
  • 网络double bottom
  1. 本文提出了一种新式的抗搁浅YF双层底结构,利用数值仿真方法分析了该新式结构的损伤变形、搁浅力和能量耗散,并与原结构进行了比较。

    In this paper , a new anti-grounding double bottom structure - YF is presented . Damage deformation , grounding forces and energy dissipation of this new structure are analyzed by the method of numerical simulation and compared with the routine structure .

  2. 散货船双层底结构损坏分析和处理方法

    Damage analysis and handling for double bottom structure of bulk carrier

  3. 船体双层底结构优化的粒子群优化算法

    Analysis of PSO algorithm for optimum design of ship double bottom structures

  4. 双层底分段建造过程的方案选优

    Simulation and Optimization of Production Process of Double Bottom Block

  5. 在货舱和机舱下建造格状双层底。

    Cellular double bottom to be constructed under cargo holds and engine room .

  6. 一种新型抗搁浅双层底结构

    A New Anti-grounding Type of Double Bottom Structure

  7. 货油舱区域有连续的双层底和边舱保护。

    The cargo oil tanker area has continuous double bottoms and side cabins to protect .

  8. 组格式双层底格状双层底双曲线导航座标网格

    Cellular double bottom hyperbolic navigation grid

  9. 首部双层底前部双层底含断层煤层底板突水通道形成过程的仿真分析

    Double bottom forward numerical analysis of pathway formation of groundwater inrush from faults in coal seam floor

  10. 步进炉炉底机械运动速度的合理设定与电液控制机、炉舱双层底机炉舱双层底

    Rational Designing to the Kinematic Velocity and Electro-hydraulic Control System of the Bottom Machine in the Walking Beam Furnace

  11. 沉积在海底的层层沉淀物;融化时留下残骸的冰山首部双层底前部双层底

    Layers of sediment that were deposited on the ocean floor ; glaciers that deposited their debris as they melted . double bottom forward

  12. 采用双层底箅甑桶蒸馏,可提高总酯含量10%,多产酒5%。

    Application of double-bottom grates steamer for liquor distilling , which could increase total ester content by 10 % and liquor yield by 5 % ;

  13. 浅海海底管线维修船性能试验与结构强度分析船体双层底结构优化的粒子群优化算法

    The Performance Test and Structural Strength Analysis of Offshore Subsea Pipeline Maintenance Vehicle ; Analysis of PSO algorithm for optimum design of ship double bottom structures

  14. 以普通货船双层底结构为例,应用上述方法生成了双层底最优装配序列。

    Finally , focusing on double bottom of general cargo boat , this paper set up assembly sequences model and finished the simulation of the assembling process .

  15. 就这样,在本世纪初,旧社会消除了它的双层底并打扮了它的阴渠。

    It was thus that , at the beginning of the century , ancient society cleansed its double bottom , and performed the toilet of its sewer .

  16. 最后对耦合模型进行了瞬态分析,获得了模型振动响应情况,分析了双层底液舱内液体及舷外海水对结构振动响应的影响。

    Finally , transient analysis is used to acquire the vibration response of coupled model . The effect of fluid in liquid tank and outboard sea water on vibration response is analyzed .

  17. 文章用数值仿真法研究了船舶结构搁浅中的内部力学问题,分析了典型双层底结构的损伤变形、受力和能量耗散结果。

    The paper presents a study on internal mechanism of ship grounding in the way of numerical ( simulation ) and the results of damage deformation , contact forces and energy dissipation .

  18. 因而对包括机舱双层底在内的船舶局部结构振动的研究一直是船舶减振降噪工作的重点内容之一。

    Therefore , the research on local vibration of ship , engine room double bottom included , has been one of the focus of work on vibration and noise reduction of ship .

  19. 船舶主机与双层底间的固液耦合振动特性研究层合板弯曲层间变形与应力的两尺度耦合实验分析

    Fluid-solid Interaction Vibration Analysis between the Ship Main Engine and the Double Bottom ; Experimental Study of Interlaminar Deformation and Stresses in Laminates under Bending Load by Coupling DIC and FEM in Dual-scale

  20. 文章利用船舶结构力学原理,对双壳船中的双层底结构进行受力分析,同时结合现行规范,提出较为切合实际的强度计算公式。

    By using the theory of shipping structure stress , the Paper analyzes the stress of two-layer bottom structure of double-skin barge and proposes feasible a strength calculation formula based on the prevailing specification .

  21. 以吸能原理为理论依据,提出船舶双层底的四种新型抗爆结构形式,建立传统形式和四种新型结构形式的有限元模型。

    Based on the energy-absorbing theory , four new kinds of anti-explosion ship structural forms of double bottoms are proposed . The FEM models of a traditional form and four new structural forms are established .

  22. 机舱双层底是船体的重要结构组成,其主要作用有保证船舶横向、纵向及局部强度,隔绝机舱与海水等。

    Engine room double bottom is an important structural component of ship hull , its main function is to guarantee the transverse , longitudinal and local strength of a ship and isolate engine room with sea water .

  23. 随后通过对双层底在干式、液舱充液以及考虑舷外海水等不同工况下的模态分析,进一步深入地分析了流体对双层底结构固有频率和振型的影响。

    Secondly , the effect of fluid on natural frequency and modal shape of double bottom is further analyzed by the modal analysis of double bottom in different case ( dry , fulfilling and contacting with surrounding sea water ) .

  24. 采用双层底面摩擦模型,研究近水平岩层边坡破坏模式,能体现出不同岩体在强度上的差异,得到近水平岩层边坡破坏为张裂缝圆弧面平面的边坡滑动破坏的基本模式。

    The basic slope failure pattern of tension fissure-circular surface slip-plane failure is obtained for study of slope failure of flat rock strata by use of double bottom friction model by which the difference in strength of various rocks can be reflected .

  25. 机舱内主机等机械设备在运转时产生的振动通过支撑系统传递到双层底,双层底受激振动后可能继发性地引起其他船体结构振动并向舷外海水辐射噪声。

    The vibration generated by main engine and other mechanical equipment in operation is passed to double bottom through supporting system . The stimulated vibration of double bottom may cause vibration of other ship structures and radiate noise to surrounding sea water .

  26. 若不计剪切影响,即用经典的平板振动理论,则算得之机仓双层底第一固有频率比实验值大20%左右。

    If we neglect the effcet of shear deformation , i.e. the classical theory of flexural vibrations of plates is used , the calculated values of the 1st freqeney of the double bottom in . engine room are larger than the experimental values about 20 % .

  27. 在新的船底搁浅吸能估算公式的基础上,利用混合离散变量优化方法对双层底结构进行了抗搁浅优化设计,优化计算的变量是船底结构的尺寸,约束函数是船底结构的重量。

    Based on the new grounding equation of assessing energy absorption , double bottom structure is optimized by the method that can deal with both discrete and continuous variables . The variables of optimization are the size of ship bottom , and restriction function is the weight of bottom structure .

  28. 用双层底板浇铸凸底钢锭投入生产

    Convex bottom ingots poured with double-layer bottom plate