
  • 网络positional value;Location;location value;Place Value
  1. 如果RTLS提供者返回位置信息作为“区域已确定的”数据,那么这个位置值将被直接用于更新Maximo中资产的位置字段。

    If the RTLS provider returned location information as " zone-determined " data , then this location value will be directly used to update the location field for the asset in Maximo .

  2. 通过分析每个处理器的计算能力,建立异构多处理器系统独立任务的调度模型。在计算适应值函数时,本文对粒子的位置值进行取整运算,使粒子群优化算法更好的应用于离散空间。

    When calculating the fitness function , the paper makes rounded operation of the value of particle location to make PSO algorithm better apply to discrete areas . A performance index is established by analyzing the computation ability of each processor .

  3. 清单3中的示例代码展示了如何将位置值发送到服务器端PHP脚本。

    The sample code in Listing 3 shows how to send position values to a server-side PHP script .

  4. 同时研究给出了QR码进行RS纠错译码过程中应注意的有关在有限域中的运算、如何求解伴随多项式、确定错误位置值和计算错误值的问题。

    At the same time , the special emphasis on the process of error correction and decoding of QR code was put .

  5. 带通玻璃以汉语拼音第一个字母DTB来命名,把透射比最大值的波长位置值作为它们的序号。

    Band-pass filter glass is named DTB in this catalogue , And wavelength of the peak is used as its serial number .

  6. 利用加权相关分析对以上光谱数据进行分析,得到各产品之间的Pearson′sR和ΔR(Pearson′sR与其镜像位置值的绝对差值),并以此进行各产品的光谱相似性比较。

    The spectral data were analyzed by weighted correlation . Pearson 's R and Δ R ( defined as the absolute value of the difference between Pearson 's R and its mirror image in the correlation table ) were calculated and used for assessing the spectral similarity between the drugs .

  7. 两项实验结果均可用位置值假说解释,实验1属于位置值插入的结果;

    The results of the first experiment correspond to the descriptions of the inserting positional value , whereas the second phenomena can be explained by the adding mode hypothesis .

  8. 观测时,将窥管对准某颗待测星,然后在赤道环和赤经双环的刻度盘上直接读出这颗星星的位置值。

    During observation , the sighting tube is targeted at a certain star , thus the positional value can be read out at the dials of the equatorial ring and the right ascension double-ring .

  9. 无论哪种情况,它都会在CAS指令之前返回该位置的值。

    In either case , it returns the value that was at that location prior to the CAS instruction .

  10. 提出了地图匹配的数学框架,建立了地图匹配的极大验后估计模型,即MP模型,该模型能够最优的将原始位置观测值转化到路网上去。

    The mathematical algorithm for map matching is presented in this paper . A maximum posteriori estimation model , i. e.

  11. 对于小目标,由于所利用的信息通常只有目标位置观测值和灰度值,我们用H无穷滤波器作为预测滤波器对其运动进行分析和跟踪,以适应多种应用环境下噪声源和外界干扰的不确定性。

    For small target , since the target information utilized is only the observed location and gray information , we take H infinity filter as the prediction filter for motion analysis and tracking to adapt the uncertainty of noise source and exotic disturbance in multi-application environment .

  12. 本文通过深入分析标签的结构、位置、值及标签的映射,转发工作的转移及局部路径,进而深入了解MPLS思想、转发机制及其原理。

    Through thoroughly analyzing the label structure , the label position , the label value , the label mapping , the shift of retransmission work , the partial way , the MPLS thought , retransmission mechanism , and its principle are understood thoroughly .

  13. 鉴于双边装配线的复杂性及汽车装配线的特殊性,本文采用了与位置权重值(RPW)相结合的信息素综合启发式搜索机制以及前后处理模块分开的程序设计方法。

    Given the complexity of bilateral assembly line and the particularity of the automobile assembly line , we use a heuristic search mechanism of pheromone Combined with the Ranked Positional Weight ( RPW ), and the program design method as separate processing module before and after .

  14. 椭圆封头接点位置精确值的简易计算法

    A Simplified Calculation Method of Accurate Locating Points on Ellipsoidal Heads

  15. 在型钢的切割过程中,对型钢关键位置偏差值的测量是极为重要的一个步骤。

    In the cutting process of steel , the measurement for steel key positions offset is the very important step .

  16. 坐标法加工孔系是当前常用的有效方法,而坐标法的关键在于如何精确而且迅速地获得各个孔的位置坐标值。

    Coordinated method is an efficient way in machining holes at present , and coordinates of the holes are the key element of this method .

  17. 不同于传统的关键帧提取的方法,该方法从合成的角度出发,利用镜头中所有帧在相同位置像素值出现的概率来合成关键帧。

    Unlike traditional methods , we obtain a synthesized frame according to the possibilities that pixel values appear at the same position of every frame .

  18. 通过人体环节质心位置实测值与计算值的比较,验证了该仪器的有效性。

    By comparing the measuring data and computing data of the location of mass center of segment of human body , we validate its validity .

  19. 移动机器人的导航子系统利用卡尔曼滤波器,融合由视觉系统与由里程计获得的位置估计值。

    The navigation subsystem of the mobile robot fuses the position estimation obtained by a vision system with the position estimated by odometry using a Kalman filter .

  20. 该方法利用定义的有向图邻接矩阵,通过比较矩阵对应位置的值寻找动态修改区域,根据修改区域和实例执行路径的交集确定迁移起始点,对实例进行回滚后迁移。

    This method compares the corresponding values of the directed graph 's adjacency matrix and modifies the values according to the intersection set to rollback and transfer the instance .

  21. 在模板匹配搜索过程中,对每一个分块创建投票映射图,将所有块的投票映射图整合起来,最后求极值得到目标位置估计值。

    The voting map for each block is computed , and then all the voting maps are combined , and finally , the estimated location of the target is obtained .

  22. 在无法回避两者方向垂直或大夹角相交情况下,应根据巷道具体位置地应力值大小,加强巷道支护。

    In the condition that cannot obviate both vertical orientation or big included angle , tunnel supporting should be strengthened according to the ground stress size of tunnel prop position .

  23. 为获得相对于实验室固定坐标系的精确的模型姿态和位置测量值,必须在成像照片中有固定坐标系框架标志的清晰影像。

    In order to obtain the accurate position and attitude of model related to a fixed coordination of laboratory , a clear photograph with fixed frame of coordination is needed .

  24. 通过对奥氏体不锈钢离心铸坯不同位置成分值的测定,分析讨论了各元素产生偏析的规律和原因。

    The regularity and causes of chemical segregation of various elements are analysed based on the measuring results of element contents in different areas of a centrifugally-cast billet of austenitic stainless steel .

  25. 介绍机床床身导轨的精度对机床精度有决定性影响,它直接影响被加工零件的尺寸、形状和位置误差值;

    The precision of the slideway of the machine tool has the decisive influence on the precision of the machine tool . It can directly influence the size , shape and location inaccuracy of the manufactured components .

  26. 利用统计学原理及SAS统计软件进行了板中、板边中、板角三处弯沉的回归分析,得到了三处位置弯沉值的一般公式。

    Regress the deflection on the three location to get the common formula .

  27. 测试结果表明无纵向承载裂缝出现时,FBG传感器测得相应位置的应变值。

    The results of the test show that when no longitudinal cracks occur , the strain values at corresponding locations are measured by the FBG sensors .

  28. 设BP模型输入层为5节点,分别控制电压当前值、前两个周期值、小车位置的当前值和前一周期值。

    Supposing input layer has 5 points , and separately controlled current value of voltage , voltage value of previous two-step , the value of current car position , and the value of previous position .

  29. 与传统的Step-by-Step算法相比,改进的Step-by-Step算法能够快速的计算错误位置和错误值。

    Compared with the conventional Step-by-Step decoding algorithm , the improved Step-by-Step decoding algorithm can rapidly determine the error location and the corresponding error value .

  30. 在常规算法中,对雷达的观测值通常是目标位置的真实值加上独立的高斯白噪声,在ECM下,这种观测模型是不符合实际情况的。

    In normal algorithms , the measurements are modeled as the true values plus independent Gaussian errors , which is not according with the ture condition in ECM .