
  1. 一种影视多媒体信息数字化管理解决方案

    A Kind of Solution to Digital Management in Multimedia Information

  2. 影视多媒体技术课程体系的构建

    The Construction Methods of Video Multimedia Course System

  3. 影视节目多媒体数据库管理系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of One Multimedia Database Management System for Movies

  4. 它的展览活动以当代视觉艺术为主体,辐射实验表演、音乐、影视、多媒体等多个领域。

    Its exhibition activities highlight contemporary visual art , and also touch upon many other fields such as experimental show , music , movie and TV , and multimedia , etc.

  5. 教育资源中图像信息也在急剧增加,以幻灯片、影视图像、计算机多媒体视频资料和网络图片等多种形式出现。

    At the same time , in educational resources , image information is increasing sharply , including film slides , image in TV , film , multimedia video and net-image .