
qī liànɡ biāo zhǔn
  • standard of scheduled time and quantity
  1. 本文提出的期量标准管理系统,旨在探索一个为企业制定科学可靠的期量标准提供计算机辅助的技术平台,以提高企业期量标准数据的准确性,为ERP的实施提供更好的数据平台。

    This paper brings forward the amount and time standard system and tries to explore a computer aided technology platform that can establish time and amount standard .

  2. 通过分析期量标准的内容和ERP的原理,明确了系统基本需求,并制定出系统的设计目标、处理逻辑和功能体系结构。

    From analyzing the content of amount and time standard and theory of ERP , paper define the basic demand of the system , and make the object , logic and function system structure of the system .

  3. 针对该问题,提出了期量标准的智能化解决方案。

    And intelligent solution to the problem of period and quantity standards was introduced .

  4. 对期量标准概念、作用以及计算方法进行了论述。

    Describe the concept 、 function and computing technology of amount and time standard .