
  • 网络Medicine;School of Pharmacy;Department of pharmacy
  1. 就读于浙江中医大学药学系。

    Fensuzhen , study in department of pharmacy in zhejiang Chinese traditional medical university .

  2. 由于我毕业于上海医学院药学系,学习医药学将对我未来在国内的工作更有帮助。

    As I am graduate of the School of Pharmacy , Shanghai Medical College , the Study of Hospital Pharmacy will be more beneficial to my future career in China .

  3. 药学系2004届毕业生就业状况分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the 2004 Graduates ' Employment of Pharmaceutical Department

  4. 牛津大学,临床药学系,教授。

    Len Seymour Clinical Pharmacology , Oxford , Professor .

  5. 目的:探讨在校药学系学生在医院药房实习的教学方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the teaching method for students of pharmacy major in their practice in hospital pharmacy .

  6. 分析了我校药学系大学生的思想状况和表现特征,着重讨论了新形势下大学生思想政治工作新的对策和方法。

    This article analyzed the students'thinking situation , the countermeasures and methods of the college students thinking condition and political education work were discussed .

  7. 我在德克萨斯A&M大学兽医药学系学习的时候,同学们经常把动物带到州监狱里去治疗。

    AS STUDENTS in the college of veterinary medicine at Texas A & M University , we frequently treated the farm animals at the state prison .

  8. 公众可以得到国家药品会议的会议记录,“良好管理”这项内容已经补充到15个药学系的教材之中。

    The minutes from national medicine meetings are publicly available and the topic of " good governance " has been added to the curriculum of15 Faculties of Pharmacy .

  9. 目的分析与评价西安医学院药学系2003级三年制药学专业学生的天然药物化学期末考试试卷。

    Objective To analyze and evaluate the text paper of natural pharmaceutical chemistry course for year 2003 pharmacology majors of the Department of Pharmacology , Xi'an Medical College .

  10. 药学与检验系在医学检验技术专业的教学改革中进行了一些尝试,取得了较好的效果。

    The Department of Pharmacy and Examination of our college has tried to reform its teaching in the subject , and obtained better result .