
  • 网络Performance Excellence
  1. 对企业导入卓越绩效管理模式及撰写自评报告具有实际的指导意义。

    It has significance on guiding enterprises implementing the Performance Excellence Management Model and writing self-evaluation report .

  2. 认证不是目的,组织应进行质量管理体系效率评价,持续改进,追求卓越绩效。

    Certification is not aim , organizations must evaluate quality management system in efficiency , doing continual improvement and pursuing performance excellence .

  3. 应用DEA量分的卓越绩效在制造业企业的研究

    The Application of Remarkable Achievements in Manufacturing Industry Based on DEA Quantification Analysis

  4. 由于ISO9000系列标准和卓越绩效国家标准要求顾客满意指数分析,SEM的计算就显得非常重要。

    As customer satisfaction index was required by a series of ISO9000 criterions , the calculation plays an important part in the applications of structural equation model .

  5. 因此,我们提出了ISO9000、六西格玛与TQM相结合的质量管理模型:卓越绩效模式;

    Therefore , we suggest the integrating quality management model of Six Sigma , ISO 9000 and TQM : Model for performance Excellence .

  6. 简述了统计技术方法、质量成本管理、ISO9000族标准、六西格玛理论和卓越绩效管理等相关的质量管理理论。

    It also describes the related quality management theories such as statistical technology method , quality cost management , ISO9000 standards , error-free theory and excellent performance management etc.

  7. 论文提出了QC公司从SPC、质量成本管理,质量管理体系建设到卓越绩效模式分三个阶段开展质量工作的发展思路。

    This paper puts forward the development thought from SPC , quality cost management , quality management system construction to excellent performance mode to develop the quality work in three steps .

  8. 随着六西格玛(6σ)管理理念在企业的实施和推广,不良质量成本(COPQ)逐渐取代了质量成本成为指导企业提高质量,降低成本,追求卓越绩效的方法和工具。

    With the implementation and development of Six Sigma management ( 6 σ ) philosophy , cost of poor quality ( COPQ ) is replacing cost of quality and becoming the method that guides enterprises to improve quality , reduce cost and pursue excellence performance .

  9. 全球已有60多个国家与地区,先后开展了卓越绩效管理的推广与普及。

    More than 60 countries and regions have experienced performance excellence .

  10. 卓越绩效测评体系与成熟度评价研究

    The Research on the Excellent Performance Assessment System and Mature Grade

  11. 关于油田企业导入卓越绩效模式的探讨

    Discussions on the Performance Excellence Model Introduced to Oil Field Enterprises

  12. 关于《卓越绩效评价准则》国家标准实施中的难点分析

    The Analysis on the Difficulties Appear in the National Normal Implementation

  13. 卓越绩效模式及实施方法研究

    The Excellent Performance Mode and in Fact the Research of Method

  14. 迄今为止,卓越绩效管理正日益成为一种世界性标准。

    By far , performance excellence mode is becoming an international criterion .

  15. 卓越绩效模式为应对这些趋势和挑战提供了解决办法。

    Performance Excellence Model provides an approach to those trends and challenges .

  16. 市场资产是企业取得卓越绩效的战略性资产。

    Market-based assets are strategic assets for obtaining super performance .

  17. 上海高校卓越绩效评价指标体系研究

    A Study of Excellence Performance Appraisal Indicators System of University in Shanghai

  18. 基础营销资源是企业取得卓越绩效的必要条件。

    Basic marketing resources are the essential conditions for obtaining super performance .

  19. 卓越绩效管理模式在医院管理中的应用

    The application of " performance excellence " management mode in hospital management

  20. 《卓越绩效评价准则》成熟度模型探讨

    The Primary Study on the Maturation Model of Excellent Performance Assessment Principle

  21. 卓越绩效评价准则中的平衡计分卡思想

    The Balanced Scorecard Philosophy in The Performance Excellence Model

  22. 基于卓越绩效模式的企业技术创新能力模型研究

    A Study of Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability Model Based on the Excellent Performance

  23. 卓越绩效评价是实施卓越绩效模式必不可少的内容。

    Performance Excellence evaluation is an essential element to implement Performance Excellence Model .

  24. 基于卓越绩效准则的企业动态管理模式研究

    Study on the enterprise dynamic management pattern based on criteria for performance excellence

  25. 基于卓越绩效评价准则的企业竞争力评价方法研究

    The Research of Evaluation Method of Enterprise Competitiveness Based on Criteria for Performance Excellence

  26. 政府部门卓越绩效评价的核心价值观研究

    The Research of The Core Values System about Performance Excellence Evaluation within Government Departments

  27. 最后,给出了卓越绩效管理的系统总结。

    At last , this paper gives a systemic summary of excellent performance management .

  28. 加强质量文化建设打造企业卓越绩效的基石

    Strengthening the Construction of Quality Culture to Lay a Cornerstone for Brilliant Business Performance

  29. 并对类似企业导入卓越绩效评价准则有一定的指导作用。

    And similar enterprises into the criteria for performance excellence has certain guiding function .

  30. 导入优秀管理模式追求卓越绩效

    Pursue Performance Excellence with Importing Advanced Management Pattern