
  • 网络primeur;En primeur
  1. 期酒的法文拼写是enprimeur,指的是尚未装瓶上市的葡萄酒。

    En primeur is the French term for wine before it is bottled .

  2. 福勒表示,亚洲买家是过去两年才开始购买期酒的,这意味着他们迄今的表现乏善可陈。

    Asian buyers have just begun buying en primeur in the past couple of years , said Mr Fowler , meaning their experience to date is unimpressive .

  3. 当这些迟来的葡萄酒于2005年4月现身于期酒(enprimeur)销售活动时,最明显的特色是丹宁酸。

    When these very backward wines were shown en primeur in April 2005 it was the tannin that was their most obvious characteristic .

  4. 同样,FarrVintners、BerryBros&Rudd、BordeauxIndex和Fine+Rare等英国酒商均取得了创纪录的增长和销售额,部分是得益于2009年份波尔多期酒的火爆热卖。

    Similarly , UK merchants such as Farr Vintners , Berry Bros & Rudd , Bordeaux Index and Fine + Rare all reported record growth and sales , partly on the back of a bonanza 2009 Bordeaux futures campaign .

  5. 但是最近一轮的期酒交易却出现了前所未有的情况。

    But the most recent round of en primeur trading has set a precedent .

  6. 老年期酒依赖的临床特点&附52例分析

    Clinical Characteristics of Geriatric Alcohol Dependence

  7. 就是在这个时候可能减产的信号拉高了波尔多期酒的市场价格。

    It was at this time that the prospect of a short crop sent the prices of bulk Bordeaux up on the market-place .

  8. 基金经理总体上持乐观态度,认为连续第二年创纪录的期酒预测价格将证明物有所值,就如较早年份的葡萄酒一样。

    Fund managers are generally bullish that the predicted record primeur prices for the second year running will reaffirm the value to be found in older vintages .

  9. 这种颇受大众欢迎的用葡萄酿制的酒精饮料正在发展成为一种资产;投资商们已开始以期酒的形式来进行衍生产品交易。

    The popular grape-based alcoholic drink is developing as an asset class , and investors have started to trade derivative products in the form of en primeur , a type of wine future .

  10. 由于美元疲软,一些美国酒商放弃了以昂贵的英镑和欧元购买期酒的计划,转而买卖那里许多知名酒窖的藏酒。

    Since the weakening of the dollar , some US wine merchants have pulled back from en primeur purchases in expensive pounds and euros in favour of trading the contents of the many established cellars there .

  11. 眼下最先能想到的年份当然是颇受称赞的2010年份。这个年份的葡萄酒正以期酒形式销售,为顾客提供了一个在装瓶前投资特定葡萄酒的机会。

    Right now , the front-of-mind vintage is , of course , the much-lauded 2010 that is currently being sold en primeur or as wine futures , offering the customer the opportunity to invest in a particular wine before it is bottled .

  12. 该文对引起黄酒发酵过程中酒醪酸败的现象和原因进行了综合分析,提出了预防和补救的办法,以期减少酒醪酸败造成的损失。

    The phenomenon and reason of fermentation broth deterioration of rice wine was analyzed and prevention and remediation measures were proposed to reduce loss caused by fermentation broth deterioration .

  13. 同时随着贮存期延长酒中缓慢产生氨基、羰基反应使产品的色泽增深、香气增浓、口味醇和绵软、协调爽适。

    During the storage of rice wine , the amidogen or carbonyl reactions occur slowly , which makes the rice wine with darker color , strengthened flavor and mellow taste .

  14. 早玉米拔节期每亩叶面喷酒50公斤0.25%矮壮素(Cycoel),增产33.8%。

    Spraying 50 kg of 0.25 % cycocel increased the yield by 33.8 % .