
hǎi shànɡ zhàn zhēnɡ
  • Naval Warfare;maritime war
  1. 自其诞生以来,便在海上战争中起着举足轻重的作用。

    It holds the balance in the sea battles since its naissance .

  2. 1914年,第一次海上战争在第一次世界大战期间爆发。

    In1914 , the First Battle of the Marne began during World War One .

  3. 海难事故、海上战争和地震海啸时,将出现大量的人员淹溺。

    Seawater drowning is very common in disaster , war , or tsunami caused by earthquake at sea .

  4. 现代海上战争是高科技条件下的信息战,无论是海上航行、武器发射,还是指挥自动化,都必须要有海洋战场环境地理信息作保障。

    Modern marine battle is the high-tech information battle , whether navigation , weapon projection or command automatization , marine battlefield environment geographic information must be needed .

  5. 利用数字地球技术打赢未来海上数字化战争

    Using Digital Earth Technology to Win the Future Digital Sea War

  6. 我目睹陆地上的、海上的战争;

    I have seen war on land and sea .

  7. 如何提高高技术海上局部战争财力保障水平

    How to enhance financial support capability under hi-tech limited war at sea conditions

  8. 现代高技术海上局部战争的电磁环境极其恶劣,海上编队通信网络系统受到空前威胁。

    The electromagnetic circumstances of local war on the sea under modern high-tech conditions are extremely complex , and the communication network system of naval fleet is being seriously threatened .

  9. 而且一些和平时期的通信,会为破解工作提供一点微薄的线索。然后,海上的战争蔓延到了陆地上,德国攻击挪威,打翻了英国的算盘。

    And a few days of sparse peacetime traffic would provide a slender basis upon which to mount an attack . Then the sea war spread to the land , with the German attack on Norway forestalling British designs .

  10. 在分析了数字地球的基本概念和有关建立数字地球的关键技术基础上,就我国海军如何利用这一新技术打赢未来海上数字化战争进行了基础性的探讨和研究。

    On base of analyzing the conception of digital earth and the key technology to build digital earth , this paper made a series of basic discussion and research on how did our navy use this new technology to win the future digital sea war .

  11. 根据海上局部战争伤病员救治需要及我海军卫生船舶现状,强调选派的海上医疗队人员必须具有较好的政治、军事、心理、专业素质和能吃苦耐劳的精神。

    In accordance with the need for medical treatment of wounded on sea in local war and current situation of navy health ships , staff of medical team on sea should have high political , military , mental and professional quality and spirit of hardship and hard work .

  12. 到岸价格加战争险费海上货物运输战争险

    Cost insurance freight and war risk Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks

  13. 海上货物运输战争险

    Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks forwarder 's certificate of transport

  14. 淹溺是海上作业、战争时第二位的死亡原因。

    Drowning is the second lethal factor on the sea at peace and war .

  15. 拓展训练(Outward-bound)起源于二战期间的海上生存训练,战争结束后,拓展训练的独特创意和训练方式被保留下来。

    " Outward-bound " originated in the sea survival training during World War ⅱ . After the war , the unique creativity and training methods of the outward-bound was retained .

  16. 国际海事卫星备用遇险报警系统海上风险和船舶战争险

    INMARSAT back-up distress alerting network marine and war risks

  17. 我说在地上,海上,天上发动战争。

    I say it is to wage war by land , sea and air .

  18. 船在暴风雨中互相碰撞。海上风险和船舶战争险

    The boats were buffeted against one another during the storm . marine and war risks

  19. 海上风险和船舶战争险

    Marine and war risks

  20. 所以海上武装冲突法既包括适用于海上战争的传统战争法内容,也包括适用于海上战争之外海上武装冲突的条约、惯例等。

    So , the armed conflict law on the sea contains the content of traditional law of war to which should be applied war on the sea , and the treaty and international convention to which should be applied armed conflict on the sea except the war on the sea .