
  • 网络Pumi;primi
  1. 火把节是彝族,白族,傈僳,纳西,普米,哈尼等一些居住中国西南地区的少数民族的一个传统节日,从农历6月24日开始。

    Torch Festival , a traditional festival of the Yi , Bai , Lisu , Na xi , Pumi , Hani and some other minority nationalities inhabiting southwest China , falls a - round the 24th of the 6th lunar month .

  2. 本文通过对415个常用动词的调查,在描写动词重叠的6种类型、各自的语音条件、语法功能、语用特点的基础上,初步探讨普米语动词重叠的性质及其成因。

    Ased on the investigation of 415 reduplicated Pumi verbs , this article describes 6 reduplication patterns , their phonological distribution , their grammatical functions and pragmatic features . Furthermore , an initial attempt is made at analyzing the nature and causes of Pumi verbs duplication .