
  1. 我也希望爱上Passport触控式实体键盘的卓而不群,但最终却并没有找到我苦苦寻找的惊喜。

    I wanted to love the ingenuity of the Passport 's combination trackpad-keyboard , but I failed to have the " Aha ! " moment I was so desperately looking for .

  2. 他是个严肃的老人,卓而不群,令人敬畏。

    He was a splendid , awe-inspiring , grave old man .

  3. 他的翩翩风度卓而不群,他的举手投足高贵典雅,人们总是在不知不觉间将他视若一位王子。

    His bearing so distinguished , and his manners stamped with such high breeding , that involuntarily he was always treated like a prince .

  4. 两位文学高士,意识形态的死对头,吸引了数百万观众前来围观这场在当时极不寻常的实验:两个卓逸不群的头脑在直播电视节目上决一死战——一度几乎发展成肉体相搏。

    Literary aristocrats and ideological foes , Vidal and Buckley attracted millions of viewers to what , at the time , was a highly irregular experiment : the spectacle of two brilliant minds slugging it out - once , almost literally - on live television .