
  • 网络Dual Stack;dual-stack
  1. 目前,从IPv4到IPv6主要存在三种过渡技术:双协议栈技术,隧道技术和NAT-PT技术(网络地址翻译&协议翻译技术)。

    Dual Stack technique , Tunnel technique and NAT-PT technique ( Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation ) .

  2. 基于双协议栈3W代理服务器的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of 3W Proxy Server Based On Dual Stack

  3. 构建了基于支持双协议栈嵌入式WebServer的家庭网关的体系结构。

    The architecture of the home gateway based on the embedded Web Server with dual stacks is structured .

  4. 最后,结合以上研究内容,给出了一个基于双协议栈嵌入式WebServer的应用模型。

    At last , an example based on dual stacks embedded Web Server is given combined with the above-mentioned research content .

  5. 分别使用了LinuxC编程技术,J2ME技术,双协议栈技术等。

    The linux C , J2ME and the double protocol stacks technique are used in the implemention .

  6. 诺基亚最近演示了世界上首部双协议栈CDMA手机。

    Nokia recently demonstrated the world 's first dual stack ( IPv4 / v6 ) CDMA handset .

  7. 诺基亚提供双协议栈的终端设备解决IPv6过渡。

    Nokia is enabling the transition to IPv6 by providing dual-stack ( IPv4 / v6 ) terminals .

  8. 融合后的双协议栈拥有共同的API层、TCP层以及网络接口层,而在网络层则存在有两套不同的协议。

    The integrated stack processes the common API layer , TCP layer and Interface Abstraction layer , but has two different network layers .

  9. DVB-IP网关中IP双协议栈的设计

    Design of IP Dual-stack in DVB-IP Gateway

  10. 研究了基于SPX/IPX的Novel局域网与基于TCP/IP的Internet网互联的两种方法,一种为单地址网关方法,另一种为双协议栈方法。

    Tow approaches Internetworking SPX / IPX Based Novell LAN with TCP / IP Based Internet are proposed . One of them is single address gateway , the other is dual protocol stack .

  11. 目前主要有三种解决过渡问题的基本技术:双协议栈、隧道技术、NAT-PT(地址/协议转换)。

    Currently there are three basic techniques to solve the transition problem : DualStack , Tunnel and NAT-PT .

  12. 最后,本文以双协议栈AV应用框架为基础,构建了用于数字家庭网络的双协议栈控制点和媒体服务器。

    Finally , the paper constructs a dual protocol stack control point and a dual protocol stack media server based on the dual protocol stack AV application framework .

  13. 文中介绍了两种把Novell局域网连入Internet的方法,一种为双协议栈方法,另一种为单地址网关方法,并给出实例加以说明。

    Two methods how to connect Novell LANs to the Internet are discussed in this paper . One is two protocol stacks method , and the other is single address Gateway method . The paper also gives examples to illuminate them .

  14. 双协议栈AV应用框架是双协议栈平台中最重要的应用框架,也是实现数字家庭网络中AV媒体应用系统的基础。

    The Dual Protocol Stack AV Application Framework is the most important application framework in Dual Protocol Stack platform and the elements to realize AV media application system in the Digital Home Network .

  15. 双协议栈是实现IPv6孤岛间通信和与IPv4互通最简便的方法,也是隧道和翻译机制实现的基础。

    The dual stack technology is the easiest method to perform communication between two isolated IPv6 islands and between the two different kinds of IP networks . It is also the foundation of tunnel and translation technologies .

  16. 可满足IPv4/IPv6双协议栈核心路由器OC-768(40Gbps)端口、48B包的线速转发。

    It satisfies wire-speed ( 48B-packet ) forwarding of OC-768 ( 40Gbps ) interfaces of IPv4 / IPv6 dual-stack core routers .

  17. 本文首先收集并分析国内外关于IPv6协议及IPv6过渡问题的最新资料,研究IPv6新特性,对目前常用的三种过渡技术双协议栈、隧道和IPv6/IPv4协议与地址转换进行分析比较。

    Firstly , the author collected and analyzed the latest stuffs about IPv6 protocol and IPv6 transition at home and abroad , researched its new characteristics , then analyzed and compared three familiar transition methods , Dual Stack , Tunnel and IPv6 / IPv4 Protocol Translation & Address Translation .

  18. 介绍了IPv6的特征、演进技术,包括双协议栈技术、隧道技术、转换技术等,阐述了IPv6安全机制与实现I、PSec安全体系结构和IPv6下电子商务安全应用。

    This article introduced the characteristics of IPv6 , the transition mechanisms of IPv6 , including dual stacks , tunnel technology , transition technology and some practical tools of transition . And then it specially presented the security mechanism and implement and its security architecture of IPv6 .

  19. IPv4/IPv6双协议栈下服务器过渡方案的设计与实现

    Design and Realizing of Servers Transition Scheme in IPv4 / IPv6 Dual-stack Environment

  20. IPv6/IPv4双协议栈以太网接入认证和移动技术

    IPv6 / IPv4 Dual Stack Ethernet Access Router with Authentication and Mobility Support

  21. IPv4/IPv6双协议栈路由器远程管理的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Remote Management Based on IPv4 / IPv6 Dual Stack Router

  22. 基于IPv4/IPv6双协议栈的联动防御系统研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Interactive Protection System Based on IPv4 / IPv6 Dual Stack

  23. 论文介绍了三种过渡方法,双协议栈、隧道技术和协议转换技术。

    This paper introduces three kinds of transition methods . dual stack 、 tunneling and Protocol conversion technology .

  24. 过渡技术主要分析了目前三种主要过渡技术(双协议栈技术,隧道技术和协议转换技术)的安全问题。

    The security issues of the three mainstream transition technologies ( dual-stack , tunneling and protocol translation ) were analyzed .

  25. 然后详细介绍了针对过渡期不同问题的具体策略和方案,包括双协议栈、隧道技术和协议翻译机制。

    Then the idiographic scheme are introduced in detail against different problems in transition period , including dual protocol stack , the tunnel technology , translating mechanism .

  26. 分析比较双协议栈、隧道、翻译三种典型的IPv4/IPv6过渡技术的工作机制及适用场合。

    Analyzes and compare the working mechanism and applicant occasions of three typical IPv4 / IPv6 transitions that include dual-stack technology , tunneling technology , address translation .

  27. 基于插件的双协议栈安全路由器框架结构研究

    Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented . Research on the Framework of the Dual-stacked Security Router Based on Plugins

  28. 随着网络新技术的引入和应用业务的增多,高性能路由器必须支持大容量、高吞吐率、低转发时延、IPv4/v6双协议栈和众多的路由协议。

    With new network technologies introduced and applied traffics increased , high-performance routers must support large-capacity , high-throughput , low-forwarding-delay , IPv4 / v6 protocol stack , and many routing protocol .

  29. 本文详细说明了目前流行的双协议栈、隧道和IPv4/IPv6协议与地址转换三种过渡技术工作原理和机制,并对过渡技术进行比较分析。

    This paper makes full introduction for these three popular transition technologies : dual-stack , tunnels and IPv4 / IPv6 protocol to address translation , and then makes analysis and comparison with them .

  30. 本文针对这些要求,详细阐述了T比特IPv4/v6高性能路由器的需求、系统设计、关键技术,为设计与实现高性能双协议栈路由器提供了一种可行的方案。

    In accordance with these demands , this paper describes demand-analysis , system-design , solution to key-technology for the high performance IPv4 / v6 terabits router , and gives the available characteristics according to this design , which is a practical scheme for the implementation of high performance double-stack routers .