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jūn yònɡ zhí shēnɡ jī
  • Military helicopter;service helicopter
  1. 今年7月,日本防卫省将一份向自卫队供应150架军用直升机的合同,授予了由美国贝尔直升机(BellHelicopter)和日本富士重工(FujiHeavyIndustries)组成的联合体。此举令整个军工行业都感到意外。

    There was industry-wide surprise in July when the defence ministry awarded a contract to a consortium of Bell Helicopter of the US and Japan 's Fuji Heavy Industries to supply 150 military helicopters to the self-defence forces .

  2. 本文简要地回顾美国军用直升机飞行品质规范的发展历史,并介绍美国陆军和海军关于修改MIL-H-8501A的计划及其要求,着重对MIL-F-83300和MIL-H-8501A修订本规范(草案)作一简要的评述。

    This paper reviewed briefly the development history of U.S. Military Specification-Helicopter Flying Qualities , and presented the plan and the requires about modifying MIL-F-8501A , and placed seress on evaluating revision of MIL-F-83300 and MIL-F-8501A specification ( draft ) .

  3. 军用直升机航空电子系统现状及发展展望

    Status and Expectation on Aviation Electronic System of Military Helicopter

  4. 军用直升机任务效能综合评估技术及应用

    Technology of military helicopter mission effectiveness ' synthetic evaluation and its application

  5. 军队!那些是军用直升机!

    It 's the army ! Those are army helicopters !

  6. 电话是我们的儿子大卫打来的,他是一名军用直升机驾驶员。

    It was our son , David , an Army helicopter pilot .

  7. 虽然一些地方的活动如期举行,但俄罗斯军用直升机已经在上空盘旋密切监视。

    Several took place , but with Russian military helicopters hovering overhead .

  8. 卖军用直升机可是一项重罪。

    Selling the military helicopter is a major violation .

  9. 模拟军用直升机座舱仪表板各视区视觉效果的研究

    Visual effectiveness of different areas on the simulated instrument board of military helicopters

  10. 军用直升机旋翼尾迹在火箭弹道上的诱导流动计算

    Calculation of rotor wake induced flow along the rocket trajectories of an army helicopter

  11. 军用直升机可靠性的综合化发展

    Integrative Development for Reliability of Military Helicopters

  12. 去年孟加拉国发生强热带风暴之后,军用直升机也帮助了救灾工作。

    They also helped in the aftermath of a cyclone that hit Bangladesh last year .

  13. 这不是一架军用直升机。

    It 's not a military helicopter .

  14. 这是一架军用直升机。

    This is a military aircraft .

  15. 一架军用直升机在头顶上盘旋。

    An army helicopter hovered overhead .

  16. 军用直升机任务效能指标

    Mission effectiveness parameter of military helicopters

  17. 一架军用直升机在头顶盘旋,伴随着螺旋桨的轰鸣,紧急报警器发出阵阵悲鸣。

    A military helicopter hovered overhead , its emergency siren howling over the roar of its blades .

  18. 未来军用直升机技术

    Development of Future Military Helicopter

  19. 缅甸政府还拒绝接受其它国家提供军用直升机运送救援物资的提议。

    Burma 's government has rejected offers to use other country 's military helicopters to carry relief supplies .

  20. 2004年印尼发生海啸之后,几个国家提供的军用直升机在救灾中发挥了至关重要的作用。

    Military helicopters from several nations played a vital role in relief efforts in Indonesia after the 2004 tsunami .

  21. 直升机吊放声纳是海军航空兵实施快速、机动反潜的主要战术装备,它装配在军用直升机上,可以及时、准确地搜索指定海域内的敌方潜艇。

    Airborne dipping Sonar is designed for military helicopter to find out enemy 's submarine in appointed sea area quickly .

  22. 同样在星期六,什叶派扎伊迪教派的叛乱分子说,他们在也门击落了沙特的一架军用直升机。

    Also on Saturday , rebels with the Shi'ite Zaidi sect said they shot down a Saudi military helicopter in Yemen .

  23. 分析人士同时预计,下个财政年度印度还将签署更多协议,购买先进的军用直升机和海军舰船。

    Analysts also expect more deals to be signed for advanced army helicopters and naval vessels in the coming fiscal year .

  24. 早晨7点40左右,杨利伟乘坐军用直升机飞往北京,届时将举行隆重的庆祝活动。

    At around 7:40am , Yang was ferried by a military helicopter to Beijing , where a gala celebration party will be held .

  25. 在强热带风暴刚刚过去之后,对亚洲区域夥伴主动提供协助救灾的军用直升机,缅甸方面也予以拒绝。

    The military had also rejected offers by Asian regional partners to supply military helicopters to assist in the immediate aftermath of the cyclone .

  26. 下午三点,当地指挥官来到医院,宣布他们将派一架军用直升机把父亲和我送到白沙瓦。

    At 3 p.m. the local commander arrived and announced they were sending an army helicopter to take me and my father to Peshawar .

  27. 并按国家军标军用直升机飞行品质规范的要求,采用了线性风切变的模型;

    In the study , a linear model of wind shear is adopted according to the requirements for helicopter flying qualities prescribed by National Military Standard .

  28. 日本首都东京的居民今天一早看到的画面是,日本军用直升机试图把大桶海水洒到福岛核电站过热的反应堆上,以求为其降温。

    Tokyo residents started the day viewing images of Japanese military helicopters trying to douse overheating reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant with large buckets of seawater .

  29. 一度使救援直升机无法飞行的大雨现在才慢慢变小,军用直升机可以向边远山区的幸存者空投食物和药品。

    The driving rain that halted helicopter flights until now has eased , allowing military helicopters to drop food and medicine to survivors in remote mountain villages .

  30. 介绍了四种常用武器系统效能模型;提出了用来评价军用直升机综合性能的任务效能指标。

    Four normal effectiveness models of weapon systems was introduced , and the mission effectiveness parameter , used for evaluating synthetic performance of military helicopters , was introduced .