
  1. 影视特技摄影棚项目是一个由主持人组织游客共同参与的项目。

    Special Effects Studio is an interactive attraction participated by a host together with visitors .

  2. 电脑动画是计算机图形学和艺术相结合的产物,目前已经广泛应用于影视特技、商业广告、游戏等领域。

    The computer animation rendering is the result of the computer graphics and arts . It is widely applied in fields of movie stunt , commerce ad , game .

  3. 人脸特征语义分析与人脸替换技术在隐私保护、智能人机交互、人脸图像检索、影视特技、公共安全等方面有着重要的应用价值。

    Semantic analysis of facial features and face replacement technology in privacy protection , intelligent human-computer interaction , facial image retrieval , video effects , and public safety has important application value .

  4. 烟雾和云的模拟广泛应用于电脑游戏、影视特技、科学计算可视化以及军事模拟和训练等领域,是计算机图形学的一个热点问题。

    Smoke and cloud simulation is a hotspot in Computer Graphics . It is widely used in computer games , film and TV special effects , scientific computing visualization and military simulating .

  5. 研究了数字影视特技效果“时间冻结”的拍摄方法与实现技术,建立了一套全数字化的“时间冻结”影视特效拍摄系统。

    The shooting method and implementation of the " frozen time " digital video special effect are studied , and a new full-digital shooting system of " frozen time " special effect is established .

  6. 它在计算机动画、电脑游戏、影视特技、文化宗教、军事仿真、建筑景观设计、休闲旅游、虚拟现实等领域都有非常广泛的应用。

    It has been found wide application in many domains such as computer animation , computer games , special effects of movie , culture , religion , battlefield simulation , landscaping , architecture , virtual reality , etc.

  7. 三维数据测量技术是计算机视觉领域的重要课题,在虚拟现实、文物保护、机械加工、影视特技制作、计算机仿真、服装设计等领域有着广泛的应用。

    3D data measurement which is an important subject in the research of Computer Vision is wide used in many areas such as VR ( virtual reality ), antique protection , film industry , manufacture industry , CAD , CAM and clothing industry etc.

  8. 利用运动捕获数据创作虚拟角色动画已经成为制作角色动画的主流技术,并越来越多地被应用于视频游戏,影视特技,医学分析,产品设计,教育以及军事仿真等众多领域。

    Using the motion capture data to create virtual character animation has become a mainstream production technology , and that are increasingly being using in video games , film special effects , medical analysis , product design , education , military simulation and other fields .

  9. 欢迎你加入数码影视动画特技设计!

    Welcoming you joins the figures showbiz animation stunt design !

  10. 因此,在影视领域利用特技、3D技术变得越来越普遍,技术上越来越成熟。

    Therefore , the special effects and 3D technology in the production of the film are becoming more and more popular .