
  1. 每一个青年的梦想!所有赛马人的目标!

    The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen .

  2. 那青年人日夜梦想财富和幸福。

    The young man dreams of wealth and happiness day and night .

  3. 失足青年将会通过梦想项目得到报酬,同时获得一些技能。

    Lost youth would be rewarded with dream items , and at the same time acquire skills .

  4. 当晚的募捐活动温情四溢,真正体现了北京青年音乐人的梦想与激情,以及他们对社会的真诚关怀与强烈责任感。

    This charity showed Beijing young musician 's dreams and passions , and their sincere care for our society and strong social responsibility .