
  1. 闫旭(音译),一名经纪人,22岁,她进行了双眼皮,鼻整形,下颌植入手术,如图手术前及术后。

    Yan Xu , a22-year-old broker , pictured before ( left ) and after surgery ( right ) . She hadeyelid surgery , a nose job , and chin implants

  2. 丁医生称割双眼皮术和鼻子整形手术最为常见。

    He says the most common operations are for double eyelids and nose jobs .

  3. 对渴望看起来更洋气的亚洲女性来说,双眼皮手术、鼻子整形手术等整容治疗越来越受青睐。

    Certain plastic surgery treatments , including double-eyelid surgery and nose jobs , are increasingly popular amongst Asian woman wishing to look more western .