
  • 网络Option Pricing Theory;option pricing model;OPT
  1. 期权定价理论在房地产开发投资决策中的运用

    Application of OPT in Real Estate Development Investment Decision

  2. 本文系统分析关于证券投资市场风险计量的三个核心理论:马科维茨投资组合理论、资本资产定价模型、期权定价理论。

    The paper analyses three main theories : Markowitz 's portfolio Selection Model , Sharpe 's Capital Asset Pricing Model , Black and Sholes ' Option Pricing Model . Besides , the paper also studies Duration-Convexity theory .

  3. 股价服从指数广义双曲levy过程下的欧式期权定价理论与实证研究

    Pricing Theory and Empirical Study about European Option When Stock Prices Obey Exponential Generalized Hyperbolic-levy Process

  4. Black-Scholes公式在期权定价理论中占有重要的地位,它成立的一个前提条件是假定波动率为常数。

    The Black-Scholes model played an important role in option pricing theory .

  5. 由于Black和Scholes对于期权定价理论的杰出贡献,他们于1997年被授予诺贝尔经济学奖。

    As they made outstanding contribution to option pricing theory , Black and Scholes were awarded Nobel Prize for Economics in 1997 .

  6. 本文研究股价服从指数广义双曲levy过程下的欧式期权定价理论,并以宝钢欧式看涨期权为例,通过技术方法实现定价。

    This paper deals with pricing theory and empirical study about European option pricing when stock prices obey exponential Generalized hyperbolic levy process .

  7. 全面系统地分析和总结了期权定价理论,分析了影响期权价值的主要因素,探讨了期权的二项式定价模型,田ack一SchofeS模型,并针对Black一Scholes模型的不足,对其进行了扩展。

    Systemically summarizes Option Pricing Theory , analyses influence factors of option value , discusses binominal tree model and Black-Scholes model and extends Black-Scholes model ;

  8. 通过引入期权定价理论,一方面使得传统的核心方法NPV法有用武之地,同时克服了其缺陷,较好地解决了风险投资决策中不确定性因素的问题。

    The application of option pricing theory can not only make the NPV method more useful and overcome its defects but also solve the problem of uncertainty factors in risk investment decision .

  9. 在此基础上,运用二叉树方法等期权定价理论和现金流现值法对MBS进行定价。

    On these foundations , the thesis applies the theory of cash flow and option valuation to valuate the MBS . We introduce the Option-Adjusted Spreaded ( OAS ) method and Binomial Trees method .

  10. R&D投资活动的价值评估,传统的DCF方法并不能适应其需要,而必须引进金融期权定价理论(OPT),这一点在国内外学术界已得到公认。

    It 's commonly recognized that the traditional DCF system can not properly deal with the valuation of R & D project investments , and financial option pricing theory ( OPT ) must be introduced .

  11. KMV提出了以两个方程解两个未知数VA和σA,为期权定价理论应用于公司价值评估提供了新的思路和框架。

    KMV Model uses two functions to find the two unknowns : V A and σ A. It proposes a new way of thinking and a framework in corporate asset valuation by means of option pricing theory .

  12. 近年来,将期权定价理论应用于公司价值评估得到了人们广泛的重视,但应用这种方法必须首先估计公司价值VA的波动率σA,而σA的估计是非常困难的。

    The method that uses option pricing theory to apply to corporate asset valuation has been widely noticed in recently years . But the volatility of V A , ie , the σ A , has to be estimated first , which is very difficulty .

  13. 金融风险管理是继Markowitz均值方差组合投资理论和Black-Scholes期权定价理论之后金融学历史上的第三次革命,这一领域在近年来发展迅速,形成了一套较为完整的理论体系。

    Financial risk management has been advocated as the third major revolution during the history of finance , following the Markowitz portfolio theory and the Black-Scholes option pricing theory . In recent decades , we have witnessed explosive developments of this field .

  14. 因此,在对金融期权定价理论进行基本介绍的基础上,重点分析了二项式方法和Black-Scholes定价模型在实物期权中的应用。

    Therefore , a brief introduction to financial option valuation theory is given first . On the basis of this , the chapter presents detailed analyses of the application of the Binomial Option Valuation Model and the Black-Scholes Valuation Model in real options .

  15. 运用基于期权定价理论的KMV模型来得到公司的预期违约率和违约损失,从而能合理地确定贷款利率。

    The KMV Model , which is based on Merton ′ s option pricing theory , is applied to get the expected default frequency and default loss of the loan . In this way , the bank can reasonably decide the interest .

  16. 随后,夏普的资本资产定价理论、罗斯的套利定价理论、Black-Scholes的期权定价理论以及JPMargan公司开发VaR风险测量方法,构造了现代风险理论的基本框架。

    Afterwards , Capital assets pricing theory of Sharp , Arbitrage Pricing Theory of Ross , Option Pricing Theory of Black-Scholes and The VaR to measure risk developed by the JP Margan Company , all these structured the basic frame of the modern risk theory .

  17. 实物期权定价理论与非共识项目评价研究

    The Research of Physical Option Pricing Theory and Non-Consensus Project Evaluation

  18. 期权定价理论是金融数学的核心内容。

    The pricing of option is the core of mathematical finance .

  19. 期权定价理论是金融工程的主要理论基石。

    Option pricing theory is the main footstone for financial engineering .

  20. 基于期权定价理论的住房抵押贷款保证险的定价研究

    A Research on Pricing Residential Mortgage Loans Based on Option Theory

  21. 基于期权定价理论的投资连结保险退保行为研究

    Study on Equity-linked Life Insurance Surrender Based on Option Pricing Theory

  22. 基于期权定价理论的公司价值评估研究

    The Study of Company Value Evaluation Based on Option Pricing Theory

  23. 浅谈期权定价理论与卫生事业管理的关系

    Discussion on Relationship between Theory of Fixing Option Price and Health Management

  24. 之后,回顾了期权定价理论和实物期权理论。

    Fourthly , option pricing methods and real option theory are reviewed .

  25. 期权定价理论的实质及无形资产评估中的期权方法

    Analysis on Option Price Theory and Its Application in Evaluation of Invisible Asset

  26. 此后,期权定价理论得到迅猛发展。

    Later , option pricing theory has developed quickly .

  27. 基于期权定价理论的矿业工程评估模型

    Mining Project Evaluation Model Based on Options Pricing Theory

  28. 实物期权定价理论分析及在研发管理中的应用

    Analysis of Real Option Pricing Theory and Application in R & D Management

  29. 期权定价理论和1997年度的诺贝尔经济学奖

    Option Pricing Theory and1997 ′ s Nobel Economics Prize

  30. 期权定价理论的发展、应用及展望

    Option Pricing : Evolution , Application and Prospect