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  • film queen
  1. 她是全美最著名的影后。

    She is the most famous of all American movie queens .

  2. 这位27岁的艾美影后和男友威廉姆斯在周一晚上举办了一场“只有亲友参加的私人婚礼,”她的发言人告诉《PEOPLE》杂志。

    The Emmy-winning actress , 27 , and Williams were married Monday night in " an intimate setting amongst close friends and family ," her rep tells PEOPLE .

  3. DSA通过股动脉插管技术,获得减影后血管图像。

    DSA vascular images were got through femoral catheterization .

  4. 方法收集200例病人行胸部数字化X线摄影(DR)双能减影,对双能减影后胸廓的肋骨像与胸部的肋骨像进行对比分析,采用5阶法行ROC曲线解析。

    Methods 200 patients were performed with chest DR dual energy subtraction , comparing the rib imaging between DR of thorax and chest imaging using ROC analysis .

  5. 史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格担任担任监制,奥斯卡影后哈莉•贝瑞担任主演,光凭这两个人名就足以使CBS暑期档科幻新剧《传世》成为一部必追之作。

    The names of Steven Spielberg and Halle Berry alone would make Extant , CBS " new summer sci-fi drama , a must-watch .

  6. 放射自显影后,图谱呈现二条主带与HA1、HA2的位置相符,即证明此单克隆抗体是对血凝素特异的。

    After radioautography , two major bands ap - peared on the electrophoretogram , which coincided with the locations of HA_1 and HA_2.Thus it proved that these monoclonal antibodies were specific to hemagglutinin .

  7. 目的通过规范扫描时相、增加三维采集厚度及采用减影后处理技术,评价三维动态增强MR血管成像(3DDCEMRA)对显示门静脉高压症患者侧支循环的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the techniques of three-dimensional dynamic contrast enhanced MR angiography ( 3D DCE MRA ) with normative timing of sequences , enhancive 3D slab thickness and subtraction in portosystemic collaterals .

  8. 虽贵为奥斯卡影后,但哈利-贝瑞称抚养女儿Nahla让自己更加脚踏实地。

    Halle Berry may be an Oscar-winning actress , but raising her daughter Nahla helps her stay grounded .

  9. 说出十位奥斯卡影帝或影后的名字。

    Name ten Oscar winners for Best Actor or Actress .

  10. 因1972年出演《歌厅》,明奈利摘得奥斯卡影后桂冠。

    Minelli won a Best Actress for " Cabaret " ( 1972 ) ;

  11. 息影后,康纳利于2000年被英国女王伊丽莎白二世封为爵士。

    Off screen , Connery was knighted in 2000 by Queen Elizabeth II .

  12. 各媒体提前观影后纷纷表示,这部电影更像是一出时装秀,非常赏心悦目。

    Preview reports describe the movie as like a fashion show and easy on the eye .

  13. 曾经历两次婚姻失败的奥斯卡影后曾表示,她要告别婚姻。不过,她没说要告别男人。

    The twice-divorced Best Actress winner says she 's through with marriage – but not with men .

  14. 您若对摄影及影后处理有浓厚兴趣,请按此与我们联络。

    If you are seriously interested in taking pictures and photo editing , please CLICK HERE to contact us .

  15. 哈维兰和同为奥斯卡影后的琼·芳登是亲姐妹,但两人的关系势同水火。

    De Havilland was the sister of fellow Oscar winner Joan Fontaine , with whom she had a troubled relationship .

  16. 该剧第二季目前正在制作中,关于第二季的细节情况目前很少,但我们知道的是奥斯卡影后朱迪福斯特将为第二季客串分集导演。

    Season 2 is currently in production . Details are scarce , but Oscar winner Jodie Foster will helm an episode .

  17. 奥斯卡影后格温妮丝·帕特洛和丈夫克里斯·马汀已经结婚10年,而今天他们宣布分居了。

    Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Chris Martin are separating after 10 years of marriage , they have announced today .

  18. 而参演该电影的两大女主周冬雨和马思纯作为本次影后的有力竞选者,也在最后不敌惠英红。

    Its co-stars Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sichun were strong candidates to win Best Actress , the award taken by Kara Wai .

  19. 然后取感兴趣体素,其功率谱减去脑脊液的平均功率谱,可得到去除生理伪影后的功率谱。

    Using power spectrum of interested voxel , spectrum with physiological artifact removal can be obtained by subtracting estimated noise power spectrum .

  20. 我知道听上去挺糟糕的。但是既然我拿了嘎纳影后,作为一个演员我已经觉得很满足。

    " I know this sounds awful , but since I won in Cannes , I feel fulfilled as an actress ," says Cheung .

  21. 新晋影星希拉莉史云克,在《没哭声的抉择》一片里饰演一个性别模糊的少年人,演技光芒四射,荣膺金像影后。

    Big-screen newcomer Hilary Swank became the year 's leading actress for her towering performance as a gender-confused youth in Boys Don 't Cry .

  22. 奥斯卡影后朱丽叶·比诺什和国际知名现代舞大师及编舞阿库·汉姆联袂创作了一部舞蹈剧力作。

    Oscar-winning actress Juliette Binoche and internationally acclaimed contemporary dancer and choreographer Akram Khan have joined forces to create a major new work of dance theatre .

  23. 据估计,这位奥斯卡影后今年的票房片酬比仅为1:1,即她每挣一美元,票房只进帐一美元,与去年的8美元相比大幅减少。

    Kidman 's films were estimated to only earn $ 1 for every dollar the Oscar-winning actress was paid compared with $ 8 a year ago .

  24. 刚刚于今年二月凭借《乌云背后的幸福线》一片摘得奥斯卡影后的詹妮弗?劳伦斯可谓在《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》中出尽风头。

    Jennifer Lawrence , who won the Oscars " Best Actress Award in February for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook , certainly steals the show .

  25. 尽管该剧由奥斯卡影后担任主演,但前三集中并没有给贝瑞太多出彩的机会,相反,她的表演平静而克制。

    Despite starring an Oscar-winning actress , the first three episodes don 't offer many shining moments for Berry , whose performance is reserved and quiet .

  26. 能把影后都弄的苦不堪言,也就可想而知她所饰演的“乔媛”究竟是个多坎坷的人物了。

    After the film can Dunong suffering , it can be imagined her as the " Qiao Yuan " Is it for more than a rough figure .

  27. 影后歌迪亚在今夏上演的《人民公敌》中扮演了约翰尼·德普的爱人,而佩吉和墨菲则刚刚结束惊悚片《孔雀》的拍摄。

    Cotillard plays Johnny Depp 's lover in Michael Mann 's Public Enemies this summer , and Page and Murphy just finished filming the thriller Peacock together .

  28. 尽管如此,这位女星仍两次被授予金鸡奖和百花奖影后,在柏林电影节及戛纳电影节也有所斩获。

    However , she has twice been awarded the Golden Rooster and the Hundred Flowers Awards as well as the Berlinale Camera , and the Cannes Festival Trophy .

  29. 2012年8月4日:奥斯卡影后娜塔莉·波特曼和未婚夫本杰明·米派德在加州大苏尔举行了低调的婚礼仪式。

    August 4 , 2012 : Actress Natalie Portman married her longtime fiance , Benjamin Millepied , in a private ceremony at a home in Big Sur , California .

  30. 据本周一媒体报道,奥斯卡影后茱丽娅•罗伯茨说,她的梦想是做个全职太太,照顾她的丈夫和三个孩子。

    Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts said that her dream is to be a stay-at-home mom and wife , with her husband and three children , according to media reports Monday .