
  1. 方法体外药效实验,采用MTT法及血管内皮细胞迁移法,体内用Lewis肺癌瘤株皮下接种C57BL/6N小鼠,观察皮下移植瘤生长情况。

    Methods The MTT assay and endothelial cell migration methods were used for the test of drug-effect in vitro and subcutaneous inoculation C57BL / 6N with Lewis carcinoma of lung oncocyte for vivo growth condition .

  2. 方法:1.药效实验:以小剂量二硝基氯苯(DNCB)溶液反复刺激豚鼠右耳建立40只豚鼠慢性湿疹模型。

    Pharmacodynamic study : The right ears of 40 guinea pigs were repeatedly challenged with a small dose of dinitrochlorobenzene ( DNCB ) to establish the models of chronic eczema .

  3. 在此基础上,选择以匀浆法作为提取方法,再对匀浆液进行酶解,结合超滤及药效实验确定了酶解液中30~50kd部分为有效部位。

    On the basis of processing , we select homogenate as extraction method , then enzymolysis the homogenate solution , and determine the 30 ~ 50kd fraction in the enzyme solution for the effective site combined with the ultrafiltration and pharmacodynamic experiment .

  4. 药效实验表明,该物质对病毒病害有较好的防治效果。

    WCT-II can control virus diseases by biological control effect .

  5. 天然除虫菊素盘式蚊香对淡色库蚊的药效实验研究

    Efficacy of natural pyrethrum mosquito coil against Culex pipiens pallens

  6. 药效实验研究表明,补肾活血方具有改善微循环的作用。

    The efficacy experimental study indicated that it has improved microcirculation function .

  7. 药动、药效实验中应用的WGA-NP剂量无明显细胞毒性,是安全可靠的。

    Dosages used in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics tests previously showed no obvious cytotoxicity .

  8. 柚皮提取物抗哮喘药效实验研究

    Experimental Study of Shaddock Peels Extract on Antiasthmatic

  9. 鼻炎清胶囊对变应性鼻炎大鼠药效实验观察

    Experimental observation of medicinal effectiveness for allergic rhinitis to rat by Bi Yan Qing capsule

  10. 目的:蚁蟑宁毒饵的研制与室内药效实验观察。

    Objective : The study of a kind of poison bait for ant and cockroach was reported .

  11. 通过药效实验,找到了适宜浓度、最佳时间、具有高效低毒的农药。

    Through the experiments on the effect , the most appropriate time and insecticide concentration of control of insects are discovered .

  12. 内蒙古地产紫沙参毒性及药效实验研究2.紫沙参毒性及镇咳、祛痰药效实验研究

    Study on the toxicity and pharmacodynamics of Adenophora paniculata growing in the Inner Mongolia 2 research in the toxicity and effect of antibechic and expectorant of a paniculata

  13. 国产磁显葡胺动物药效实验研究由于盐酸西布曲明无国外对照品可寻,故首先对研制样品进行了结构的确证,并与国外文献比较,以保证与国外上市样品的一致。

    Since there is no contrast medium available for Sibutramine Hydrochloride , the research focus on conforming the structure of the studying sample , and conducted the comparative study of the drug specifications , to ensure its uniformity with the same type of the drugs on the international market .

  14. 药效学实验结果表明:(1)GLJ能有效降低IBS肠道敏感模型大鼠的肠道敏感性,结果有显著性差异。

    The pharmacodynamics experiments shows : ( 1 ) GLJ could decrease the intestinal tract sensitivity effectively .

  15. 方法:按照我国二类新药抗生素类药效学实验指导原则,选用试管对倍稀释法作体外抗菌实验及KM小白鼠作体内保护实验。

    Methods According to the national pharmacodynamic experiment guideline of class ⅱ novel antibiotic , the tube dilution method was selected for the antibacterial assay in vitro and KM mice were chosen for anti infection test in vivo .

  16. 根据文献及临床经验确定每味药物的剂量范围,制备中药药液,进行药效学实验:杀菌实验、MIC(最小抑菌浓度)实验、纸片法(药敏实验)。

    According to literature and clinical experience sure every flavour drug dose , preparation of liquids , TCM muskone experiment : antiseptic experiment , MIC ( minimum bacteriostatic concentration ) experiments and paper method ( antimicrobial susceptibility test ) .

  17. 而以2.5mg/kg纳米制剂组疗效最优(抑瘤率43.7%),此结果与先前药效学实验结果一致;

    And 2 . 5mg / kg dosage group shows the best effect ( tumour inhibition ratio is 43.7 % ) . These results are consistent with former pharmacodynamics studies .

  18. 中药防龋药效学实验方法的建立

    Establishment of Experimental Method for Pharmaco-dynamic Study of Anticariogenic Natural Medicine

  19. 中风Ⅱ号治疗脑梗塞的药效学实验研究

    Study of Pharmacodynamics Experiment on Zhongfeng ⅱ for Treating Cerebral Infarction

  20. 补肾壮阳复方中药颗粒的药效学实验研究

    The pharmacodynamics Study of Restorative Granule of Compound Chinese Traditional Medicine

  21. 当归油治疗痛经的药效学实验研究

    Study on the Pharmacodynamics of Angelica Oil on Treatment of Dysmenorrhea

  22. 重组水蛭素抗弥散性血管内凝血的药效学实验研究

    Pharmacological studies on anti-DIC effect of a recombinant hirudin in rabbits

  23. 蚓激酶主要药效的实验研究

    A Study of Main Pharmacodynamics of the Earthworm Kinase on Animal Experiment

  24. 本论文对此制剂进行主要的药效学实验研究。

    Regarding this praeparatum , this article studies the main pharmacodynamics experimental .

  25. 中药复方止痛胶囊的药效学实验研究

    Pharmacoeconomics research on Zhitong Capsule for analgesic effect and anti-inflammatory

  26. 蓝莓花色苷的分离纯化及其初步药效学实验研究

    Study on Isolation , Purification and Elementary Pharmacological Activities of Anthocyanin from Blueberry

  27. 双扑伪麻泡腾颗粒剂的药效学实验研究

    A study on pharmacodynamics of compound acetaminophen effervescent granule

  28. 目的介绍清咽止咳口服液的制备工艺及其药效学实验。

    Objects To introduce the preparation of Qinyanzhike liquids and study its pharmacology .

  29. 蛇床子止痒有效成分-R2的药效学实验研究

    Experimental Study on Antipruritic Pharmacodynamics and Functions of Active Ingredient R_2 of Fructus Cnidii

  30. 方法基础研究以大鼠和小鼠为实验对象进行急性毒性试验、慢性毒性试验、药效学实验;

    METHODS 1.Basic study acute toxicity test , chronic toxicity test , pharmacodynamic experiment .