
  1. 高州市人民医院调研报告

    Investigation and Research Report on people ′ s Hospital of Gaozhou City

  2. 用心服务山区百姓科技创新持续发展&高州市人民医院10年技术进步调查报告

    Serving the common people in mountainous area heart and soul , the innovation of science and technology develop continuously ∶ the investigation report of technique progressing of Gaozhou people 's hospital in ten years

  3. 目的通过高州市人民医院在构建和谐社会中履行公立医院责任的成效调查,分析医院层面缓解群众看病难、看病贵的可行性。

    Objective To analyze the feasibility of alleviating the issue of inaccessible and expensive health care on the part of the hospital by studying the effect of carrying out the responsibilities of a public hospital in building a harmonious society by the People 's Hospital of Gaozhou .