
  • 网络international hall;International pavilion;International
  1. 因此,请务必到浙恰会的国际馆印地的展位来参观。

    So please , enjoy you visit to our booth in the international hall of ZJITS .

  2. 参观者B:当然啦!国际组织馆的展示与国家馆同样精彩。

    Visitor B : For sure , must be as splendid as the National Pavilions !

  3. 路透社拍摄,学生们在完成香港亚洲国际博览馆举行的学术评估测试(SAT)后离开。

    REUTERS / Tyrone Siu Students leave after a Scholastic Assessment Tests ( SAT ) exam at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong .

  4. 东京辰巳国际游泳馆

    Tokyo Tatsumi International Swimming Center

  5. 参观者A:听起来很让人期待!国际组织馆呢,会吸引人吗?

    Visitor A : It sounds amazing ! How about the International Organization pavilions , will be attractive ?

  6. 然而,义和团在攻击北京国际公使馆时被西方联盟军打败。

    Instead , the Rebellion was squashed by an alliance of Western countries after the Boxers attacked the International Legations in Beijing .

  7. 提高本国公众的艺术素质,达到地区和国际美术馆运营标准。

    To improve the quality and standard of art in the country as a preparation for participation in the regional and international level ;

  8. 他的作品已在许多国际美术馆展出,还曾进驻英国泰特现代艺术馆和维多利亚暨艾柏特博物馆。

    He has exhibited his work at the Tate Modern and the Victoria and Albert Museum , as well as at many other international galleries .

  9. 著名的巴塞罗那椅在1929年设计,设计创造和莉莉帝国的德国巴塞罗那国际展览馆。

    The famous'Barcelona X Chair'chair followed in1929 , a design created together with Lilly Reich for the his German Pavilion at the Barcelona International Exhibition .

  10. 多年来,美术馆所在的中也岛始终具特殊的文化及历史意义。而作为中也岛上一个新的文化中心,新的大阪国立国际美术馆将成为人们熟知并喜爱的艺术殿堂。

    As a new hub of culture in Nakanoshima , the site of special historical and cultural significance over the years , it is our hope that the museum will become a familiar destination for everyone .

  11. 它是英国的国家国际现代艺术馆。

    It is Britain 's national gallery of international modern art .

  12. 某新建国际网球赛馆为大型空间预应力混合结构。

    The newly built international tennis stadium is a spatial and prestressed hybrid structure .

  13. 澳门地区国际组织寄存馆制度的意义、现行做法与问题

    Significance , Practices and Problems of Depository Library System of International Organizations in Macao Region

  14. 作品被中国美术馆、上海美术馆、国际艺苑美术馆、广州美术馆收藏。

    His works are collected by National Art Museum of China , Shanghai Art Museum and Guangdong Museum of Art .

  15. 为了亲眼目睹他的风采,我们驱车前往位于平壤北部、相距两小时车程的国际友谊展览馆。

    Our opportunity to meet him face-to-face came on a visit to the International Friendship Exhibition , two hours north of Pyongyang .

  16. 结合历届奥运会主体育场的规模发展及近年来国际上体育场馆的发展状况,从北京现状和发展的需求出发,对2008北京奥运会主赛场的建设规模进行再论证。

    Arguing the scale of the main stadium for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games base on the scale of the main stadium for Olympic games since 1976 and the requirements of the development of Beijing .

  17. 宾馆内还有多功能厅,会议厅,华丽宽敞的宴会厅多座。一些国际标准保龄球馆,桌球房,游戏室,舞厅,商场,美容中心,桑拿浴等设施。

    The hotel boasts a multi-functinal hall , a conference hall , splendid and spacious banquet room , in addition to bowling alley of internatinal standards , a billiard room , a game room , a ball room , a shop , a beauty saloon and sauna bar facilities .

  18. 上海新国际博览中心8馆的屋盖结构由16榀跨度为72m的鱼腹式空间钢桁架组成。

    The roof structure of the hall 8 of Shanghai New International Expo Center is composed of 16 spatial fish-bellied steel trusses , whose span is 72m . Due to the diamond cross section , the stiffness of the trusses is weaker .

  19. 渤海国际会议中心游泳馆和篮球馆膜结构屋盖设计

    Design of membrane structure roofs of natatorium and gymnasium in Bohai International Convention Center

  20. 现今,国际女名人纪念馆已记载200多名女性。

    There are more than two hundred women in the National Women 's Hall of Fame today .

  21. 溢修瑜珈是上海最好的国际性的瑜珈馆之一,座落在上海最繁华的两个商业区的中心地带。

    Body & Soul Yoga is one of the best international Yoga clubs in Shanghai with two downtown central centers .

  22. 搜集和保存香港的电影文化瑰宝,促进电影研究,使香港电影资料馆成为享誉国际的电影资料馆。

    To establish the Hong Kong Film Archive as an internationally renowned film archive in conserving the rich film heritage of Hong Kong and facilitating research on such films .

  23. 中心距开罗国际机场驱车仅10分钟,步行5分钟便可抵达开罗足球场和开罗国际展览馆。

    The Center is a mere ten-minute drive from Cairo International Airport , a five-minute walk from the Cairo Football Stadium and the Cairo International Exhibition Hall .