
zǔ zhī yí zhí
  • tissue transplant
  1. 组合组织移植在修复手毁损伤中的应用

    Application of combined tissue transplant in repair of damage injury in the hands

  2. 组织移植之排斥反应

    Tissue transplant rejection reaction

  3. 输血是一个特殊的、有限制的组织移植的例子

    Blood transfusions are a special , limited example of tissue transplantation .

  4. 大鼠自体脾组织移植后神经再生中生长相关蛋白mRNA的表达

    Expression of growth associated protein mRNA in nerves of splenic autograft after autotransplantation in rats

  5. 本文应用生长抑素、5-羟色胺、P物质,胶质酸性蛋白的抗体,通过免疫细胞化学反应,对胚胎脊髓组织移植后的细胞构筑特征进行了观察。

    The cytological and topographical features after fetal spinal cord transplantation were analysed using immunocytochemistry of somatostatin , serotonin , substance P and glial fibrillary acidic protein .

  6. 人类HLA抗原分型在人类学、法医学、疾病易感性及器官组织移植等研究中有重要的意义。

    HLA typing is significant in the study of anthropology , forensic medicine , disease susceptibility and organ transplantation .

  7. 目的探讨带血管蒂同种异体复合组织移植缺血再灌注损伤(IRinjury)时的细胞凋亡现象及细胞凋亡在此过程中的生物学效应。

    Objective To study apoptosis after vascularized compound tissues transplantation ( VCTT ) and to evaluate the role of apoptosis in ischemia-reperfusion injury ( IR injury ) .

  8. 把Wistar胎鼠脑皮质组织移植到同种大鼠的脑缺损腔内。

    Transplantations of fetal Wistar - rat brain tissue into cerebral hemisphere of adult rat s were performed .

  9. 目的探讨胚胎胸腺组织移植对系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)模型鼠的治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the therapeutic effects of fetal thymus transplantation on systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) mice .

  10. 小剂量FK506作用下同种脾组织移植诱导大鼠原位肝移植术后免疫耐受的机制

    Allogeneic spleen tissue transplantation combined with low-dose FK506 in induction of allograft tolerance in orthotopic liver transplant rats

  11. 前言:目的:建立口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)组织移植动物模型。

    Objective : To establish an animal model of oral lichen planus ( OLP ) .

  12. 软组织移植瘤~(18)F-FDGPET/CT最佳显像时研究

    Optimal Imaging Time of ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG PET / CT in Implanted Soft Tissue Tumors of Rabbits

  13. 建立兔同种异体颜面复合组织移植的实验动物模型,FK506与皮质激素联合应用作为免疫抑制治疗方案。

    Establish the experimental animal models of rabbit composite facial allotransplantation , using FK506 and corticosteroids to conduct immunosuppressive treatment .

  14. 结论软骨具有移植抗原性;以低渗的TritonX-100为主的脱细胞方法可以有效的去除移植物的抗原性,从而避免同种异体组织移植排斥反应的发生。

    Conclusion Human ear cartilage has allograft antigenicity and its antigenicity can be removed by cell extraction with Triton X-100 .

  15. 所以理论上将微囊化技术与基因工程技术及组织移植技术相结合,通过转VEGF基因的方式使囊内细胞具有分泌VEGF的功能,可促进移植组织血管化。

    Therefore in theory by microencapsulation technique combining with genetically engineering and tissue transplantation technique , cells in microcapsule may secret VEGF through transferring gene , and promote angiogenesis of implanted tissue .

  16. 结果:同种胎鼠脑皮层组织移植后存活率为30%,ABC法显示有5-HT能神经纤维从宿主脑组织长入移植物中。

    Results ; It was shown that only 30 % of the grafts were survived and the serotonergic-like nerve fibers were projected from host brain to the grafted tissue .

  17. 脾损伤患者自体脾组织移植术后血清tuftsin的变化

    Changes of serum tuftsin after splenic autotransplantation in patients with splenic trauma

  18. 目的探讨应用外源性VEGF促进自体脾组织移植后血管再生与结构重建的影响,为VEGF用于自体移植脾组织的实验研究和临床应用提供理论参考依据。

    Objective To investigate the effects , the feasibility and the mechanism of exogenous VEGF on vascular regeneration and reconstruction of the splenic tissues during the process of splenic autotransplantation into the greater omentum .

  19. 目的研究兔延迟断蒂组织移植局部内皮素(ET)和一氧化氮(NO)含量的变化及其与血管痉挛的关系。

    Aim To study the changes of endothelin ( ET ) and nitric oxide ( NO ) in the local site of tissue transfer with delayed breaking pedicle and the relation with vasospasm in rabbits .

  20. 将胚腹侧中脑组织移植到受损侧纹状体后,移植区内TH及NOS阳性神经元存活良好,未见NADPH-d+TH双标记神经元。

    Months after implanting fetal dopaminergic neurons into ipsilateral striatum , TH and NOS-positive neurons survived well in grafting area , but no NADPH-d + TH double labelled neurons were found .

  21. 目的:观察小剂量FK506作用下同种脾组织移植对大鼠肝移植术后免疫耐受的影响,探讨其可能的机制。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of allogeneic spleen tissue transplantation with low-dose FK506 on allograft tolerance in rats receiving orthotopic liver transplant and the related mechanism .

  22. 结论:CTLA4Ig能延长异体耳廓复合组织移植后的存活,其疗效与剂量相关。

    Conclusions : CTLA4Ig could prolong the survival of auricle allograft with a correlation between effects and dosage .

  23. 本实验建立的日本大耳白兔和Beagle犬的包含面神经的同种异体颜面复合组织移植动物模型具有可行性。其中兔适合作为中短期观察的动物模型,Beagle犬适合作为长期观察的动物模型。

    The transplantation animal models of Japanese white rabbit , Beagle dog composite facial allotransplantation is feasible , of which Japan rabbit can be used as short-and-medium term model , Beagle dog to be long-term model . 3 .

  24. 结论脂肪瓣延迟术可促进瓣内VEGF的表达,提示与皮瓣一样,可增加瓣内的血管增生,用瓣内脂肪组织移植可能增加存活率和存活时间。

    Conclusion The delay procedure can enhance expression of VEGF and angiopoiesis in fat flaps as similarly as in skin flaps . It suggests that the adipocytes in a delayed fat flap have the potential to increase the survival rate and duration after the delayed fat flap is transplanted .

  25. 结论将成人睾丸组织移植到免疫缺陷小鼠体内,110d后仍观察到有生精细胞的存活。

    Conclusion After xenografting adults ' testicular tissue into immunodeficiency mice , the survival of spermatogenic cell could be observed in 110 days later .

  26. 研究建立准确的基于人白细胞抗原一DPB1(HLA-DPB1)核酸序列的基因分型技术,为疾病与HLA基因相关性研究及器官、组织移植提供准确的HLA基因分型方法。

    This study is to establish an accurate gene typing technique based on HLA-DPB I nucleotide sequence , it may be used in study of the relationship between HLA gene and some disease , provide an accurate HLA gene typing method in organ and tissue transplantation .

  27. 结果显示:自体脾组织移植术后近期,血清tuftsin浓度明显下降,但术后远期可恢复接近正常水平,而全脾切除术后却呈进行性下降趋势。

    It was found that the concentration of serum tuftsin in those patients treated with splenic autotransplantation was remarkably decreased in postoperative short period and restored normal in postoperative long period but it was progressively decreased in those patients treated with total splenectomy .

  28. 大鼠皮质缺损胎脑组织移植的研究

    A Study of Fetal Brain graft of Damaged Cortex in Rats

  29. 胚胎脑组织移植长期存活的观察

    Observation of survival time of cerebellar transplants from embryos of rats

  30. 显微外科皮瓣及复合组织移植术后护理经验及教训

    Postoperative nursing experience of microsurgical flaps and composite tissue grafting