
  • 网络High voltage isolation switch;high-voltage disconnector;switch-disconnector
  1. 高压隔离开关导电杆运动机构优化设计

    Optimal Design of the Conductor Leader Movement Mechanism in the Outdoors High-voltage Disconnector

  2. 导电杆运动机构在偏折式户外高压隔离开关的传动系统中是最重要、最复杂的。

    The conductor leader movement mechanism is the most important and complicated among the transmission systems of the semi-pantograph outdoors high-voltage disconnector .

  3. ZD6转辙机双动微机测控台DJJ1型动力车高压隔离开关故障分析与对策

    Malfunction analysis and countermeasure of HV disconnecting switch on type DJJ_1 power car

  4. 高压隔离开关过热的原因及解决方案

    The Reason and the Solving Schemes for Overheated High-voltage Segregate Switches

  5. 高压隔离开关切环流能力的分析

    Analysis for the Capability of Switching Loop Current by Disconnector

  6. 一种高压隔离开关触头在线磨光装置

    A Live Polishing Machine for Disconnector Contact with High-voltage

  7. 高压隔离开关触头温度在线监测系统的研制

    On-line Temperature Measurement System for Contacts in HV Switchgear

  8. 矿用高压隔离开关的维护及故障处理

    Maintenance and Fault Processing of Mine High Voltage Isolator

  9. 户外高压隔离开关存在问题和改进措施

    Limitations and improvement of outdoor HV disconnectors

  10. 江西电网高压隔离开关瓷瓶断裂事故统计与分析

    The statistic and analysis of high-voltage disconnecting switch insulator fracturing accidents in Jiangxi power grid

  11. 指出了高压隔离开关在制造、使用等方面存在的问题;

    It is pointed out the existent problems of HV switch-disconnector in manufacturing and its application .

  12. 对一起高压隔离开关投运前,例行试验发现的隔离开关绝缘套管故障进行分析。

    This paper analyzes the malfunction of high voltage disconnectors insulated sleeve before running regular tests .

  13. 高压隔离开关;

    High voltage isolation switch ;

  14. 高压隔离开关、接地开关中平衡件的设置与平衡力特性的计算

    Design of the Balanced Device and Calculation of Balancing Force Characteristic on HV Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

  15. 零部件表面锈蚀、操作不灵活和瓷绝缘子断裂是户外高压隔离开关常见的机械故障。

    Corrosion of spare surface , malfunction and fracture of porcelain insulator are common mechanical faults in outdoor disconnectors .

  16. 而高压隔离开关用于电力变电站,使电力器具独立于线路中,如断路器、变压器和输电线路,以便保养及维修。

    High-voltage isolation switches are used in electrical substations to allow isolation of apparatus such as circuit breakers and transformers , and transmission lines , for maintenance .

  17. 文章对72·5~550kV高压隔离开关在运行中所反映出的主要问题,即瓷瓶断裂、操作失灵、导电回路过热和锈蚀进行了原因分析,并列举了典型事故案例;

    The paper analyzed the main problems in operation of 72.5 ~ 550 kV HV switch-disconnector , such as porcelain insulator breaking , operation ineffectiveness , overheat and corrosion of conductive loop , and gave the typical case studies .

  18. 高压隔离开关是电力系统中使用量最大、应用范围最广的高压电器设备,同时它又是最不受制造和使用部门所重视的电器设备。

    HV switch-disconnector is the HV electrical equipment with the biggest quantity in use and the most broad scope in application in power system , at the same time , it is not be paid attention by manufacturers and users .

  19. 特高压GIS隔离开关的电场特性及绝缘性能研究

    The Research of Electric Field and Insulation Characteristic for Ultra High Voltage Disconnector

  20. 通过计算和试验研究找到了降低800kV特高压交流隔离开关的无线电干扰水平的途径,对屏蔽环的设计计算作了详细的阐述。

    In order to reduce the radio interference level of 800 kV EHV AC disconnector , calculations and experiments are carried out , and the measures are given out in this paper . The design of shielding ring of 800 kV disconnector is introduced in detail .

  21. 超高压GIS中隔离开关不同操作方式对快速瞬态过电压的影响研究

    Effect of Isolating Switch Operation on Very Fast Transient Over-voltage in Extra-high Voltage GIS

  22. 1000kV特高压户外交流隔离开关选型及技术条件

    Type Selection and Technical Conditions for 1000 kV UHV Outdoor AC Switch - Disconnector

  23. 可供新设计高压、超高压隔离开关、接地开关时参考。

    This paper can be referred in design of HV 、 UHV disconnectors and earthing switches .

  24. 配电电器&用于电能的输送和分配的电器,如高压断路器、隔离开关、母线等。

    Electric power distribution-for electricity transmission and distribution of electrical appliances , such as high-voltage circuit breaker , disconnecting switch , bus and so on .

  25. 通过高压断路器和隔离开关的实际检修工作,论述了导致断路器合闸困难的缺陷成因以及相应的处理方法。

    Through a practical overhaul case of high voltage circuit breaker and isolator , the paper expounds the faults caused by difficulties of the circuit breaker in closing and makes corresponding measures .

  26. 从控制电路原理及其它方面介绍了两种实现高压隔离的方法,分析了高压隔离开关的作用。

    : Two methods for high - voltage isolating are introduced on the principle of control circuit . The usage of high - voltage isolating switch is analyed .