
  • 网络controlling area
  1. 成本中心是成本控制范围中的一个组织单位,它表示的是某个产生成本的地方,可对照预算监控这个地方发生的成本。

    A cost centers is an organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a specific location where costs are incurred and monitored against a budget .

  2. 拥有如此之高的利润率、并将固定成本控制在合理范围的企业,应该会兴旺发达。

    Companies that enjoy this scale of margins and keep their fixed costs within reasonable boundaries should prosper .

  3. 从项目结果看,时间、规模、成本基本在控制范围以内。

    The results show that the parameters such as time , size , and cost are controlled within the permitted range .

  4. 只要外方将转移污染的成本控制在一定范围以内,其对华污染产业投资势必趋于扩大。

    If the cost of the polluted industry transfer is controlled under a certain level , the MNC prefers to extend the transfer of the polluted industry .

  5. 可再生能源开始让电力供给和价格产生波动之际,有专家认为,如果新建立的市场规则足够明智,应该可以把成本控制在合理范围内。

    As renewable energy sources start to cause gyrations in power supplies and prices , experts contend that clever new market rules could keep the costs reasonable .

  6. 你能将成本控制在合理范围内;你以前可能完成过这类产品,今后也还能再做&因为你拥有行业经验和领域知识。

    You can do it at a reasonable cost , and you 've probably done it before , and could do it again-you own domain experience and solution domain knowledge .

  7. 分析了教育集团化高校后勤企业服务成本控制的作用、范围、原则、内容和方法,着重对成本控制的措施进行了探讨。

    This article analyses the functions , scopes , principles , contents and methods about service cost control of college logistics corporation after forming educational group and researches the measure of cost control sincerely .

  8. 首先,从成本控制涵义和特征及成本控制范围拓展的角度,就传统成本控制向现代企业成本控制转化的趋势进行论述,并在此基础上提出战略成本控制的现实意义;

    Firstly , describe on Cost control transforming to modern enterprise Cost trend from the meaning , the characteristic and the range expanding of Cost control , and put forward the realistic meaning in which the strategic cost control on this basis .

  9. 项目成本控制是在项目实施过程中尽量使项目实际发生的成本控制在项目预算范围内的一项项目管理工作。

    Project cost control is the management method to control the actual project cost within the budget during the project period .

  10. 房地产项目目标成本管理作为房地产项目管理的重要组成部分,是房地产企业将项目成本控制在合理范围,并且按照预期获得合理的利润,企业实现可持续发展的重要管理手段。

    As a critical part of real estate management , Target Cost Management of real estate project is an important management measure , through which , real estate enterprises could control project cost in an acceptable range , make reasonable profits as expected , realize sustainable development .

  11. 项目管理协会PMI认为项目成本管理通过对成本进行估算、预算和控制三个过程将工程项目的实际成本控制在预算范围内。

    Project Management Institute considered the project cost management was to control the actual cost of the project within budget by the three process of the cost estimates , budgeting , and control .