
zǔ hé kònɡ zhì
  • Combined control;combinatorial control
  1. 自动化船舶的机舱设备热工参数的定值控制系统多采用P、I、D的组合控制。

    The PID combined control is adopted mostly in the constant control system of thermodynamic parameters for automotive engine room equipment .

  2. 通过仿真试验研究了双回路PID多种组合控制方案的可行性,并选出最佳方案&双回路PD-PD控制方案。

    The feasibility of multi - combination of the PID control with two loops is tested by simulation .

  3. 信息组合控制中心子系统采用INS、GPS、计程仪等导航信息组合,利用联邦卡尔曼滤波算法提高了整个系统精度;

    The subsystem of data fusion control center adopts navigation data of INS , GPS , LOG , etc. Federal Kalman Filter algorithm is used to improve the overall accuracy .

  4. 本文提出用APPLEⅡ微型计算机系统管理组合控制柜的自动控制器,使冲击电压发生器按计算机程序的设置对试品进行冲击电压试验。

    This article proposes using an APPLE ⅱ microcomputer to manage the automatic controller of the control box so as to let the generator perform the impulse test following what is arranged by the computer program .

  5. 主动配电网是具备组合控制各种分布式能源(DistributedGeneration,DG)能力的配电网络,通过主动控制和主动管理将电源和用户需求有效连接起来。

    Active distribution network ( ADN ) refers to distribution network having the ability of combinable controlling various distributed energy resources , and effectively connects generation with consumers ' need through active controlling and management .

  6. 将上述三种控制器和SRD的组合控制策略结合起来,通过比对仿真波形发现,在同样的组合控制策略下,采用自适应模糊控制器的转速性能指标优于采用常规模糊控制器和采用PID控制器的转速性能。

    Combined the three controller and the SRD control strategy , it is found that the speed performance of the adaptive fuzzy controller is better than the conventional fuzzy controller and PID controller .

  7. 飞航导弹块对角模型组合控制算法的仿真

    The Combined Control Arithmetic Simulation of Missile 's Block Diagonal System

  8. 基于模糊推理和广义预测的组合控制

    A combined control algorithm based on fuzzy inference and Generalized Prediction

  9. 控制回路用四个开关阀的组合控制流量;

    Four-switch combination was used to control flux for control loop .

  10. 量水仪表中传感器与放大器组合控制电路设计

    The combined circuit device of transducer and amplifier in water-measuring meter

  11. 离散变结构系统的组合控制策略研究

    Study of Combined Control Strategies for Discrete Variable Structure Control Systems

  12. 飞机地面压力加油系统管路流量匹配的组合控制

    Integrated control of flow distribution in ground pressure-refueling system for aircraft

  13. 用力和位移组合控制研究摩擦粘-滑

    Study of frictional stick slip by controlling combination of force and displacement

  14. 结构振动的独立模态和耦合模态的组合控制

    Hybrid method of independent and coupled modal space controls for intelligent structures

  15. 模糊控制器与神经网络预估器组合控制系统的研究

    Study on the Combination of the Fuzzy Controller and Neural Network Predictor

  16. 基于三段组合控制策略的无人机飞行控制

    UAV Flight Control Based on Three Section Combination Control Tactics

  17. 制冷系统自由组合控制方案的探讨

    Analysis and Study on the Free Combination Control Solution of Refrigeration System

  18. 随机伺服系统自适应二次最优组合控制

    Adaptive and quadratic optimal combined control of stochastic servo systems

  19. 研究岩石破裂等弱化行为的力-位移组合控制方法

    A testing method controlling the combination of load and displacement

  20. 大型空间可展开天线展开过程组合控制研究

    Study on Combination Control of Deploy Process of Large Space Deployable Antenna

  21. 基于组合控制模型的数字火控随动系统设计

    Design of Digital Fire Control Servo System Based on Composite Control Model

  22. 基于可拓控制的离散变结构系统的组合控制

    Hybrid Control Strategy for Discrete Variable Structure Control Systems via Extension Control

  23. 多高层建筑结构组合控制理论及其应用

    Theory of Combined Control System and Its Application in Multistory and Highrise Buildings

  24. 无辨识自适应算法与模糊推理的组合控制

    Identification-free Adaptive Algorithms and Fuzzy Inference Combination Control

  25. 三自由度并联机器人的同步组合控制

    Synchronized combined control for a 3-DOF parallel manipulator

  26. 植物基因的转录调控是以组合控制方式进行的。

    The transcription of plant genes is regulated in the way of combination control .

  27. 提出了基于导弹非线性分块模型的组合控制方法。

    A combined control method is proposed based on nonlinear block model of missiles .

  28. 一种基于LQ/变结构控制的多模型组合控制

    Multiple-model composite control based on LQ / VSC

  29. 风力送丝组合控制研究

    Compounding Control Research of Pneumatic Conveying Cigar Silk

  30. 植物基因转录的组合控制

    The combination control of plant gene transcription