
  • 网络ocean wave;sea wave
  1. 海洋波群的分析与计算

    Ocean Wave Group Analysis and Computation

  2. 海洋波群的模拟

    Simulation of ocean wave groups

  3. 窄带非线性海洋波的Stokes波模型

    Stokes wave model for narrow-band nonlinear irregular waves

  4. 本文研究了非线性海洋波的统计预报问题。

    A statistical prediction of nonlinear irregular waves is presented .

  5. 一种随机海洋波模型及其数字仿真

    A Random Sea State Model and Numerical Simulation

  6. 作用于海洋波的风应力矢量。

    Wind stress vector over ocean waves .

  7. 状态空间模型在海洋波能转换系统中的应用Ⅰ.数值模拟方法改进

    Application of the state-space model to the system of wave energy conversion I. Improvement on numerical methods

  8. 一类非线性动态系统的数字仿真一种随机海洋波模型及其数字仿真


  9. 我发出红色信号,穿越你双眼的迷蒙,你双眼像灯塔边的海洋波翻浪涌。

    I send out red signals across your absent eyes that move like the sea near a lighthouse .

  10. 暖池形成的动力学机制是海气耦合系统中海洋Rossby波振幅的不稳定增长所致。

    The mechanism of warm pool formation is the unstable amplification of the oceanic Rossby wave .

  11. 这一理论说明西太平洋暖池的形成与海洋Rossby波有关。

    This theory shows that the formation of the west Pacific warm pool is related to oceanic Rossby wave .

  12. 研究结果表明,挟卷对海洋Rosby波的发展起抑制作用,而平流有利于海洋Rossby波的发展;

    It is shown that the entrainment is helpful to the instability of ocean Rossby waves , but the advection process can inhibit the instability .

  13. 主要研究成果有:用卫星高度计首次观测到全球海洋Rossby波的传播特征;

    The main research achievements are as follows : The propagation features of Rossby waves in the global oceans was first observed using satellite altimeter ;

  14. 基于FLUENT的海洋内孤立波数值水槽模拟

    Numerical Wave Tank Simulation of Oceanic Internal Solitary Waves Based on FLUENT

  15. 应用海洋内孤立波2层流体模型的SAR遥感反演技术,对南海北部内孤立波SAR遥感反演进行了初步研究。

    A preliminary study of SAR remote sensing inversion of internal solitary waves in the north of the South China Sea was made by using the two-layer fluid model of oceanic internal solitary waves .

  16. 此时南、北赤道流均较弱。事件后期,海洋赤道Kelvin波扰动不明显,但南赤道流较强,且范围向北伸展。

    In the later event , oceanic equatorial Kelvin waves disappeared , but the South Equatorial Current was strong and extended north ward .

  17. 海洋内孤立波是一种特殊的内波,它能够在海洋中长距离传播而保持波形基本不变。

    Internal solitary waves are ubiquitous features in world oceans .

  18. Kelvin波和Rossby波是经常出现于海洋中的边界波;

    Kelvin wave and Rossby wave are the boundary waves that appear frequently in the ocean .

  19. 海洋地震勘探直达波综合效应分析

    The Synthetic Analysis of the Direct Arrival in Marine Seismic Survey

  20. 分层海洋的内孤立波

    The internal solitary waves in the stratified ocean

  21. 在海洋水域,界面波对大尺度变化流的作用是一种典型的分层流动现象。

    The interfacial waves on large-scale currents in the ocean is typical of stratified flow .

  22. 在OHMSETT,所有的原油都从一个浮桥渗入池中。工作人员可以测试不同的撇油器,不同的分散剂,甚至燃烧等,所有的一切都在模拟海洋环境,甚至海洋波型的安全密闭的环境下进行。

    At OHMSETT , all different types of oil are sprayed into the tank from a moving bridge . Workers can test skimmers , various dispersants , even burning , all in a safe , enclosed environment that simulates the ocean 's salinity and even its wave patterns .

  23. 本文针对由水层及弹性基底组成的简化海洋模型,解出弹性波入射时的海洋波场,然后导出海底多分量的接收特性。

    I deduce incident elastic wave field based on a simplified marine model which is composed of water layer and elastic basement , then give the receiving characteristics of occean bottom multicomponents .

  24. 引入Stokes有限振幅水波的多色波作用机制,采用二层层化海洋模型,分析了层化海洋中非线性波对结构的散射作用问题。

    By using the theories on Stokes multicolored water waves and taking two layer ocean as a basic model of stratified ocean , the paper analyzes the problems related to the effects of nonlinear water wave on offshore structures .

  25. 在深海中,海洋结构物将面临更加复杂恶劣的海洋环境,海洋内孤立波便是其中之一。

    In the deep sea , the marine structures will suffer more complex and harsher environments . Ocean internal solitary wave id one of these environments .

  26. 海啸波长比海洋的最大深度还要大,轨道运动在海底附近也没受多大阻滞,不管海洋深度如何,波都可以传播过去。

    Tsunami wavelength than the maximum depth of the ocean even greater orbital motion near the seabed are not subject to much block , regardless of the depth of oceans , waves can be spread over the past .