
  1. 第五部分对QC集团ERP系统实施项目中人力资源的管理,从组织外部环境、人力资源管理意识、培训体系、团队文化建设等方面提出ERP系统实施项目人力资源管理建设策略。

    The fifth part of the QC group ERP system implementation projects in the management of human resources , from the external environment , human resources management consciousness , cultural construction , team training system in such aspects as ERP system implementation project construction of human resources management strategy .

  2. 控制环境可分为组织外部环境和组织内部环境。

    Control Condition can be divided into external condition of organization and internal condition of organization .

  3. 另一方面,从组织外部环境和组织内部设计两个层面提出了明晰我国非营利组织产权关系的一些对策建议。

    On the other hand , it puts forward some suggestions to clear property rights of Chinese Non-profit Organization in the external environment level and the organization internal design level .

  4. 在新技术革命和全球价值链重组的背景下,现代技术发展速度越来越快,复杂程度飞速提高,组织外部环境的不确定性日益增强。

    Along with the new technological revolution and the recombination of global value chain , modern technology has developed dramatically and intricately and the uncertainty of organizational external environment is increasing as well .

  5. 该模式认为在组织外部环境既定的情况下,创业机会是公司创业的重要前提,而组织中的中层管理者将作为创业团队的核心,在公司创业过程中充当重要角色。

    This model suggests that as the external environment is vested , entrepreneurial opportunities are essential preconditions of CE and middle-level managers who play important roles in CE process , are the core of entrepreneurial team .

  6. 笔者在先后跟踪调查、了解和分析湖蒿合作社的发展过程后,认为组织外部环境和内部环境都有相应变化,共把利益关联分为两个层次。

    After the tracking survey , understanding and anglicizing of the development of Artemisia cooperatives , the author think of external environment and internal environment have a corresponding change , the benefit correlation is divided into two levels .

  7. 关联性维度是描述组织与外部环境的联系,包括:①社会网络关系。

    It includes social-network relationship , organization ecosystem .

  8. 在此基础上,本文重点从农业技术创新的供给、需求和中介组织、外部环境四个方面,提出了江苏农业现代化进程巾技术创新存在的问题。

    Furthermore , it poses the problems of technological innovation in the course of Jiangsu agricultural modernization .

  9. 知识经济时代,企业及组织的外部环境变化速度超乎想象,时时处处充满不确定性已经成为唯一确定的因素。

    In knowledge economy era , change speed of the external environment of enterprises and organizations is beyond imagination , every time and everywhere uncertainty has become the only determinate factor .

  10. 它的突出优势就是通过减少薪酬等级拉大薪酬变动范围来引导员工关注自身能力的提高和技能的增长,同时增强组织适应外部环境的灵活性和有效性。

    Its outstanding advantage is that by reducing the pay grades and widening scope of the changes to encourage their employees to pay attention to their capabilities and skills growth , while enhancing the organization to adapt to the flexibility and effectiveness of the external environment .

  11. 就学校管理而言,利益关系人是指教育系统内,存在于学校内部组织和外部环境中的,与学校当前运营和未来发展存在一定利益关系并有积极行为的个人或团体。

    In school 's management stakeholder means an individual or a group who has beneficial relationship with the school 's operation at present and development in the future and has active behavior that exists in the inner organization and external environment of school in the education system .

  12. 影响商业银行组织架构的外部环境因素具有开放和动态的性质,并充满着不确定性。

    Outer-environment affecting commercial bank organization design is open and variable .

  13. 农民专业合作组织发展的外部环境因素分析&对河南省农民专业合作组织的调查与思考

    Analysis of the problems in the external environment about the development of peasant special cooperative organizations

  14. 技术环境、制度环境、市场环境因素等构成了影响产业组织模式的外部环境。

    Technology environment , institutional environment , and market environment compose the environment affecting the industrial organization model .

  15. 主要是从产权制度和治理结构、业务体系及创新、组织结构、外部环境等角度重点性进行论述。

    They primarily include property rights , company government , business creation , organize construction and exterior environment , etc.

  16. 二是企业家所处的客观环境(个人环境、组织环境、外部环境)。

    The other is the objective environment around him , including personal environment , organizational environment and external environment .

  17. 影响IT能力提升的因素很多,主要包括IT资源、组织惯例、外部环境和组织学习等。

    There are many factors influencing IT capabilities , such as IT resources , organizational routines , outside environments , and organizational learning .

  18. 企业战略是动态协调企业组织和外部客观环境的社会生态系统,具有丰富的生态学内涵。

    Corporate strategy is a social ecosystems harmonizing organization and external objective environment to achieve dynamic fit , which has abundant ecological meaning .

  19. 在研究过程中将涉及的重点是:吉林省慈善组织的外部发展环境,以及对其有重要影响的内部因素。

    The highlights of the research are as follows : external developing environment of charity organizations in Jilin Province and the influential internal elements .

  20. 本文将逆向物流的影响因素看作三类,内部组织因素,外部环境因素与合作过程因素。

    In this paper the impact of reverse logistics as the three factors , internal organizational factors , external environmental factors and the process of cooperation factors .

  21. 现在有关企业集团的理论研究主要集中在对国内外企业集团的发展类型、企业集团的组建与运作、国内企业集团发展中的问题(尤其在制度问题、组织问题和外部环境问题的研究较多)。

    The current theories about the company group focus on its development model , establishment , running about oversea and domestic company group , especially structure , organization and ex-environment .

  22. 高等教育大众化的冲击与挑战给高校学生管理的内部组织结构和外部环境带来诸多深刻的变化。

    The impact and challenge caused by the popularization of higher education has brought great changes into both the internal organizing structures and the external circumstances of the student management in colleges and universities .

  23. 二是政府对媒介的管理、公众的媒介素养,以及媒介批评与新闻自律的组织建设等外部环境应该尽快改善。

    Secondly , the government 's regulation of media , public media literacy as well as the external environment for organization development of media criticism and press self-discipline should be improved as soon as possible .

  24. 本文首先对风险投资的概念、组织架构、外部环境和面临的风险做了初步介绍后,又对投资决策内容做了分析,并归纳出了风险投资的决策特征。

    Way of Thinking in Scientific Decision Making This paper first introduces the concept , organization , environment and risk of the venture capital , and then the investment decision and deduces the character of the decision .

  25. 随着后工业时代的来临以及知识经济的势强,组织生存的外部环境发生了巨大变化,组织发展的不确定性显着提高,扁平化趋势越来越明显。

    With the advent of post-industrial era and increasingly strong of knowledge economy , the external environment for organizational survival has changed greatly , the uncertainty of organizational development has increased significantly , and the flat trend of organizational structure has become increasingly evident .

  26. 针对当前四川省高校青年志愿者服务存在的内外部问题,从志愿者自身因素、志愿者组织因素和外部环境因素三个方面深刻剖析了产生这些问题的原因。

    This thesis analyzes profoundly the reasons of the internal and external problems existing in the present service situation of university youth volunteers in Sichuan province in the view of three factors , including the volunteers themselves , the organization of volunteers and the environment . 5 .

  27. 组织竞争战略、外部环境都会影响企业的人力资源管理价值导向。

    Organizations ' strategies and external environment traits would influence the choice of the HRM value orientations ;

  28. 组织创新是组织外部环境与内部要素共同作用的结果。

    Organizational innovation is a result of the combined effects of exterior environment and internal factors of the organization .

  29. 创新风险归纳为技术风险、市场风险、组织管理风险和外部环境风险四类。

    The possible innovation risk is classified into four categories : technology risk , market risk , organizing risk and environment risk .

  30. 在这样的经营环境中,企业必须要有灵活的组织模式来应对外部环境快速的改变。团队为现代企业适应复杂的动态的变化环境的一个重要的组织形式。

    Under this background , A flexible organizational structure should be should established in order to can adapt to the rapid changes of external environment in modern enterprises .