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  1. 2006年盱眙龙虾荣获农业部颁发的“中国名牌农产品”称号。

    Xuyi Lobster was awarded the title of " Chinese famous agricultural product brand " by the Ministry of Agriculture in2006 .

  2. 公司注册的“十月红”牌鲜脆冬枣是河北省著名商标、河北省名牌产品和中国名牌农产品。

    The company 's registered " Red October " brand of fresh and crisp winter jujube is a brand-name product in Hebei Province and a well-known brand of agricultural product in China .

  3. 公司生产的“北大荒”系列品牌大米成为AA、A级绿色食品、中国名牌产品、中国名牌农产品。

    The'Beidahuang'series brand rice produced by the company has become the AA , A grade green food , Chinese famous brand , Chinese agricultural brand-name product .