去做,是值得研究的一个问题。

    Under the background that the American " double reverse " investigations become more and more intense , it is worth for us to study what our government and enterprises should do .

  7. 但作为双反调查的主体,我国企业更应该积极参与应诉,完善内部管理会计制度,规范经营行为。

    Meanwhile , as the main subjects of the " double reveres " investigations , Chinese enterprises should actively participate in the respondent , improve their internal accounting systems and regulate the conduct of management .

  8. 双反调查程序是反倾销调查程序和反补贴调查程序在实践中的结合形式,有时反补贴调查程序与反倾销调查程序会进行适当的调整。

    An " anti-dumping and countervailing " investigation procedure is the combination state of anti-dumping investigation procedure and countervailing investigation procedure in practice , and sometimes countervailing investigation procedures and anti-dumping investigation procedures will make same appropriate adjustments .

  9. 双反调查是针对同一国家/地区的同一产品同时进行反倾销调查和反补贴调查。

    An " anti-dumping and countervailing " investigation is an investigation on a same kind of products of the same country / region at the same time , it is not an independent investigation , but the combination of anti-dumping investigation and countervailing investigation .

  10. 由于我国出口到美国的产品大部分都是低利润的,所以在遭受双反调查及被征收巨额惩罚性关税之后,我国的外贸企业几乎不可能再进入美国的市场。

    Due to the low profit of Chinese products that are exported to the United States , our enterprises are almost impossible to re-enter into the American market after they suffer the " double reverse " investigations and are imposed on a huge amount of punitive tariffs .

  11. 这给美国商务部对此类产品进行反倾销和反补贴(“双反”)调查扫清了道路。

    This gives the us department of commerce for this type of product for anti-dumping and countervailing (" the two sides ") investigation cleared the way .