
ɡāo sī ān suān nèi zhǐ
  • homoserine lactone
  1. 群体感应是指细菌中依赖于细胞密度的基因表达调控过程,参与这种调节的系统被称为群体感应系统。N酰基高丝氨酸内酯是大多数革兰氏阴性细菌群体感应系统的信号分子。

    Quorum sensing is defined as the cell density-dependent regulation of gene expression , and the involved system is the quorum sensing system , in which N-acyl homoserine lactone is known as the signal molecules of most gram-negative organisms .

  2. aiiA基因编码的AiiA蛋白能降解细菌群体感应系统中的信号分子N酰基高丝氨酸内酯AHLs,从而减弱致病菌对植物的危害。

    AiiA protein , encoded by aiiA gene , can inactivates the AHL signals which regulates in quorum sensing system in bacteria by hydrolyzing its lactone bond so that it can release the disease in plant .

  3. N酰基高丝氨酸内酯酶(N-acylhomoserinelactonelactonase,AHL-Lactonase)通过水解AHL生成酰基高丝氨酸,使AHL失去活性,阻断病原菌的群体感应机制,使病原菌失去致病力。

    The N-acylhomoserine lactone lactonase ( AHL-Lactonase ) could inactivate AHLs by hydrolyzing the lactone bond to produce corresponding N-acyl homoserines , then blocking the quorum sensing system and attenuating pathogen 's virulence .

  4. N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯酶的原核表达、纯化及酶学特性研究

    Prokaryotic Expression , Purification of Recombinant AHL-lactonase Protein and Study on It 's Characteristics

  5. 目前发现参与这种信息传递最普通的信号分子是N-脂酰高丝氨酸内酯。

    Signal transmission can be quenched by inhibition of N-acyl-homoserine-lactone , leading to breaking the initial of pathogenic genes transcription and the expression of virulence .

  6. 转N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯酶基因拟南芥的获得及其对软腐病的抗性甘蓝抗枯萎病种质的获得及特征分析

    Generation of Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Expressing an N-acylhomoserine Lactonase Gene and Analysis of Their Resistance to Soft Rot Disease Screening and dissection of Fusarium wilt resistant cabbage germplasm

  7. 革兰氏阴性细菌能够产生一类自体诱导物高丝氨酸酰基内酯(AHLs),它能够调控细菌、植物的相关生理功能。

    N-acyl homoserine lactones ( AHLs ) as a kind of autoinducers produced by Gram-negative bacteria can regulate some relevant physiological function of bacteria and plant .