
  1. 其中卓文君的形象变得哀怨,与唐代的时代风貌也有一定的关系。

    There is a certain relationship between the image of Zhuo Wenjun has become Sad and the Tang Dynasty style of the times .

  2. 在屈指可数的案例中,司马相如和卓文君的爱情故事最为著名,也是极少数获得成功的案例之一。

    Among the numbered cases , the romance of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is the most renowned one , and also one of the rare successes .

  3. 但是他居然用一曲古琴《凤求凰》打动了富家小姐卓文君。

    Yet by pure chance he moved Zhuo Wenjun , a lady from a rich family , with a guqin-accompanied song , The Male Phoenix Seeks His Mate .

  4. 司马相如和卓文君的爱情故事是中国文学史上流传已久的佳话,它在历朝历代都不同程度地受到了关注。

    The love story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is a beautiful and famous legend which spreads abroad for a long time in the history of Chinese Literature .

  5. 本书讲述了西汉著名辞赋家司马相如和才女卓文君的爱情故事,其中“文君夜奔相如”和“文君当垆卖酒”的故事更是为后人所传颂。

    The book tells a love story of Sima Xiangru , a writer living the Western Han Dynasty ( 206 BC-25 AD ), and a talented woman Zhuo Wenjun .

  6. 两个人私奔后,司马相如仍然是个一贫如洗的穷书生,而卓文君不得不由富家千金沦为买酒小贩。

    After the two eloped , Sima Xiangru was still the same talented scholar with little wealth , and Zhuo Wenjun had to sell liquor in the market despite her eminent family background , turning herself into a peddler - as modern people put it .

  7. 司马相如出身平庸,用现在的话说就是“无房无车无没钱没卡”一族。但是他居然用一曲古琴《凤求凰》打动了富家小姐卓文君。

    Sima Xiangru was a poor lad from obscure background , in modern words , he was the one " without house , without car , without money and without card 。 " Yet by pure chance he moved Zhuo Wenjun , a lady from a rich family , with a guqin-accompanied song , The Male Phoenix Seeks His Mate .