
yào fáng
  • pharmacy;dispensary;drugstore;hospital pharmacy;chemist;chemists shop;chemist's shop;medical hall;officina
药房 [yào fáng]
  • (1) [hospital pharmacy ;dispensary]∶医院或诊所里放置药品的房间

  • (2) [drugstore;chemists shop]∶医药商店

药房[yào fáng]
  1. 对我国建立OTC药房的初步探讨

    Preliminary Evaluation to Setting up OTC Drugstore in China

  2. 以药房管理系统为例,介绍如何用活动模板库(ATL:ActiveXTemplateLibrary)开发核心业务的自动化组件,并用VB实现客户程序,从而实现组件的跨语言调用。

    Taking drugstore management system as an example , how to use ATL ( Activex Template Library ) to develop automation component of the main business and how to use VB to realize client program are introduced .

  3. 你可从各大药房买到这种产品。

    You can obtain the product from all good chemists .

  4. 带着这张药方到药房去。

    Take this prescription to the chemist 's.

  5. 在离开药房之前,一定要弄明白自己的药该怎么吃。

    Make sure you understand exactly how to take your medicines before you leave the pharmacy .

  6. 我在药房买到这种药。

    I got this medicine at the chemist 's shop .

  7. 她在药房工作。

    She works at the pharmacy .

  8. 应用Excel管理医院中心药房药品

    Management of the Drugs in Hospital Central Pharmacy by Excel Electronic Table

  9. 利用Excel实现急诊药房药品帐目的管理

    Management of Drug Account in Emergency Pharmacy with Excel

  10. 结论:利用Excel可实现对急诊药房药品的智能化管理。

    CONCLUSION : Intelligentized management of emergency pharmacy drugs can be effectuated by means of Excel .

  11. 目的:掌握应用Excel管理医院急诊药房药品帐目的方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To probe into the approach of managing drug account in emergency pharmacy by Excel .

  12. 方法:利用Excel建立医院二级药库管理系统,用以管理中心药房药品。

    METHODS : Using Excel , the second-order pharmacy management system was established , by which the drugs in central pharmacy were managed .

  13. OTC药品是消费者可不经过医生处方,直接从药房或药店购买的药品。

    OTC medicine is kind of medicine that can buy from drugstores without the doctor 's prescription .

  14. 用DDDs分析住院药房抗生素药物的应用

    Analysis of the Application of Antimicrobials With DDDs in the Pharmacy for In-patients

  15. 应用TQC方法加强医院药房的药品质量管理

    Application of TQC Method to Strengthen the Drug Quality Control in Hospital Pharmacy

  16. 目的:促进《优良药房工作规范》(GPP)的推行。

    OBJECTIVE : To promote the introduction of ' Good Pharmacy Practice '( GPP ) .

  17. 目前有所影响的医药B2C企业是第一家开办的B2C网上药房,由京卫大药房开办的医药网。

    At present the influence of the medicine B2C enterprise is the first one of the B2C on-line pharmacies run by Beijing health pharmacy .

  18. 最后利用系统开发软件MyEclipse整合Struts、Hibernate框架对医院药房管理系统进行编程。

    Finally , the system development software MyEclipse integration of the Struts , Hibernate framework of hospital pharmacy management system to be programmed .

  19. 方法:对我院2006年1~10月门诊和住院药房用药中成销售金额和用药频度(DDDs)进行统计分析。

    METHODS : Outpatient and inpatient use of drugs in January-October 2006 was audited and analyzed in terms of value and DDDs .

  20. 马萨诸塞州政府官员DevalPatrick表示导致致命脑膜炎爆发的专卖药房经营超过了执照许可范围。

    Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick says the specialty pharmacy linked to a deadly meningitis outbreak may have done work beyond the scope of its state 's liscense .

  21. 公司的CEO说道:“CVS/药房结束出售香烟和烟草制品是为我们的客户和我们公司所做的正确事情,这样能够帮助人们更好的走上健康之路。

    From the company 's CEO , " Ending the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products at CVS / pharmacy is the right thing for us to do for our customers and our company to help people on their path to better health . "

  22. 方法:运用CHIS之中心药房管理子系统对中心药房常规工作进行管理。

    Method : CHIS ' was used for central pharmacy management subsystem was used to manage central pharmacy conventional works .

  23. 结果:应用Excel后急诊药房药品交班记录帐目清晰,处方录入、统计方便、快捷,大大提高了工作效率和帐物相符率。

    RES_ ULTS : Through excel , a clear shift records account of emergency pharmacy drugs was achieved , the recording and statistics of prescriptions become more convenient and fast , both the working efficiency and the congruity between the account and the drugs were greatly enhanced .

  24. 在我国建立OTC药房时机已经成熟,对如何抓紧机遇尽快建立OTC药房(包括经营模式、特点、内容、标志等)及有关问题进行初步探讨。

    The time for setting up OTC drugstore in China is ripe . In this article we evaluated preliminarily how to seize this opportunity of setting up OTC drugstore , including manage pattern , distinguishing feature , content , sign and existing problems .

  25. 方法:以2000年~2001年我院门诊骨科药物的出库数据为资料,利用门诊药房微机管理系统中子系统模块,就药物种类、用量、金额及DDDs等进行归类统计、比较和分析。

    METHODS : Ac ˉ cording to the warehouse-out data , the drugs used in OPD of orthopaedics were analysed and compared by computer subsystem module of pharmacy in respect to kinds , consumptive amount , sum of money and DDDs .

  26. 德国产银杏黄酮注射液(金纳多):德国威玛舒培大药房生产(标明物含5mL含银杏叶提取物17.5mg,其中银杏黄酮甙4.2mg,占24%)。

    Ginkgetin injection made in German ( Jinnaduo ): Manufactured by Schwabe Germany [ 5 mL containing 17.5 mg ginaton , of which there were 4.2 mg ginkgo flavonoid glycoside ( 24 % ) ] .

  27. 结果与结论HPIS内部以服务院内患者和药房管理内容应用为主,基于临床药学知识和管理综合信息的辅助决策系统为目标;

    RESULTS : The interior HPIS engineering primarily serves in the hospital patients and the pharmacy internal management application contents , its objective is to build an auxiliary decision system based on clinical pharmacy knowledge and management synthesis information .

  28. 门诊药房新型调剂模式的探讨

    A discussion on the new medicine dispensing mode in outpatient pharmacy

  29. 中译对的。先去批价处,然后去药房。

    Go to the billing office first , then the pharmacy .

  30. 药房污染菌监测及预防效果考察

    Effcetive Observation of Preventive and Monitoring Bacterial Infection in Hospital Pharmacy