
  • 网络Weishan Irrigation Area
  1. 位山灌区配水调度应用模型的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Applied Regulation Model of Weishan Irrigated Area

  2. 位山灌区优化配水方式的尝试与成效

    Attempt and effect on optimizing water allocation in Weishan Irrigation District

  3. 第四部分为山东位山灌区灌溉事业的可持续发展道路探索。

    The forth part is mainly about the exploration of the irrigation road of sustainable development in Wei Shan of Shandong province .

  4. 为使灌区的用水管理由经验定性决策向科学定量决策过渡,研制了位山灌区配水调度模型。

    The water distribution operation model is developed aim to make a transform of Weishan irrigation water management decision making from experimentally qualitative to scientifically quantitative .

  5. 位山灌区水价改革实践与探索提出了促进农业水价改革的综合对策。

    Practices and investigations of water pricing reform in Weishan irrigation district Finally , comprehensive countermeasures for promoting agricultural water pricing reform are proposed in this paper .

  6. 位山灌区渠系泥沙淤积的主要问题与治理措施山区河流引水式电站水库泥沙淤积及电站引水防沙问题研究

    Main problems and countermeasures of sediment deposition in Weishan Irrigation District Study of Sediment Accumulation and Diversion of Water to Control Sediment in Hydropower Stations in Mountain River

  7. 德州市浅层地下水漏斗区现状分析及保护对策引黄灌区地下水漏斗的综合治理-以位山灌区为例

    Present situation of shallow groundwater depression cones in Dezhou City and countermeasures for groundwater protection On Water Environment Protection of Partition Overtaken Out Groundwater in Weishan Yellow River Irrigation Area

  8. 主要阐述产权理论、公共选择理论和费用交易理论及其对灌溉用水管理制度改革所具有的功用。第三部分为位山灌区灌溉用水管理制度实证分析。

    The theory of property , the theory of the public choice and the theory of expense business as well as the function to the irrigation water management system reform is elaborated in this part ; the third part involves the empirical analysis of the mountain irrigation water management system .

  9. 位山引黄灌区泥沙淤积原因及处理对策

    The Reasons and Measures for the Silt Deposit in Weishan Irrigation Region

  10. 聊城位山引黄灌区为聊城市经济社会繁荣昌盛创造了巨大的经济与社会效益。

    The Yellow River Irrigation Manage District of Liaocheng Weishan has created tremendous economic and social benefits for the development of LiaoCheng City .

  11. 在论述位山引黄灌区水资源基本特点和利用现状的基础上,分析了区域地表水供水系统和地下水供水系统供需平衡状况。

    On the basis of water resources characteristic and current situation in Weishan Yellow river irrigation section , the paper analyses regional supply-water system .

  12. 该文在大量科学研究的基础上提出了位山农业灌区在站点布设、设备选型、通讯方式及系统合理集成的优化方案。

    On the basis of lots of scientific studies , this research puts forward optimized project of Weishan irrigated area in station-layout , equipment-selection , communication-mode and reasonable system integration technique .