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  • biplane
  1. 他驾驶双翼飞机到达,在一棵树上紧急降落。

    He arrives in his biplane and crash lands it in a tree

  2. 在英格兰伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)进行飞行表演时,他用其改进的莱特双翼飞机争夺一个奖项时,飞机尾部一处啪的一声断了。

    During an aerial show in Bournemouth , England , while competing for a prize in his modified Wright Flyer biplane , part of the tail snapped off .

  3. ,赢得了这项奖额1000万美元的安萨里X大奖))。巧合的是,在威尔伯和奥维尔·赖特在1903年发明世界上第一个动力飞机11年以后,敞开式座舱双翼飞机搭载着乘客穿越佛罗里达的坦帕湾实现商业首飞。

    it was 11 years after Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the world 's first powered airplane in 1903 that a paying passenger sat in the open cockpit of a boat-shaped Benoist XIV biplane for a ride across Florida 's Tampa Bay , the debut flight of the country 's first commercial airliner .

  4. 那是一架贝诺华双翼飞机,由先驱飞行员托尼·汤雅士驾驶。

    It was a Benoist biplane piloted by aviator pioneer Tony Jannus .

  5. 双翼飞机在半空解体,坠向地面。

    The biplane broke apart in midair and plunged to the ground .

  6. 她的第一架飞机有两组机翼,是一架双翼飞机。

    Her first plane had two sets of wings , a bi-plane .

  7. 她卖掉了她的双翼飞机,买了一辆汽车并且离开了加利福尼亚。

    She sold her bi-plane , bought a car , and left California .

  8. 官员表示,一架老式双翼飞机在加州北部空中表演活动中进行表演时坠毁,飞行员不幸遇难。

    Officials say a vantage biplane has crashed while performing at the northern California air show and the pilot was killed .

  9. 几个月后,在长岛进行公开展演时,罗杰斯的双翼飞机被一只海鸥击中。

    Several months later , during a public exhibition at Long Beach , Rodgers 's biplane was struck by a seagull .

  10. 它是为了反攻德国齐柏林飞艇而制作的,在第一次世界大战中参与了对地面攻击的战斗。无人机由木和锡制成,它的机翼用的是其他双翼飞机的较低机翼。

    The drone was made to counterattack German Zeppelin airships , and it also carried out ground attacks during World War I. It was made with wood and tin , its wings taken from the lower wing of another biplane .