
  1. 随着世界科技向高新领域迈进和体育运动水平迅猛的发展,高科技与体育的结合更是日趋紧密。

    The relation of sports and advanced science and technology has to be more closely as the world ' science and technology has closed to the high-tech field and the rapid progress of athletic sports .

  2. 随着经济知识化的快速发展,尤其是知识密集型产业的广泛发展,高新领域技术所引领的技术与知识的集成创新已经成为知识经济时代的引擎。

    Along with the fast development of economy based on knowledge , particularly the widespread development of knowledge intensity industries , the integrated innovation of technology and knowledge which the high and new domain technology leads , have already become the engine of knowledge economy era .

  3. 聚酰亚胺(PI)具有优异的综合性能,在高新技术领域具有十分重要的应用。

    Polymide ( PI ) has excellent performance in the field of high technologies .

  4. 半导体照明将成为21世纪最具发展前景的高新技术领域。实现半导体白光照明的主要途径有以下两种:一是利用红、绿和蓝三基色的半导体LED芯片组合来实现白光照明;

    In the 21st century , white-light Semiconductor lighting will become the high and new technology that possesses great developmental potential .

  5. PCF以其独特的结构和优异的性能,为光纤通信等高新技术领域提供了一种新型的光传输介质和光器件。

    With the unique structure and excellent properties , PCF has provided a novel kind of optical transmitted medium and optical device .

  6. LED光源作为一种新光源,有着节能、环保、小尺寸、长寿命等显著特点,是近年来全球最具发展前景的高新技术领域之一。

    As a new source for lighting , Light emitting diode is one of the most attractive technology fields in recent years because of its excellent characteristic such as superiority in power-saving , environmental friendliness , small size and long life .

  7. 白光LED因其节能、环保和高效等优点而越来越多的被应用,被公认为21世纪最具发展前景的高新技术领域之一,因此提供高性能的LED驱动控制器越来越受到关注。

    White-light LED , which has more and more varieties of applications due to its advantages of energy saving , environmental protection and high efficiency , is considered as one of the most promising high & new technologies in the 21st century .

  8. 超精密加工技术在精密机械、汽车、航空、航天、IC制造和微电子等诸多高新科技领域都有着非常重要而又广泛的应用,其中高精度主轴又是实现超精密加工技术的核心部件。

    Ultra-precision machining technology has very important and wide applications in many high-tech fields such as precision machinery , automobile , aerospace , IC manufacturing and microelectronics etc. High-precision spindle is the core component to achieve ultra-precision machining .

  9. 等离子熔射工艺具有短流程、快速成形等独特优势,已被广泛应用于诸多高新技术领域,如快速模具、功能涂层和固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)等。

    Plasma spray has been applied widely in the high and new technology industries , such as rapid mould , functional coating , solid oxide fuel cell ( SOFC ) and so on , in view of its short-circuit , rapid and other unique characteristics .

  10. 毛细抽吸两相回路系统(CPL)以毛细芯分离相变传热为基础,由于高效节能,控温稳定等优势而广泛应用于航空航天,高密度热流散热等高新技术领域。

    With high efficiency , energy saving and high dependability for temperature control , the Capillary Pumped Loop ( CPL ), as a two-phase thermo-control system , is applied in many high tech fields such as controlling heat transfer on air craft , cooling high power density electronic devices .

  11. 推进海洋监测高新技术领域实施标准战略

    Promote Standards Strategy in the Process of Marine Monitoring Hi-tech Industrialization

  12. 真空冷冻干燥技术在若干高新科技领域中的应用与发展

    Development and Applications of Vacuum Freeze-drying in Emerging Technologies

  13. 压电陶瓷已广泛应用到航空航天等高新技术领域中。

    Piezoelectric ceramics have been widely used in aeronautic and astronautic high-tech areas .

  14. 纳米氧化铈在高新技术领域中的应用及其制备研究进展

    Developments in Synthesis and Application of CeO_2 Nanoparticles

  15. 从育种遗传资源、高新技术领域研究、育种周期三个方面,剖析了限制我国棉花育种进展的问题所在,提出了棉花品质育种的研究对策。

    Four countermeasures are proposed on genetic breeding resources , high technique research and breeding period .

  16. 功能陶瓷作为近代高新技术领域的关键材料获得了广泛的应用。

    Function ceramics have been received extensive applications as the most important materials in the high-new technology .

  17. 重点突破提取、分离、纯化等高新技术领域。

    Give priority to make breakthroughs in high technologies such as extraction , separation and purification of TCM .

  18. 吸收外资结构继续优化,高新技术领域吸收外资大幅增长。

    Structure of FDI attracted has been constantly optimized , and FDI in the Hi-tech sector increased significantly .

  19. 航空航天、微电子和光电子、武器装备等高新技术领域对电机性能的要求日益增加。

    The development of aerospace , microelectronics , optoelectronics , and high-tech weapons requires high performance of motors .

  20. 聚酰亚胺因为独特的性能已经被广泛的应用于高新技术领域。

    In view of their unique properties , polyimides have found a wide range of applications in advanced technologies .

  21. 中国希望与意大利开展节能环保等高新技术领域的合作。

    China hopes to carry out cooperation with Italy in such high-tech sectors as energy conservation and environmental protection .

  22. 半导体陶瓷是当今世界迅速发展的一项高新技术领域。

    Semi-conductive ceramic belongs to a high and new technical field developing at high speed in the world today .

  23. 镁及镁合金具有密度小、比刚度和比强度高、尺寸稳定性好等特点,已成为现代高新技术领域中最有希望的一种材料。

    Magnesium and magnesium alloys possess very low density , high specific strength and stiffness and good dimension stability capabilities .

  24. 合作技术创新正成为技术创新,尤其是高新技术领域创新的主流模式。

    Cooperative technology innovation become major mode of the technology innovation , especially the innovation of the new and high technology field .

  25. 在高新技术领域企业的经济利益更多地取决于技术创新、知识产权和标准。

    In the high-tech field , economic interest of enterprises lies much more on technical innovation , intellectual property rights and standards .

  26. 在高新技术领域智力资本的价值与作用已远远超越了传统意义上的财务资本。

    The value of intellectual capital is far more essential than the financial capital in the field of new and high technology .

  27. 他们不断从研究倒立摆控制方法中发掘出新的控制方法,并将其应用于航天科技和机器人学等各种高新科技领域。

    They continually excavate many new methods , and apply them to various high-tech fields , such as aviation and the robots .

  28. 主要介绍了高分子纳米颗粒材料和纳米技术在生物医学等高新科技领域中的应用。

    The applications of polymeric nanometer-sized particles and nanometer technologies in high and new technology fields such as biology and medical sciences were focused .

  29. 稀土发光材料的应用一直是重点的高新技术领域,在照明、显示、信息传递等领域都有广泛的应用。

    The application of Rare Earth Luminescent Materials has been the focus in high-tech fields , such as lighting , display , messaging and so on .

  30. 目前我国企业与跨国公司相比仍然摆脱不了规模较小、高新技术领域实力薄弱、核心技术缺乏、技术创新能力不强,核心能力不突出的劣势。

    Comparing with some international enterprises , Chinese corporations are still smaller , short for core competence , hi - tech and the power of innovation .