
  • 网络military simulation
  1. 一种建议集成Agent的军事仿真方法

    A Military Simulation Approach Based on Advice Integration Agent Model

  2. 研究辅助HLA仿真邦元开发和邦元实现的支撑技术,是促进HLA在军事仿真领域应用和发展的核心。

    Therefore , the technology for supporting federate development progress is critical to generalize and develop the HLA technology in the military simulation domain .

  3. 但是随着军事仿真要求的提高,HLA逐渐表现出一些不足,迫使我们寻求新的更高效的理论方法来应对。

    But with the increasing demand of military simulation , HLA shows some deficiencies gradually , which compels us to seek new and more efficient ways to deal with this situation .

  4. 基于标准化原理的HLA规范分析,对于加快HLA技术的推广和应用,加快我国的大型军事仿真系统的建立等,具有非常重要的意义。

    The analysis of HLA criterion based on standardization theory have an extraordinary important meaning to expedite the extension and application of HLA and the foundation of great military affairs simulation systems .

  5. 近年来HLA已经在军事仿真系统开发中得到广泛应用,为军事仿真的发展起了巨大的作用。

    In recent years , HLA has been widely used in the development of the military simulation system , and it has been playing an important role in the growth of military simulation .

  6. 高级体系结构HLA是美国国防部提出的,在军事仿真方面有着广阔的应用前景。

    High Level Architecture ( HLA ), which is proposed by Department of Defense ( DoD ) of America and is a new architecture for distributed simulation , has found more wide application in military simulation .

  7. DVE是目前备受国际科学界和工程界关注的前沿技术,它在军事仿真、协同设计、远程教育、网上游戏等众多领域都有着广泛的应用前景。

    Now DVE is a hot topic in both scientific research and engineering development , which also has been widely applied in many fields such as military , collaborative design , distance education , network game etc.

  8. 该框架利用DCOM技术对仿真模型资源进行管理及任务调度。RTI则负责邦元的通信及时间管理,这样将仿真模型与HLA体系分离,为大规模军事仿真提供了一种有效的方法。

    This architecture is based on HLA , using DCOM to manage resource and task , and the responsibility of RTI is only communication and time management , then the simulation model is aparted from HLA architecture , which give a effective method for large scale military simulation .

  9. 当前军事仿真领域内新技术的应用与发展

    Application and Development of New High Technology in Current Military Simulation

  10. 虚拟战场环境是军事仿真应用的可视化平台。

    Virtual battle environment is an important visible platform for military simulation .

  11. 军事仿真与作战模拟的新方法

    A new method for military simulation and war gaming

  12. 嵌入式军事仿真训练系统实例;

    Instance of U.S.Force 's embedded simulation training system ;

  13. 军事仿真概念模型的需求生成

    Requirements Generation of Concept Model for Military Simulation

  14. 网格计算在军事仿真中的应用

    Application of Grid Computing in Military Simulation

  15. 在军事仿真领域,分布交互仿真越来越多地应用于作战系统效能的评估与分析。

    In the military affairs , DIS is used to evaluate operational efficiency more and more .

  16. 军事仿真建模研究

    Research on Military Simulation Modeling

  17. 越来越多的军事仿真应用需要加入一定数量的虚拟士兵,以增加战场沉浸感。

    A great number of virtual soldiers are needed to enhance immersion in many military simulation applications .

  18. 军事仿真系统的置信度评估,在不同的应用范围中侧重点不同。

    To evaluating military simulation system 's credibility , it has dissimilar emphases in different apply domains .

  19. 它已经开始应用在军事仿真、城市规划、虚拟旅游等方面。

    It has now been used in military simulation , urban planning , virtual tourism and so on .

  20. 基于三维动画技术的军事仿真系统和显控界面三维动画将得到广泛应用。

    Military emulation system and display interface of 3D animation based on 3D animation technology will be widely used .

  21. 目前,国际上的分布式虚拟现实技术主要应用在军事仿真领域,其它领域的应用发展较为缓慢;

    Nowadays , the international study on DVR is mostly applied in military simulation and less applied in other fields .

  22. 军事仿真概念模型是对现实军事世界中事物或现象的一种独立于具体仿真实现的表示方法。

    A military simulation concept model is a kind of independent representation of material things or phenomena about real world .

  23. 在军事仿真领域,概念模型充当了现实世界和仿真世界之间的桥梁。

    In the military simulation domain , concept model acts as the bridge between the two domains of reality and simulation .

  24. 作战仿真想定是军事仿真系统的重要组成部分,为仿真系统的运行提供了初始态势和作战任务。

    Operation simulation supposition plays an important part in military simulation system . It provides ini - tial state and mission for system .

  25. 高分辨率,高亮度的大屏幕显示广泛地应用于科学计算可视化,工业设计,虚拟制造,军事仿真,娱乐等领域。

    Large format high-resolution display systems are used in scientific visualization , industrial design , virtual manufacturing , and military simulation and entertainment applications .

  26. 过去,在航空航天和军事仿真等领域的许多系统开发研制过程中,飞行系统的研制往往主要依靠飞行实验来完成。

    In the past , the development of the flight system in aerospace , military and other areas often relied mainly on the flight experiment .

  27. 本文从仿真概念模型的内涵、作用与分类出发,探讨了仿真概念模型在军事仿真开发中的位置和角色。

    This paper discusses simulation concept models connotation , function and classification , and analyses the position and roles of simulation concept model in military simulation development .

  28. 海量数据的实时三维绘制技术一直是计算机图形学领域的热点问题之一,它在地理信息系统、游戏、军事仿真等领域有重要的作用。

    The massive data rendering is a hot issue in the computer graphics research field , which plays an important role in GIS , games and military simulation .

  29. 作为动画制作的关键部分,渲染技术广泛应用于军事仿真、影视制作、电子游戏等多个领域。

    As a key part of animation , Render techniques are widely used in military simulation , film and television production , electronic games and a number of areas .

  30. 概要分析了军事仿真训练和演练技术的发展,综述了不同阶段产生过重要影响的有代表性的军事仿真训练和演练系统;

    This paper analyses the developing technologies for military training and exercise , summarizes several important systems of military training and exercise that praised the milestones in their period .