
  • 网络Hailun station
  1. 并以海伦站土壤温度和水分的观测数据为对照,进行了实际的模拟运算。

    The simulation was done and compared with actual values .

  2. 海伦在火车站拾到一个手提包,里面装有很多钱。

    Helen found a handbag with a lot of money in it at the railway station .

  3. 以中国科学院海伦农业生态实验站的长期定位试验为研究平台,研究了不同农艺措施对土壤微生物和酶的影响。

    On the basis of a tillage field trial at Hailun Agro-ecosystem Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences . Study of different agronomic measures on soil microbial and enzyme effects .