
  1. 中兽医学的特色与发展方向

    Distinguishing feature and development direction of traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Science

  2. 中兽医学的研究现状与未来展望

    The Advance and Future of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

  3. 中兽医药方防治鸡传染性法氏囊病的应用

    Application of Chinese veterinary medicine on control and cure of infectious bursal disease

  4. 中兽医学是祖国医学这一文化遗产的重要组成部分,它几千年来为保障中国畜牧业的发展做出了巨大贡献,也对世界兽医学的发展产生过重大影响。

    Chinese veterinarian is an important part of the motherland medicine . For thousands of years , it has made a great contribution for the development of animal husbandry in China . And , it has had significant influence on the World Veterinary development .

  5. 在中国神话中,独角兽是一种吉祥之物。

    In Chinese mythology , the Licorne is an auspicious objects .

  6. 因为他将其误认为中国古老传说中的独角兽。

    Which he mistook for a unicorn from an ancient Chinese myth .

  7. 从海上来的兽与地中上来的兽都被撒旦所支配。

    Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the earth are controlled by Satan .

  8. 在哈利的探险故事里,在经典神话中,独角兽都代表这绝对善良。

    Unicorn , in harry ` s adventure as well as in classical mythology , are pure goodness .

  9. 麒麟是我国民间传说中的仁兽,是和平和吉祥的象征。

    The Kylin is a kind beast in the Chinese folklore . It is a symbol of peace and good luck .

  10. 貔貅是一种和麒麟相似的古代动物,是中国古代的吉祥物,在现代仍然不失为办公室中的宝兽!

    The mythical wild animal is one kind and kylin similarity ancient times animal , is an ancient mascot of Chinese , is in modern precious beast in still being able to yet be regarded as office !

  11. 那红龙给三个兽中的第一个兽生命。

    The Red Dragon gives life to the first of three beasts .

  12. 我愿成为一片丢失的林中空地,独角兽在此玩耍。

    I 'll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play .

  13. 角蛇;大角枭;麒麟-神话中的有角兽;长角牛。

    Horned viper ; great horned owl ; the unicorn & a mythical horned beast ; long-horned cattle .

  14. 本文中不同属小兽体表寄生蚤类形成了不同的群落类型。

    The hosts in different genera in this case study tend to have different types of ectoparasitic flea communities .

  15. 海洋中传奇的独角兽–独角鲸和伟大的冰海鲸鱼–弓头鲸,在那里兴旺发展,而在地球的任何其他地方都找不到。

    Narwhals , the legendary unicorns of the sea , and bowheads , the great ice whales , thrive there and nowhere else on Earth .

  16. 一个女孩骑的柏伽索斯独角兽,矗立高空云层,她的头发在微风中飘动,独角兽轻柔的拍打它的翅膀。

    Soaring high above the clouds , a girl rides the Pegasus Unicorn , her hair flowing in the breeze created by the gentle beating of his wings .

  17. 文中对各小兽群落结构、物种丰富度、物种多样性,均匀度和生态优势进行了测定和比较,认为群落稳定性最高是针阔叶混交林,而最低是农耕区。

    Community structure , species diversity , evenness and ecological dominance indices of the small mammals communities were measured and compared . Stability of small mammals communities was the highest in the coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest and the lowest in cultivated area .

  18. 对神话原型的探析,从感生神话与图腾神话两个角度分析出僧人神异的出生与在修行中封自然界凶兽的度脱,体现出对远古记忆轨迹的重复。

    Based on the analysis of myth prototype , from the myth and totem myth , we get the monks birth and the practice of the degrees of nature fierce beast and this reflects the repetition of the trajectory of the ancient memory .

  19. 不仅俗世之人向往神仙世界,就连大自然中的花鸟木兽也倾仙慕道,积极主动地寻求度脱之路,渴望出家入道,成为仙界中人。

    Not only the people want the world of the immortals , even nature of flowers and birds wood out of the way for the beast also , actively seek degrees off the road , eager to trade became a monk , become celestial middleman .

  20. 就中兽医学的发展中,论述了中兽医学对畜体的基本认识,并提出了中兽医学研究方法的特点。

    The article discusses the beasts basic recognize about China vet medicine from its grow history , puts forward trait of research means in China vet medicine .