
  • 网络multicast;Multicast Address;Multicast Addressing;IP Multicast Address
  1. 为解决IP组播地址问题以及现有应用级组播协议中地址方案的不足,本文提出了一个新的三段式地址方案。

    To solve the problems of IP multicast address and the deficiency of existing application level multicast protocols ' address scheme , we proposed a new address scheme .

  2. 每个MNs都分配了一个组播地址,通讯对端(CorrespondentNodes简称CNs)发送数据包到MG。

    The mobile node is assigned a multicast address and the correspondent nodes ( CNs ) send packets to the multicast group .

  3. 该方法只需要一个组播地址,其有效性通过ns-2模拟器进行了验证。

    The method needs only one multicast address and its validity is verified using ns-2 simulator .

  4. 本论文对IPv6组播地址格式中的标志位进行了扩展、增加了专用于云计算虚拟机组播地址的标志位,从而实现了让一个客户机得到多台云计算虚拟机服务的功能。

    This paper expands the flag of ipv6 multicast format , increased for Cloud Computing of virtual multicast address , so as to realize the sign a client can get more Cloud Computing virtual machine service .

  5. 论文结合二维点阵和PR四分树定义了布种模型的空间数据结构,并提出自适应生长/剪枝算法和检索算法实现组播地址的动态分配和快速搜索。

    This paper combines 2-dimension lattice and PR quadtree structure to design the spatial data structure of seeding model and presents the adaptive growing and pruning algorithms for dynamic allocation , together with the searching algorithm for rapid searching the multicast address for a location .

  6. 一种基于兴趣约束的新型组播地址分配方法

    A Novel Multicast Address Allocation Approach Based on Interest Constrains

  7. 对扩展后的组播地址,本论文也相应的提出路由器、客户端、虚拟机端和一切的相关设备应该满足的条件。

    To expand the multicast address , this paper also put forward the corresponding router , client , virtual machine and all related equipment should satisfy the conditions .

  8. 算法分析和性能测试表明该方法效率高,可满足大规模分布式虚拟环境中的组播地址分配和检索。

    Algorithm analysis and performance experiments show that this approach has high efficiency and reach the requirements for multicast address allocation and search in large-scale distributed virtual environment .

  9. 针对组播地址分配与回收的问题,在服务器端设计了组播地址分配算法、无效组播地址回收算法和协同组信息的备份与恢复策略。

    In the server , multicast address allocating algorithm , useless multicast address recycling algorithm , together with backup and recovery strategy of cooperation group information are designed on the problems of multicast addresses ' allocating and recycling .

  10. MVPN是以新的IP隧道技术为基础构建起来的,该技术将组播组地址用作隧道目的地址。

    MVPN is built upon a new IP tunneling technology that uses multicast group addresses as tunnel destination addresses .

  11. 通过以不定长周期改变特定源组播频道的组地址,解决了阻止恶意主机跟踪、加入特定源组播频道接收组播流量、对组播路由基础设施实施DoS攻击等问题。

    By changing the group address in the SSM channel at non-fixed periods , it prevents the malicious hosts from tracing and joining an SSM channel , receiving the traffic and initiating DoS attack against multicast routing infrastructure .

  12. 论文分析了IP组播技术,阐述了组播地址方案、分布树、组播路由协议、组播技术条件等实现机制。提出了基于组播的多媒体教学体系结构,给出最优化的设计;

    The paper analyses the technology of ip multicast communication , states ip multicast address project ( precept ), distributing tree , ip multicast route protocols , and ip multicast conditions , provideds multimedia teaching architecture based on ip multicast , optimized design .

  13. 文章介绍了IP组播的组播协议体系结构、组播地址机制、组播组网结构和组播安全控制及应用前景。

    This article has introduced its multicast protocol system , multicast address system , multicast network structure and multicast safety control and its application prospect .

  14. 组播技术包括了组播组、组播地址、组播协议、组播可靠性和组播安全性等很多方面的内容。

    Multicast technology includes a number of aspects , such as multicast group , multicast address , multicast protocols , multicast reliability , multicast security , etc.

  15. 在传统的组播网中,组播数据是根据组播组地址转发的,因此接收者必须加入一个组播组。

    In traditional multicast implementations , applications must join to an IP multicast group address because traffic is distributed to an entire IP multicast group .

  16. 当前使用的IP组播模型不提供接入控制,任何用户可以向组播地址发送数据,也可以任意加入组播组成为成员接收数据。

    The current multicast model provides no access control mechanism . Any host can send data directly to a multicast address or join a multicast group to become a member .

  17. 组播技术研究主要涉及组播路由算法与协议、群组成员关系管理、组播地址分配、接纳控制和组播应用等问题。

    Multicast has many researching directions such as routing algorithms and protocols , group membership management , multicast address allocation , admission control and multicast applications , etc.

  18. 组播源把数据包发送到特定组播组,而只有属于该组播组的地址才能接收到数据包。

    Multicast source sends packets to a specific multicast group , and only the address which belongs to this multicast group can receives the packets .

  19. 但组播通信协议并没有提供数据访问控制机制,用户只要获知特定业务使用的组播地址就可以不经审核地加入通信组并获得数据的拷贝。

    But multicast communication protocol did not provide data access control mechanisms As long as users know the specific business of multicast addresses , and they can be audited not to join the communications group and obtained a copy of the data .

  20. 当大量组播组并存于网络时,数量庞大的转发状态表占用了大量内存资源并且减缓了组播地址查询过程。

    When there are large numbers of multicast groups in the network , large forwarding tables induce large memory requirements and slow down the address look-up process .

  21. 传统的IP组播技术是一种任意源组播模型,客户端在点播组播数据时,仅仅指明所要加入的组播组地址,任何一个源地址都可以向该组播组地址发送组播数据报文。

    The traditional IP multicast is a model of Any Source Multicast ( ASM ) . When a client intends to receive multicast data packets ; it will issue a report packet indicating the group address which it wants to join . Any sender can send multicast packets to it .