
  • Chaplin;Charlie Chaplin;Charles Chaplin;Geraldine Chaplin
  1. 卓别林担心哑剧艺术面临威胁。

    Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat .

  2. 卓别林不仅仅是天才,也是电影史上最有影响力的人物之一。

    Chaplin was not just a genius , he was among the most influential figures in film history .

  3. 人必须信赖自人,这是成过的法门。(佳国演员卓别林。C。)

    You have to believe in yourself . That 's the secret of success . ( Charles Chaplin , American actor )

  4. 悲哀的是,二三十年代很多说英语的人认为卓别林的Tramp有点,怎么说呢,有点粗鲁。

    Sad to say , many English people in the1920 's and1930 's thought Chaplin 's Tramp a bit , well ," crude " .

  5. 这种不真实的体验让我感觉自己有点像《淘金记》(thegoldrush)中的卓别林(charliechaplin)他请意中人共进晚餐,备好了饭菜,左等右等,她却没来。

    This surreal experience left me feeling a bit like Charlie Chaplin in the gold rush , when he invites his love to dinner and prepares the meal and waits but she does not come .

  6. 当他在1931年与查理·卓别林(CharlieChaplin)见面时,据说卓别林对他说,公众为他们两人喝彩,是因为每个人都理解自己的电影,但没有一个人理解爱因斯坦的理论。

    When he met Charlie Chaplin in 1931 , Chaplin is said to have told Einstein that the crowds cheered them both because everyone understood him and no one understood Einstein .

  7. 这部电影的上庥由查理卓别林主演。

    This film stars Charlie Chaplin actress in the first part .

  8. 卓别林的晚年是在瑞士度过的。

    Chaplin lived the last years of his life in switzerland .

  9. 从早年起,卓别林就相信自己的才华。

    From an early age , Chaplin believed in his talents .

  10. 有钱挣当然是件高兴事,卓别林说。

    [ The money ] is definitely enticing , says Chaplin .

  11. 孩子们过去喜欢查理卓别林拍的那些老电影。

    The children used to love those old Charlie Chaplin films .

  12. 这是一部以卓别林为主要吸引的电影。

    It is a film with Chaplin as the main attraction .

  13. 卓别林给观众鞠躬,大家都笑了。

    Charlie Chaplin bowed to the audience and they all laughed .

  14. 这样的装扮也许是卓别林在全球最受认同的形象。

    This is perhaps the most identified picture in the world .

  15. 卓别林被认为是最滑稽的演员之一。

    Chaplin is considered to be one of the funniest actors .

  16. 卓别林的【摩登时代】是对机械文明的讽刺作品。

    Chaplin 's Modern Times is a satire on machine civilization .

  17. 所有这些都是卓别林巨大成功的秘密。

    It is all the secret of Chaplin 's huge success .

  18. 卓别林是有史以来最著名的喜剧演员。

    Chaplin is the most famous comedian of all time .

  19. 卓别林出现在舞台上时,手里拿着一根拐杖。

    Chaplin appeared on the stage , a stick in his hand .

  20. 卓别林演的电影使许多电影观众倾倒。

    The films of Chaplin have become a cult among many moviegoers .

  21. 卓别林是一位受全世界欢迎的喜剧演员。

    Charlie Chaplin is a comic actor of universal appeal .

  22. 约翰学着卓别林的样来逗我们开心。

    John took his cue from Charles Chaplin as to amuse us .

  23. 我昨天看了一场由查理?卓别林主演的老电影。

    I saw an old movie starring Charlie Chaplin yesterday .

  24. 查里。卓别林作为一名性格演员而世界闻名。

    Charlie Chaplin was internationally famous as a character actor .

  25. 这像是查理卓别林老式喜剧影片里的玩意儿。

    It was like something out of an old Charlie Chaplin film .

  26. 以后你得像卓别林一样走路。

    Next time you 'll be walking like Charlie chaplin !

  27. 卓别林扮演小流浪汉已达登峰造极的境界。

    Chaplin was at his best playing the little tramp .

  28. 我不知道卓别林的电影什么时候放映。

    I have no idea when Chaplin 's film will be on .

  29. 查理卓别林是世界闻名的喜剧演员。

    Charles Chaplin is a world famous comedy actor .

  30. 在卓别林模仿秀中,查理卓别林本人获得了第三名。

    Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest .