
  1. 论文首先对企业战略概念一般理论进行了综述,继而分析了国际、国内军工行业企业发展现状,并就C集团的发展历程和现状做了概括性描述。

    The paper firstly introduces the general theory about strategy management , and then reviews both the history and status quo of international and national defense industry including C group .

  2. 引信高G值长脉冲特性测试系统是专门为满足军工行业要求而研发的,其主要应用于引信的抗冲击能力检测。

    Fuze high-g pulse width property test system is specially developed to satisfy for the requests of military industry , and it mainly used in testing impact resistance of the fuze .

  3. 总部位于柏林的透明国际(transparencyinternational)对经合组织(oecd)成员国进行了严厉抨击,该组织在如何处理军工行业涉嫌贿赂问题上,正面临日益加剧的内部紧张态势。

    Berlin-based Transparency International launched a scathing attack on members of the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , which is suffering increasing internal tensions over how to deal with suspected graft in the arms industry .

  4. 今年7月,日本防卫省将一份向自卫队供应150架军用直升机的合同,授予了由美国贝尔直升机(BellHelicopter)和日本富士重工(FujiHeavyIndustries)组成的联合体。此举令整个军工行业都感到意外。

    There was industry-wide surprise in July when the defence ministry awarded a contract to a consortium of Bell Helicopter of the US and Japan 's Fuji Heavy Industries to supply 150 military helicopters to the self-defence forces .

  5. 最后,对本文研究进行了总结,指出了军工行业装配型MES及其动态调度技术进一步的研究方向。

    Besides , an example is given to validate the effectiveness of the algorithm . Finally , the conclusions are drawn and the further research directions of MES and dynamic scheduling algorithm are pointed out .

  6. 随着载重汽车、工程机械、电梯及军工行业对中等模数以上直径小于400mm齿轮需求量增大,对齿轮的加工精度和效率的要求也不断提高。

    With the increased demand for the gears with the medium module and less than 400 mm in diameter used in heavy truck , engineering machinery , lift and military industries , the requirements of machining accuracy and efficiency of gear are also improved .

  7. 最近,这种转变的重要性突现出来,当时中国国防科工委(costind)发布了“非国有”企业参与军工行业的有关细则。

    The importance of the shift was highlighted last month when the Commission of science , technology and industry for national defence ( COSTIND ) issued detailed rules for such " non-state " involvement in the defence industry .

  8. 军工行业内部竞争日趋激烈,民口、军口领域的竞争交叉渗透。

    Military industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce .

  9. 对这些原则做一些修改,使日本军工行业能够参与国际合作开发项目

    Modification of the principles that will enable the industry to participate in international co-development projects

  10. 如果他们的军工行业渐渐淡出全球供应链中,那么他们发觉自己将付出经济上的代价。

    Both may find they pay an economic price if their arms industries are increasingly excluded from global supply chains .

  11. 第一章说明研究的背景,包括政治背景、经济背景、军工行业背景,以及研究的意义、方法、思路;

    Chapter one is the background study , including political background , economic background , military industry background , and the meaning , methods ;

  12. 随着改革开放的深入,军工行业逐渐从计划经济体制中走出来,融入市场经济。

    With the deepening of reform and opening up . Military industry gradually from a planned economy to come out , Into the market economy .

  13. 尽管美国在二战期间急切的需要充分动用其人力资源,但是即使最重要的军工行业都具有性别歧视的特点。

    And despite the urgent need of the United States during the Second World War to mobilize its human resources fully , job segregation by sex characterized even the most important war industries .

  14. 军工行业的较发的经济发展势头为招聘人才队伍起到了一定的优势条件,并且在个人发展方面提供了相对稳定的发展平台。

    Of military industry is the momentum of economic development for the recruitment of personnel has played a certain advantages , and provides a relatively stable development in terms of personal development platform .

  15. 今年破产关闭的重点是煤炭、有色、冶金、军工行业中扭亏无望的企业和资源枯竭的矿山。

    The main targets for this year 's closedown and bankruptcy are enterprises hopeless in turning from loss-making in coal , non-ferrous metal , metallurgical and ordnance industries , as well as mines whose resources are exhausted .

  16. 但总体而言,由于历史和现实的原因,目前军工行业与市场经济的要求还不够适应,给武器装备质量建设带来了困难。

    But on the other hand , for some reasons of historic and realistic , the military trade does not fit for the requirement of market economy at present in the sum , and bought troubles to the quality building of weapons and equipment .

  17. 最近通过的立法有助于国防部降低购置成本,他就是该立法的支持者。该立法部分打压了军队对昂贵镀金技术军工行业乐于为之的偏好,代之以购买现成的低成本替代品。

    He was a supporter of recently passed legislation that would help the defence department lower acquisition costs , partly by clamping down on the military 's predilection for - and industry 's tendency to build - expensive gold-plated technology instead of buying existing , lower-cost alternatives .

  18. 随着军工行业市场机制的引入,在行业内部各军工企业之间开始出现竞争,这种竞争关系促进了军工企业观念的转变,从单纯依靠国家的政策和投资转向依靠努力增强核心竞争力。

    With introducing market mechanism into the defense industry , the various competitions which can promote the concept of the military industrial enterprises switching from relying solely on national polices and investment to rely on enhancing core competitiveness began to emerge among the military industrial enterprises in this industry .

  19. 俄罗斯说,它需要更多的时间,而中国(不足为奇了),显然受到与它有密切商业关系的非洲国家的影响而发挥了建设性作用。如果他们的军工行业渐渐淡出全球供应链中,那么他们发觉自己将付出经济上的代价。

    Russia says it needs more time , while China ( surprising some ) played a constructive role , apparently influenced by the African countries with which it has forged close commercial ties . Both may find they pay an economic price if their arms industries are increasingly excluded from global supply chains .

  20. 氢气广泛应用于石油、化工、能源、军工等行业。

    Hydrogen is widely used in such industries of petroleum , chemistry , energy source and military industries , etc.

  21. 对核、航天、航空、船舶、兵器工业等行业实施行业管理,指导军工电子行业管理;

    Exercising administration of the nuclear , space , aviation , shipbuilding and weaponry industries ; giving guidance to the administration of the military-related electronics sec-tor ;

  22. 军工电子行业是关系国家综合国力和国防实力的战略性产业。

    One of the vital symbols of mighty comprehensive national power and national defense power is advanced National-Defense-Electronic-Technology Industry , which is strategical industry of a country .

  23. 非圆齿轮传动由于其兼具凸轮和齿轮的优点,因此被广泛的应用于纺织机械、仪表仪器、军工等行业。

    Since non-circular gear has advantages of both cams and gears , it is widely used in the fields of textile machinery , instrument , and products of military industry .

  24. 铜的用途十分广泛,一直是电气、化学、轻工、机械制造、交通运输、电子通讯、军工等行业重要的原材料。

    The copper has found wide application and is always one of indispensable and important raw materials in the electrical industry , chemical industry , light industry , machinery manufacturing , transportation , electronic communication , military , and so on .

  25. DGD系列热管散热器,是我公司专门为军工、航天行业研制、开发的新一代散热产品。

    RFM-DGD series HP sinks , as new generation of heat dissipation products , are specially designed for such industries as military and aerospace .

  26. 具有军工,电子行业销售,技术支持及研发经验者优先考虑。

    Relevant sales experience in R & D , war industry , electronics industry Sales , technical support is preferred ;

  27. 进一步做好军工等困难行业的企业调整、重组和脱困工作。

    We should do a better job of reorganizing military-industrial and other enterprises in difficulties and help them out of their plight .

  28. 作为与军工有关的行业,它具备非均衡经营和技术驱动性的特点,是体现国家综合实力的窗口,具有广阔的发展前景。

    As a special military industry , It has non - balanced-operating and technology-driven features . it also reflected comprehensive national strength in the window and own broad prospects for development .

  29. 随着新军事斗争的需要,以及系统工程技术、各种管理技术和IT技术的飞速发展,军工电子装备行业迎来新的机遇和挑战。

    With the new needs of the military struggle , as well as the rapid development of systems engineering technology , management techniques and IT technology , the military electronic equipment industry faces new opportunities and challenges .

  30. 铝被广泛应用于机械电器、石油化工、文化卫生、冶金及电力、电信、农业建筑、交通运输、航空航天、国防军工等重要行业。

    Aluminum is widely used in mechanical electrical , oil chemical industry , culture , public health , metallurgy , electric power , telecom , agriculture construction , transportation , aerospace , defense military and other important industry .