
  • 网络Product oil tanker;product tanker;product carrier
  1. 12500t化学品/成品油船锚泊、系泊设计

    Design on the anchoring and mooring of a 12500t chemicals / oil product carrier

  2. 本文介绍了3700吨成品油船的动力装置和船舶系统的设计特点,并着重阐述了PTO/PT1推进装置和油气散发控制系统等行特殊系统的设计要点。

    The machinery plant and ship system of 3700 DWT product tanker are outlined . Also the major design points of PTO / PTI propelling system and the VECS ( Vapor Emission Control System ) are discussed .

  3. 基于JTP规范的热点应力法对一艘76000吨成品油船的内底与底边舱斜板的焊接折角处进行疲劳强度分析。

    The fatigue assessment of the welded knuckles between inner bottom and hopper plate of a 76 000 DWT oil tanker is carried out with the hot spot stress method in the JTP Rules .

  4. 本文主要描述了大容量船用电动机及PTI电动机在3700t成品油船上的应用。介绍了如何考虑大容量电动机起动电流对电网压降的影响和PTI两种起动控制方式。

    This article describes the application of large marine motor and PTI motor on 3700 DWT product tanker and indicates how to consider the starting current effect of large motor on the voltage drop of electric net , two PTI motor starting control methods are introduced .

  5. 本文简要介绍了货油软管吊系统设计中应遵守的规范,并就44000t成品油船的10t货油软管吊系统提出了结构设计和强度计算的方法。

    This article briefly introduces the codes to be complied with in the design of boom derrick system for cargo hose . A method for the structural design and strength calculation of a 10t single boom derrick system of cargo hose for a 44 , 000t products carrier is presented .

  6. 沿海成品油船船队规划研究

    Research on Fleet Deployment for Carrying Product Oil in Coastal China

  7. 7万吨级成品油船线型优化设计

    The Hull Lines Optimization Design on 70000 Tonner Product Oil Tanker

  8. 化学品和成品油船全船液压系统研究

    Study on the hydraulic system for chemical and oil product tanker

  9. 70000吨级载重量巴拿马型原油/成品油船船型开发

    Ship form development for 70000 DWT Panamax crude / product tanker

  10. 3700t成品油船的电气设计

    The design of electrical system on 3700 DWT product tanker

  11. 40000吨级载油量江海直达原油/成品油船总体设计

    Overall design of 40 000 tonnage river-sea crude / product oil tanker

  12. 沿海成品油船技术经济论证

    Technical and Economic Evaluation for the Coastal Oil Products Tanker

  13. 35000DWT成品油船总体设计

    On the general design of the 35000 DWT product tanker

  14. 6艘成品油船轴系故障分析与对策

    Analysis of Shafting Failures and Their Countermeasures for Six Product Oil Tankers

  15. 沿海成品油船船型开发调查研究

    Investigations on development of ship type for the coastal product oil tanker

  16. 16000DWT成品油船快速性能改进研究

    Improving of speed of 16000 DWT product oil tanker

  17. 内河成品油船结构优化设计

    Structural design optimization of a river product-oil tanker

  18. 11.5万吨级油船是目前远洋成品油船及近洋原油船的主力船型。

    115 thousand ton class tanker is the main ship type of ocean product tanker and near ocean crude oil tanker .

  19. 油船(含成品油船、液体化学品船等)货油舱透气系统是一种特殊的安全系统。

    Cargo oil tank breathing system is a special safety system on tanker ( inc. product oil tanker , chemical tanker , etc. )

  20. 最后,希望沿海成品油船技术经济论证的方法和结果,能够为积极筹划和参与我国沿海成品油运输的企业提供技术依据,并起到一定的指导作用。

    Finally , it hopes that the technical and economic evaluation for coastal oil products tanker can provide reference and guidance to the shipping companies engaged in transportation of oil products .

  21. 同时研究了近年来规范变化对于成品油船船队运力结构的影响,指出了组建新的成品油船船队具有现实意义。

    At the same time , special attention has been given to several primary ports , as well as the effect of change of criterion on the fleet structure , to indicate the great significance of constitution of the new fleet .

  22. 第2章介绍了沿海成品油船开发调查分析,包括成品油货流情况、港口、码头、船厂、现有油船技术情况、有关政策及法规等;

    Chapter two presented the diagnoses of coastal products oil tanker development ( including the cargo source condition 、 the port 、 the harbor 、 the technology condition of the existing oil tanker , the related policy and rule of law and so on );

  23. 本文正是基于上述原因,在对中国沿海成品油货源、船队、船型及港口码头等进行广泛深入调查的基础上,研究沿海成品油船技术经济论证。

    In view of the above reasons , studied technical and economic evaluation for the coastal products oil tanker on this paper based on the deep and abroad investigation of the supply of coastal oil products 、 tanker type 、 port and quay .