
  1. 青海土族人外周血淋巴细胞ANAE反应的阳性率及其亚群的正常值

    The subpopulations and normal value of acid α - naphthyl acetate esterase ( anae ) reaction of the peripheral lymphocytes from Tu Nationality

  2. 目的:检测青海土族和撒拉族健康个体HLADQA1和DQB1等位基因频率,了解和分析这两个民族的HLADQA1和DQB1基因多态性。

    Objective : To clerify HLA DQA1 and DQB1 gene polymorphisms in a population of Tu and Sala nationalities from two areas in Qinghai province .

  3. 青海土族肤纹学研究

    A dermatoglyphic study of the Qinghai Tu nationality of China

  4. 青海土族地区的土司制度及其影响

    The Chieftain System of the Region Inhabited by the Tus in Qinghai and its Influence

  5. 青海土族体质人类学研究

    Anthropometric study of Tu Nationality in Qinghai

  6. 本文应用《人体测量法》对世居青海土族人的外鼻部分特征进行了观测。

    This article measured the feature of external nose of Tu that live in QingHai by anthropometry .

  7. 青海省土族和撒拉族学生生长速度变化的动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis on Growth Velocity Change of Tu and Sala Minority Students in Qinghai Province

  8. 青海同仁土族的语言认同和民族认同

    Language Identity and Ethnic Identity of the Tu Ethnic Group in Tongren , Qinghai Province

  9. 青海省土族、撒拉族女学生体质状况的比较分析

    Turk National Minority , Salar National Minority Female Student 's Corporeity Condition Comparative Analysis in Qinghai

  10. 为了解和掌握青海省土族女学生体质健康状况、提高其健康水平,本文就土族与汉族女学生的体质状况进行了对比和分析。

    In order to know and grasp Tu nationality girls students ′ physique and improve their health level .

  11. 青海省土族、撒拉族7-18岁学生3项身体素质指标的测量与分析

    Comparative analysis on physique in students of Qinghai between seven to eighteen years old and the national constitution test mean

  12. 明清时期青海地区的土族、撒拉族中也实行了土司制度。

    In Ming and Qing dynasties , Tu and Salar also carried out this system .

  13. 历史事实·社会记忆·族群认同&以青海黄南吾屯土族为个案的研究

    Historical Facts , Social Memory and Identity of Ethnic Group

  14. 青海高原汉族、土族、撒拉族中小学女生体质现状对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Physical Condition of Han , Tu , Salar Schoolgirls in Primary and Secondary Schools on Qinghai Plateau

  15. 明、清以来始有青海土人及土人部落。建国后,定青海土人为土族。

    There was Tu people and Tu people tribe in Qinghai since Ming and Qing Dynasties , and offirmed to be the Tus after liberation .