
  • 网络hippophae rhamnoides;Hippophae rhamnoides sinensis
  1. 其中:(1)在浅山区,植冠层截留量和枯枝落叶层的容水量以模式D(中国沙棘)最大,分别为1.43mm,1.87mm;

    The more the total pore space , the bigger the final infiltration rates . In the low-hill area , the total water-holding capacity of the canopy and litter layer of model D ( Hippophae rhamnoides ) was the biggest , that was 1.43 mm and 1.87 mm respectively ;

  2. 大通县中国沙棘产果量调查

    Investigation on Output of Fruit of Hippophae rhamnoides in Datong County

  3. 中国沙棘油中含有大量胡萝卜素和维生素E等天然药物成分是极为可贵的。

    There is a great capacity of Vitamin E and carotene in the oil of Chinese Seabuekthorn fruits , which is very precious .

  4. 对生长在同一生态条件下的中国沙棘、俄罗斯大果沙棘和蒙古大果沙棘品种雌雄株性别进行了RAPD鉴定。

    Three sea buckthorn from China , Russia and Mongolia and their female and male plant were distinguished by RAPD .

  5. 中国沙棘和俄罗斯沙棘的ISSR分析

    ISSR Analysis of Chinese Seabuckthorn and Russian Seabuckthorn

  6. 中国沙棘(Hippophaerhamnoidessubsp.sinensis)雌雄株的水分生态适应性研究

    Studies on Water Ecological Adaptability of Female and Male of Hippophae Rhamnoides Subsp . Sinensis

  7. 中国沙棘果汁中的Vc含量极高,平均8g/l(4.2-13.2g/l),是芬兰沙棘果汁中含量的5倍。

    The vitamin C content of CH juice was typically extremely high , on average 8 g / 1 ( 4 . 2-13 . 2 g / 1 ), five times more than that of the FI juice .

  8. 在后期辽阜一号、辽阜二号、中国沙棘三个品种SOD活性下降较其他种(品种)缓慢,说明它们维持SOD活性的能力较强,抗旱性较好。

    The SOD activity of LIAO FU 1 , LIAO FU 2 , Hippophae sinensis decreased slowly in the late stage , which indicates that they have strong ability of maintaining the SOD activity , and the drought resistant ability is better .

  9. 膜脂过氧化物质MDA的含量随着干旱胁迫程度的增加和胁迫时间的延长持续增加,雌株叶片内MDA含量高于雄株,中国沙棘的MDA含量高于俄罗斯沙棘。

    The content of MDA increased with decreasing of water content of the soil , MDA content in leaves of female higher than that of male , MDA content in leaves of Chinese sea buckthorn higher than that of Russian sea buckthorn .

  10. 中国沙棘雌株硬枝扦插育苗试验研究

    Study on Hardwood Cutting of Female Seedling for Chinese Sea buckthorn

  11. 中国沙棘的表型结构与种群变异

    The Phenotype Structure and Population Variation of Chinese Hippophae

  12. 中国沙棘大面积死亡原因的探讨

    Causes of seabuckthorn death in large acreage in China

  13. 中国沙棘属种质资源及其生境类型的研究

    Germplasm resource and habitat types of Seabuckthorn in China

  14. 中国沙棘的遗传变异主要存在于居群内符合其繁育系统特点。

    It , however , was in accord with characters of its breeding system .

  15. 俄罗斯沙棘与中国沙棘杂交子代雌株遗传变异分析

    Analysis of Russian and Chinese Seabuckthorn Hybrid Filial Generation 's Female Plant Hereditary Changes

  16. 齐墩果酸在俄罗斯沙棘中的含量>蒙古沙棘>中国沙棘。

    Oleanolic acid is Russian sea buckthorn , Mongolia sea buckthorn and Chinese sea buckthorn .

  17. 黄土高原中国沙棘克隆种群高度结构动态

    Height-class Structure Dynamics of Hippophae rhamnoides ssp . sinensis Clone Population in the Loess Plateau

  18. 中国沙棘对国外引种乔木幼期生长的促进作用

    Promoting Function of Seabuckthorn on the Growth of Introduced Foreign Arbor Trees in Young Growth Period

  19. 俄罗斯沙棘的营养价值高于蒙古沙棘和中国沙棘。3从采摘时期看,以不同目的而定。

    Nutation value of Russia seabuckthorn is higher than one Mongolia seabuckthorn and China seabuckthorn . 3 .

  20. 中国沙棘与俄罗斯沙棘及杂交品种相比叶片小,表皮毛层次多,气孔密度大,具有较强的耐旱性。

    Sinensis has smaller leaves , more layers of epidermal hair and denser stomas than H. rhamnoides .

  21. 祁连山南麓中国沙棘主要林分类型的森林水文作用

    The Eco-hydrological Effect of Main Forest Stands of Hippophae rhamnoides ssp . sinensis Stands in Southern Qilian Mountains

  22. 结果表明,通过分株及其分蘖的出生与死亡调节,中国沙棘不断改变分株的克隆生长型。

    The results showed that the clonal growth form changed continuously by the birth and death regulation of daughter ramet and tiller .

  23. 高寒林区引种中国沙棘和红皮云杉人工混交模式的研究

    Study on the introduction of Chinese seabuckthorn and the model of artificial mix of spruce with it in cold high-mountain forest area

  24. 发芽初期,中国沙棘的发芽率较引进品种高;

    At the beginning of germination , the germination percentage of Chinese Sea Buckthorn was more higher than that of Cultivars introduced ;

  25. 不同土壤水分条件下中国沙棘雌雄株光合作用、蒸腾作用及水分利用效率特征

    Effects of soil moisture levels on photosynthesis , transpiration , and moisture use efficiency of female and male plants of Hippophae rhamnoides ssp . sinensis

  26. 因此,以柱头张开产生分泌物来判断胚囊成熟对中国沙棘是不适宜的。

    It is not reasonable to judge the maturing embryo sac of allicable in H.rhamonides according to the state of stigma opening and its secretion .

  27. 结果表明:中国沙棘新梢生长量、生长势和座果率强于俄罗斯沙棘和蒙古沙棘生长。

    The results showed that shoot growth length , growth vigor and fruit setting rate of H. rhamnoides are higher than those of cultivars from Russia and Mongolia .

  28. 探索了几个主要性状的演化趋势。认为中国沙棘乃是多态型的种群系统,即存在很大幅度的随机变异,也存在着地理种群间的差异。

    It has shown that Chinese seabuckthorn is the system of population with multi-ecotypes , e.g. lots of random variation existed in populations and in different geographic types .

  29. 对俄罗斯大果沙棘、蒙古大果沙棘和中国沙棘(对照)叶片叶绿素变化动态、光合速率、呼吸速率、光饱和点、光补偿点和叶片干重与光合速率的关系进行了比较研究。

    Changing trend of chlorophyll contents , photosynthetic rate , respiration rate , light saturation point , light compensation point and dry weight of seabuckthorn leaves were studied in this paper .

  30. 中国沙棘的临界饱和亏值最大,齐棘在后期临界饱和亏为各种(品种)最低,说明其易受干旱胁迫影响。

    The critical saturation deficit of Hippophae sinensis is the highest , and QI JI is the lowest in the later stage , which indicates that it is easily affected by drought stress .