
  • 网络gaussian;Gaussian blur;Gaussian filter
  1. 基于Benford定律的高斯模糊篡改取证

    Forensics of Gaussian Blur Tempering Based on Benford 's Law

  2. 如果您拥有旧版本的Photoshop的高斯模糊将尽也,但颜色会发生融合的边缘。

    If you own an older version of Photoshop , a Gaussian Blur will do it too , but color blending will occur on the edges .

  3. 柔化阴影,加入高斯模糊滤镜。

    Soften the shadow by adding Gaussian Blur filter .

  4. 主要内容如下:1.介绍了高斯模糊的算法。

    The main content shows as follow : 1.Gaussian blur algorithm is introduced .

  5. 高斯模糊是图象和信号退化中常用的模型。

    Gaussian blur is a common model in degraded images and singnals processing .

  6. 点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊。

    Select also for blurring Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur .

  7. 点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊,层类型设置为叠加。

    Apply then Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur and change the layer type on Multiply .

  8. 复制面膜层,点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊。

    Copy now the mask layer , applying to it Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur .

  9. 然后在上面和下面添加一些阴影,用椭圆工具和高斯模糊就可以完成了。

    Next I will add some shadows on the top and at the bottom of the main content area .

  10. 针对一类存在高斯模糊差异的置换混叠图像,提出基于差分进化的高斯模糊置换混叠图像盲分离。

    A blind separation algorithm based on differential evolution is proposed for a type of permuted alias image with gaussian blur difference .

  11. 将图层复制(层-复制图层)点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊,参数如下。

    Copy the layer now ( Layer - Duplicate Layer ) and blur it out with Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur .

  12. 采用基于流动纹理的过程着色方案;并将环境纹理镜像化后合并,然后进行景象的高斯模糊;

    Runtime shading method for flowing texture was proposed , background texture was appended to original one after mirror-image generation and Gauss blur distortion .

  13. 针对高斯模糊情况,利用单幅图像与两幅图像修复效果进行比较。

    In the case of Gaussian blur , the restoration effect only using one degraded image was compared with that using two degraded images .

  14. 基于以上原因本文以高斯模糊图像的盲复原为基础,探讨了一些图像复原方法,力求达到较好的复原效果。

    Based on these reasons above , this thesis studies the blind restoration methods of Gauss blurred image so as to reach a better restoration effect .

  15. 论文的主要工作有以下几个方面:1.研究了图像高斯模糊的基础知识和针对高斯模糊进行篡改检测的算法。

    The main work of the paper in the following aspects.1.Discussed the rudimentary knowledge of image Gaussian blur and tampering detection algorithm aim at Gaussian blur .

  16. 研究了在实际应用中影响目标不变矩稳定性的各种因素,包括高斯模糊、有限观测区域和离散化处理等。

    Several important factors , including Gaussian blurring , finite imaging region , and discrete computation , were considered to study the stability of moment invariants in practical application .

  17. 对大词汇量汉语连续语音识别的实验结果表明:高斯模糊聚类使高斯数减少25%时,识别率提高了0.15%。

    The experimental results on large vocabulary continuous Mandarin speech recognition show when the number of Gaussians is reduced by 25 % , the recognition accuracy increases by 0.15 % .

  18. 由于采用不同降质方法得到退化图像的频谱差异较大,以此作为判别依据,用概率神经网络实现了对四种模糊类型:离焦,矩形,运动和高斯模糊的鉴别。

    According to this , a neural network based on probability was used for the blur identification . Four types of blur were considered : gaussian , rectangular , motion and defocus ones .

  19. 实验表明,该算法不仅检测和定位效果好,而且鲁棒性高,如针对运动模糊攻击、高斯模糊攻击等具有很好的鲁棒性。

    Experiments show that our algorithm is not only effective to detect and locate the region duplication forgery , but also robust to some common attacks , such as motion blur attacks and Gaussian blur attacks .

  20. 高斯型模糊逻辑系统的BP算法及其应用

    BP Algorithm of Gauss Fuzzy Logical System and its Application in System Identification

  21. 基于高斯基模糊神经网络的漂浮基柔性空间机械臂自学习控制

    Self-learning control of space flexible manipulator based on Gauss function fuzzy neural network

  22. 文中给出了应用这种算法对被高斯噪声模糊了的几何试验图象进行分割的实验结果,并对松弛法和动态程序法进行了比较。

    Experimental results are shown on the application of the algorithm to geometric test images corrupted by Gaussian noise . A comparison of two MAP methods using the relaxation approach and the dynamic programming approach is presented .

  23. 基于高斯型分布模糊集的FuzzyMin-max人工神经网络

    Fuzzy min-max artificial neural network based on Gauss distributive fuzzy set

  24. 提出了一种基于高斯型分布模糊集的FuzzyMin-max人工神经网络,它继承了原有FuzzyMin-max网的优点,并可以输入n维高斯型分布的模糊量。

    Based on Gauss distributive fuzzy set , a new fuzzy min-max artificial neural network is proposed . The network that can use the Gauss distributive fuzzy input vectors inherits the merit of the fuzzy min-max network .

  25. 采用高斯函数作为模糊隶属函数,将模糊控制与神经网络相结合。

    In this paper , using Gauss function as membership function , fuzzy control and neural network are combined .

  26. 然后研究了模糊神经网络的构成,并且证明了基于高斯基的模糊神经网络是一万能逼近器。

    Afterwards , studied how to form neuro-fuzzy , it is testified that the fuzzy neural network is a all-purpose approximation for nonlinear system .

  27. 算法重点考虑到成像过程中必然引入的各种噪声,用高斯分布函数模糊化直线参数,使提取具有良好的稳健性。

    The new method puts emphases on dealing with all kinds of noise from the imaging process , and uses Gaussian distribution to blur parameters of straight lines in order to ensure extraction robustness .

  28. 基于高斯函数择优和模糊控制的电焊电源STT波控法

    STT Wave Control of the Welding Power on Gauss Function and Fuzzy Control

  29. 基于高斯隶属函数的模糊定性仿真

    Fuzzy qualitative simulation with Gauss membership function