
  • 网络national communications;country information;state information;Country Info
  1. 实际上,Globalize插件有这样一个原则,即“如果您无法获得具体的语言和国家信息,那么您可以绕过语言,我们会对如何进行正确的格式化做出最佳的猜测”。

    In effect , the Globalize plugin says ," If you can 't get specific language and country information , you can just pass the language , and we 'll make a best guess as to how to properly format everything " .

  2. 正发送国家信息到调制解调器。

    Sending country information to modem .

  3. NⅡ在行动&世界部分国家信息基础设施行动计划

    NII in Action & Project of NII in Some Countries

  4. 提出了特种保障的概念,分析了国家信息安全的危害因素,主要有CPU隐含指令、后门、恶意软硬件等。

    Some factors that would endanger the national information security were analyzed . They included CPU hiding instructions , trapdoor and vicious software / hardware , etc.

  5. 所以加快研究OFDM信号识别系统理论,研制具有自主知识产权的关键设备和系统,无疑对增强国家信息高科技创新能力,推动军队信息化建设,促进综合国力和竞争力的进一步提高都具有重大意义。

    To speed up the theory research of OFDM signal recognition system , develope the key equipment and systems with independent intellectual property rights , will undoubtedly enhance the national hi-tech innovation and promote the construction of military information , improve the national comprehensive strength and competitiveness further .

  6. 对国家信息作战整体发展的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the Holistic Development of the National Information Warfare

  7. 试论国家信息技术政策需求及其内容框架

    On the Needs and Framework of National Information Technology Policy

  8. 信息技术创新与国家信息竞争力提升

    Research on Promoting State Information Competitiveness by Information Technology Innovation

  9. 信息安全鸿沟对国家信息安全态势的影响

    The Influence of Information Security Gap on the National Information Security Situation

  10. 打击高科技犯罪保障国家信息安全

    Cracking down on High-tech Crime and Protecting National Information Security

  11. 也许全都送到国家信息总部备份。

    It 's probably all getting fed back to the national headquarters .

  12. 中美国家信息政策比较研究

    Comparative Study of National Information Policies in China and USA

  13. 我国国家信息政策的重点领域研究与分析

    The Study and Analysis of the Key Field of China 's Information Policy

  14. 国家信息安全应急响应计划标准制定研究

    Research on Establishing of State Specifications of Emergency Response Plan for Information Security

  15. 信息管理与国家信息政策需求

    Information Administration and the State Information Policy Needs

  16. 关于国家信息基础结构规划的考虑

    Some considerations in planning the national information infrastructure

  17. 试论国家信息法的体系结构

    On the System Structure of National Information Law

  18. 2003-2004年国家信息安全应用示范工程建设概况

    State Information Security Application Demonstration Project in 2003-2004

  19. 国家信息政策与文献资源共享

    National Information Policy and Document Resource Sharing

  20. 国家信息、战略和机构处

    National Information , Strategies and Institutions Branch

  21. 文章分析了国家信息政策法律体系结构建设的意义、原则、内容和要素。

    The paper analyses the meaning , principle , content and factors about constructing it .

  22. 日本国家信息战略的发展经验及借鉴

    An Overview on Japanese National Information Strategy

  23. 简论国家信息政策体系构建

    On the Construction of National Information Policy

  24. 国家信息学奥林匹克竞赛在线评测系统

    National Olympiad in Informatics Online Evaluating System

  25. 国家信息基础结构的共性问题

    Common Ground for the National Information Infrastructure

  26. 国家信息基础结构与全息检索

    National Information Infrastructure and Holographic Retrieval

  27. 国家信息基础结构&信息高速公路

    Nation Information Infrastructure ── Information Highway

  28. 国家信息基础设施(计划)

    NII ( National Information Infrastructure )

  29. 全球信息竞争环境下的我国国家信息实力发展研究

    Research on the Development of National Information Strength in China under the Environment of Global Information Competition

  30. 主要提出描述国家信息基础结构的数学模型和多维信息的类库管理方法。

    Main depicted mathematical modul of national information infrastructure and class base management system of multidimensional information .