
qī xiàn
  • term;deadline;time limit;due time;allotted time
期限 [qī xiàn]
  • (1) [time limit]∶限定的一段时间

  • 延长期限

  • (2) [deadline]∶时限的最后界线

  • 超过规定的期限

期限[qī xiàn]
  1. 这项工作必须在一定期限内完成。

    The work must be completed within a certain time limit .

  2. 我们得为这项工作规定个期限。

    We have to set a time limit for the work .

  3. 这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。

    The project must be completed within a specific time span .

  4. 新税种的有效施行期限为五年。

    There is a five-year sunset on the new tax .

  5. 只有在特殊情况下才会延长最后期限。

    This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances .

  6. 她将离开一段时间,期限不定。

    She will be away for the indefinite future .

  7. 我是在最后期限的前几天完成的。

    I finished several days ahead of the deadline .

  8. 这个队抢在十一月最后期限前拼命工作。

    The team worked feverishly to the November deadline .

  9. 离婚判决令和最终判决之间的期限当时为六个星期。

    The period between the decree nisi and the decree absolute was six weeks .

  10. 我喜欢按规定的期限完成工作。

    I prefer to work to a deadline .

  11. 这牛奶已经过了销售期限。

    This milk is past its sell-by date .

  12. 付款期限为10月1日。

    Payment is due on 1 October .

  13. 他们居留超过了签证期限。

    They overstayed their visa .

  14. 绝大多数锅炉有15至20年的使用期限。

    Most boilers have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years .

  15. 政府已对叛乱士兵宣布了即刻生效的赦免期限。

    The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters .

  16. 随着最后期限的临近,她开始心绪纷乱,不知所措。

    As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions

  17. 想要推迟午夜的最后期限是完全不可能的。

    It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline

  18. 我们已经把索赔期限延长到了7月30日。

    We have extended the time limit for claims until July 30 .

  19. 记下信用卡卡号,核对有效期限。

    Make a note of credit card numbers and check expiry dates .

  20. 因为制造方面的延误,我们没能赶上最后期限。

    We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays

  21. 我们仍然有可能赶在最后期限前达成目标。

    We were still right on target for our deadline .

  22. 依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。

    Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan .

  23. 一周后的明天是公布这份文件的最后期限。

    The deadline to publish the document is a week tomorrow

  24. 在联合国的最后期限到来前数小时取得了重大突破。

    The breakthrough came hours before a UN deadline .

  25. 他希望转账在今天中午的最后期限之前完成。

    He expected the transfer to go through by today 's noon deadline .

  26. 他们已经将最后期限延长了24小时。

    They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours .

  27. 缺席投票的最后期限是星期六。

    The deadline for absentee voting in was Saturday .

  28. 他没能在上星期五的最后期限前偿还1.14亿的贷款。

    He failed to meet last Friday 's deadline for repayment of a 114m loan

  29. 未能在规定期限内提出申请的买家可能会拿不回押金。

    Buyers who do not apply within the stated period can lose their deposits .

  30. 确定更加现实的最后期限。

    Establish deadlines that are more realistic .